Pipeline Admin

How to manage pipelines in Wallaroo

Table of Contents

Wallaroo Enterprise Pipeline Management

Organizations can manage pipelines through the Wallaroo Dashboard via the Platform Admin Dashboard. This dashboard is the default login for users assigned the type admin.

How to Access the Platform Admin Dashboard

To access the Platform Admin Dashboard:

  1. Login to the Wallaroo Dashboard as a user of type admin.

If a user is not assigned the admin type, the option Platform Admin Dashboard is not available. If they attempt to reference the Platform Admin Dashboard without being of type admin, the following error message is displayed:

Users can return to the Platform Admin Dashboard to manage their workspace via the following process:

  1. From the Platform Admin Dashboard: From the upper right corner, select the Wallaroo icon drop down, and select Platform Admin Dashboard.

Platform Admin Dashboard List View

The Platform Admin Dashboard displays the following.

  • View Selector (A): Select which Wallaroo element to manage:

    • Users
    • Pipelines
    • Models
    • Workloads
  • For Pipelines, the default view is pipelines sorted by pipeline name in alphabetical order, defaulting to 25 pipelines displayed per page.

  • Search (B): Search by:

    • Pipeline name
    • Workspace name
    • Workspace owner name and email
    • Pipeline creator email
  • Filter (C): Filter pipelines by:

    • Status: Either All Statuses, Active, or Inactive.
    • Workspace: Select one or more workspaces.
  • A list of pipelines with the following fields. Fields marked as Sortable can be sorted. Selecting any pipeline row outside of the Actions column displays the Pipeline Details page for the specific pipeline.

    • Name (D) (Sortable): The pipeline name.
    • Workspace (E) (Sortable): The workspace the pipeline is associated with, and the email address of the workspace owner.
    • Created (F) (Sortable): The date and time the pipeline was created.
    • Last Updated (G) (Sortable): The date and time the pipeline was last updated.
    • Last Deployed (H)(Sortable): The date and time the pipeline was deployed.
    • Steps (I) (Sortable): The number of pipeline steps, and the models used in those steps. For more details, see Model Deploy.
    • Status (J): The status of the pipeline. Options are either:
      • Active: The pipeline is deployed and ready for inference requests.
      • Inactive: The pipeline is not deployed.
    • Actions (K): A list of available quick actions. The following actions are available:
      •  Deploy or  Undeploy a pipeline.
      • Manage pipeline versions.
      • Delete a pipeline.
  • Results/Page (L): The number of total pipelines displayed out of the total number of pipelines.

  • Number of Pipelines Per Page (M): The number of pipelines to display per page (Default: 25).


The following actions are available.

View Pipeline Details

Selecting a pipeline row (except for the Actions column) displays the Pipeline Details page for the specific pipeline.

Deploy and Undeploy Pipelines

 Deploy or  Undeploy a pipeline with the most recently used pipeline deployment configuration. For more details, see Model Deploy.

Manage Pipeline Versions

Selecting the Manage Pipeline Versions Icon displays a list of pipeline versions for the specified pipeline.

One or more pipeline versions can be selected and deleted with the Delete Selected button with the following caveats:

  • Deployed pipeline versions cannot be deleted. These are shown as greyed out with their selection checkbox disabled until the specific pipeline version is undeployed.
  • Once a pipeline version is deleted, it is no longer retrievable.
  • Models applied as pipeline steps are not deleted from the workspace the model is assigned to. For details on deleting ML model storage, see Model Admin Management.

Delete a Pipeline

Selecting the Delete a pipeline icon displays the Delete Pipeline module.

Selecting Delete button will delete all pipeline versions for the selected pipeline with the following caveats:

  • Any deployed versions of the pipeline disables the delete icon and procedure. All pipeline versions of the pipeline must be undeployed before the pipeline is deleted.
  • Once a pipeline and its versions are deleted, it is no longer retrievable.
  • Models applied as pipeline steps are not deleted from the workspace the model is assigned to. For details on deleting ML model storage, see Model Admin Management.