Wallaroo Features Tutorials

Tutorials on Wallaroo features.

The following tutorials are created to highlight specific features in Wallaroo.

Hot Swap Models Tutorial

How to swap models in a pipeline step while the pipeline is deployed.

Inference URL Tutorials

How to use the Wallaroo SDK and the Wallaroo MLOps API to perform inferences.

Large Language Model with GPU Pipeline Deployment in Wallaroo Demonstration

A demonstration on allocating GPU resources from a cluster for use by a large language model (LLM).

Onnx Deployment with Multi Input-Output Tutorial

How to deploy an ONNX model with multiple inputs and outputs in Wallaroo.

Wallaroo Assays Model Insights Tutorial

How to use Wallaroo Assays to monitor the environment and know when to retrain the model based on changes to data.

Computer Vision Pipeline Logs MLOps API Tutorial

How to retrieve computer vision oriented pipeline logs through the Wallaroo MLOps API.

Pipeline Logs MLOps API Tutorial

How to retrieve pipeline logs through the Wallaroo MLOps API.

Pipeline Logs Tutorial

How to retrieve pipeline logs as DataFrame, Apache Arrow tables, and saved to files.

Statsmodel Forecast with Wallaroo Features

A life cycle with a Statsmodel forecast model from model creation to automation.

Tags Tutorial

How to use create and manage Tags for Wallaroo models and pipelines.