Manage Log and Event Storage Capacity

How to manage Log and Event storage in Wallaroo

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Targeted Role
Dev Ops

Log and event storage is managed via the Plateau service included with a Wallaroo installation. The amount of disk space used is adjustable; for performance reasons, Wallaroo deployments have 100Gi storage allocated by default.

The following details how to use Wallaroo provided tools to adjust the plateau storage capacity.

Increase Plateau Storage for Kots

For installation of Wallaroo via kots:

  1. Access the Kots Administrative Dashboard with the kubectl kots command, replacing $NAMESPACE with the Kubernetes namespace used to install Wallaroo:

    kubectl kots admin-console --namespace wallaroo
  2. A URL will be provided to access the dashboard in a browser. By default, this is http://localhost:8800.

  3. Select Config, then the field Plateau Inference Logging Service->Plateau disk space in units which must include Gi suffix.

  4. Update the storage capacity in terms of Gi. By default, this is 100Gi.

  5. Once updated, scroll to the bottom and select Save config, then deploy the new configuration.

Increase Plateau Storage for Helm

To increase the model storage size for helm based installations of Wallaroo:

  1. Edit your local values.yaml with the following fragment, changing the diskSize to match the desired storage capacity. For example:

      diskSize: 200Gi
  2. Apply the update with helm upgrade. For example, to upgrade the registration wallaroo from the EE channel the command would be:

    helm upgrade wallaroo oci:// --version 2024.4.0-5924 --values local-values.yaml --timeout 10m