Wallaroo Enterprise Comprehensive Install Guide: Single Node Linux

How to set up Wallaroo Enterprise on Single Node Linux

Table of Contents

Single Node Linux

Organizations can run Wallaroo within a single node Linux environment. This applies to:

  • Virtual machines in cloud environments.
  • On premise bare metal installations.

The following guide is based on installing Wallaroo Enterprise on Linux distribution Ubuntu 22.04. Before starting, verify the prerequisites are met for the target system.

For other environments and configurations, consult your Wallaroo support representative.


Before starting the embedded Linux installation in either a cloud hosted virtual machine or on premise installation, the following conditions must be met:

  • A Wallaroo Enterprise license file. For more information, you can request a demonstration.
  • System requirements:
    • Hardware: x64 architecture with a minimum of 32 CPU cores and 64 GB RAM.
    • GPU Support: NVIDIA CUDA 12 for cloud and on-premise installations. See GPU Support for installation procedures.
    • Storage: 650 GB allocated for the root partition, plus 50 GB allocated per node and another 50 GB for the JupyterHub service. Enterprise users who deploy additional pipelines will require an additional 50 GB of storage per lab node deployed.
    • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04. The cloud based installations scripts specify a VM image that complies with this requirement.
      • Ensure memory swapping is disabled by removing it from /etc/fstab if needed.
  • Internet access for the VM or on-premise device Wallaroo is installed on.
  • DNS services for integrating your Wallaroo Enterprise instance. See the DNS Integration Guide for the instructions on configuring Wallaroo Enterprise with your DNS services.

Network Configurations

Wallaroo installations provide the following methods for connecting to the Wallaroo services:

  • When Ingress Mode for Wallaroo interactive services are set to None, the user will have to use port forwarding services to access the Wallaroo instance.
  • When Ingress Mode for Wallaroo interactive services are set to Internal or External, the IP address is set via NodePort, and requires the following ports be open to access from remote locations:
    • 22: Used for ssh connections. Typically open by default; see cloud provider documentations for additional details.
    • 443: Access to the Wallaroo Dashboard and API services.
    • 8081: Optional, used for Edge Observability
    • 30000: Used to access the Wallaroo administration console and make configuration changes as well as carry out upgrades

For more details, see the Model Endpoints Guide.

Environment Setup

The following provide templates and scripts for setting up an environment that meets the requirements above.

Cloud Hosted Install

The following template scripts are provided as examples on how to create single node virtual machines that meet the requirements listed above in AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure environments, and open the required network ports.

AWS VM Template Script

The following is required to execute the AWS VM template script.

Note that the install instructions include details on how to open the required ports to the VM once created:

# Open ports 22, 443, 30000
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name $NAME --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr $MY_IP --no-cli-pager
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name $NAME --protocol tcp --port 443 --cidr $MY_IP --no-cli-pager
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name $NAME --protocol tcp --port 30000 --cidr $MY_IP --no-cli-pager
# optional:  For Edge Observability
#aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name $NAME --protocol tcp --port 8081 --cidr $MY_IP --no-cli-pager

Download template script here: aws-single-node-vm.bash

# Variables

# The name of the virtual machine
NAME=wallaroo-vm                     # eg bob-demo-vm

# The image used : ubuntu/images/2024.4/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-20230208

# Instance type meeting the Wallaroo requirements.
INSTANCE_TYPE=c6i.8xlarge # CPU only
#INSTANCE_TYPE=g4dn.4xlarge # T4 GPU
#INSTANCE_TYPE=g5.4xlarge # A10 GPU

# key name - generate keys using Amazon EC2 Key Pairs
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-key-pairs.html
# Wallaroo people: https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#KeyPairs:v=3 - 

# We will whitelist the source IP for maximum security -- just use if you don't care.
MY_IP=$(curl -s https://checkip.amazonaws.com)/32

# Create security group in the Default VPC
aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name $NAME --description "$USER demo" --no-cli-pager

# Open port 22 and 443
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name $NAME --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr $MY_IP --no-cli-pager
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name $NAME --protocol tcp --port 443 --cidr $MY_IP --no-cli-pager

# Launch instance with a 650 GB Boot device.
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $IMAGE_ID --count 1 --instance-type $INSTANCE_TYPE \
    --no-cli-pager \
    --key-name $MYKEY \
    --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sda1","Ebs":{"VolumeSize":650,"VolumeType":"gp2"}}]'  \
    --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=$NAME}]" \
    --security-groups $NAME

Azure VM Template Script

The following is required to execute the Azure template script.

Note that the install instructions include details on how to open the required ports to the VM once created:

# SSH port is open by default. This adds an application port.
az vm open-port --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME --port 443
az vm open-port --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME --port 30000
# optional - for Edge observability
# az vm open-port --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME --port 8081

Download template script here: azure-single-node-vm.bash


# Variables list.  Update as per your organization's settings
NAME=$USER-demo-vm                          # eg bob-demo-vm

# Pick a location
az account list-locations  -o table |egrep 'US|----|Name'

# Create resource group
az group create -l $LOCATION --name $USER-demo-$(date +%y%m%d)

# Create VM. This will create ~/.ssh/id_rsa and id_rsa.pub - store these for later use.
az vm create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME --image $IMAGE  --generate-ssh-keys \
   --size Standard_D32s_v4 --os-disk-size-gb 500 --public-ip-sku Standard

# Sample output
# {
#   "location": "eastus",
#   "privateIpAddress": "",
#   "publicIpAddress": "",    <-- Write this down as MYPUBIP
#   "resourceGroup": "mnp-demo-230213",
#   ...
# }

# SSH port is open by default. This adds an application port.
az vm open-port --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME --port 443

# SSH to the VM - assumes that ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub from above are availble.
# ssh $MYPUBIP

# Use this Stop the VM ("deallocate" frees resources and billing; "stop" does not)
# az vm deallocate --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME

# Restart the VM
# az vm start --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --name $NAME

GCP VM Template Script

The following is required to execute the GCP template script.

Note that ports 443 and 22 are open by default when the VM is created.

Download template script here: gcp-single-node-vm.bash

# Settings
NAME=YOUR VM NAME HERE            # For example: jcw-demo-vm
ZONE=YOUR ZONE HERE               # For a complete list, use `gcloud compute zones list | egrep ^us-`
PROJECT=YOUR PROJECT ID HERE      # Insert the GCP Project ID here. This is the one for Wallaroo.
NETWORK=default                   # default network is the default, substitute as needed
RULE_NAME=Wallaroo-admin-console  #port rule name for port 30000

# Create VM

# Open port 30000. Port 22 and 443 open by default
gcloud compute firewall-rules create $RULE_NAME \
--action=ALLOW \
--direction=INGRESS \
--network=$NETWORK \
--priority=1000 \              #this can be modified to any priority as needed
--rules=tcp:30000 \
--source-ranges=      #This allows access from any IP and can be limited as well

gcloud compute instances create $NAME \
--project=$PROJECT \
--zone=$ZONE \
--machine-type=e2-standard-32 \ # for GPU machines, ensure at least 16 CPUs
--network-interface=network-tier=STANDARD,subnet=default \
--maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \
--provisioning-model=STANDARD \
--no-service-account \
--no-scopes \
--tags=https-server \
--create-disk=boot=yes,image=${IMAGE},size=500,type=pd-standard \
--no-shielded-secure-boot \
--no-shielded-vtpm \
--no-shielded-integrity-monitoring \

# Get the external IP address
gcloud compute instances describe $NAME --zone $ZONE --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)'

On Premise Install

Wallaroo Single Node Linux installation works with on premise installations. The procedure for setting up an on premise environment for Wallaroo differs, but are supported by any of the following.

  • Bare metal installation: Any X86 device that meets the listed hardware, operating system, and network requirements above.
  • Virtual Machines: Organizations that prefer hosted virtual environments can install Wallaroo in that environment provided is meets the requirements listed above. THis includes but is not limited to the following virtual machine environments:

Consult the setup procedures for the bare metal or virtual machine used to install Ubuntu 22.04 and proceed with the installation instructions below. For additional assistance, consult your Wallaroo support representative.

Connection Options

Once the VM is ready, commands are issued by opening an SSH connection and using the terminal commands. The following demonstrates how to SSH into various cloud based hosted VM services.

For on premise installations, verify that SSH services are enabled and the user installing Wallaroo has sudo administrative access. For more details on enabling SSH Server on Ubuntu, see Ubuntu Server documentation OpenSSH server.

To SSH into an AWS VM on a public domain name, you’ll need:

ssh -i /path/key-pair-name.pem ssh ubuntu@$HOSTNAME

For more details, see Connect to your Linux instance from Linux or macOS using SSH

To SSH into an Azure VM on a public domain name, you’ll need:

At this point, if the SSH keys are stored as ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, the SSH connection is made with the following:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $MYPUBIP

For more details, see Connect to a Linux VM

In a GCP instance, gcloud is used to SSH connect to the VM with the following command, replacing the following:

  • $PROJECT with the Google Cloud Platform project.
  • $NAME with the name of the GCP instance.
  • $ZONE with the zone it was installed into.
gcloud compute ssh --project=$PROJECT --zone $ZONE $NAME 

Install Wallaroo

Single node Linux installations of Wallaroo used embedded Linux installations. The following process details the following process:

  • Install Embedded Wallaroo
  • Configure Wallaroo

Install Embedded Wallaroo

To install Wallaroo in the prepared Linux environment, follow these steps. This requires the following:

  • Admin access through the sudo command.
  • The Wallaroo license file provided by your Wallaroo support representative.
  • The Wallaroo download and authentication link provided by your Wallaroo support representative.
  1. Verify that the Ubuntu distribution is up to date, and reboot if necessary after updating.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  2. Download the Embedded Wallaroo gzipped tarball file wallaroo-2024-4.tgz through the Replicated link via curl. This command is provided by your Wallaroo representative and follows this format:

    curl -f "https://replicated.app/embedded/wallaroo/2024-4" \
     -H "Authorization: {YOUR AUTHORIZATION CODE HERE}" \
     -o wallaroo-2024-4.tgz
  3. When the download process is complete, unpack the file wallaroo-2024-4.tgz:

    tar -xvzf wallaroo-2024-4.tgz
  4. Install Wallaroo with the following command.

    sudo ./wallaroo install --license license.yaml
    1. When prompted, set the Kots Administrative Dashboard password.
    2. When completed, the Kots Administrative Dashboard is available through the provided URL on port 30000.

The following is an example of this process:

sudo ./wallaroo install --license license.yaml
? Set the Admin Console password (minimum 6 characters): ********
? Confirm the Admin Console password: ********
✔  Host files materialized!
✔  Host preflights succeeded!
✔  Node installation finished!
✔  Storage is ready!
✔  Embedded Cluster Operator is ready!
✔  Admin Console is ready!
✔  Additional components are ready!
Visit the Admin Console to configure and install wallaroo: http://{YOUR IP ADDRESS}:30000

With the installation complete, the next step is to configure the new Wallaroo installation.

Configure Wallaroo

  1. Launch a browser and enter the URL provided in the Install Embedded Wallaroo process. For example: http://{YOUR IP ADDRESS}:30000.

  2. The first time Wallaroo is installed, an initial Welcome message is displayed. Select Next.

    Embedded Linux Welcome Screen
  3. The Secure the Admin Console screen will provide a short preview of the upcoming steps. Select Continue.

    Secure Console Screen
  4. The first time Wallaroo is installed, browsers attempting to access the Kots Administrative Dashboard may show a security warning because there are no security certificates installed. Depending on the browser, override and continue. For example, with Google Chrome select Advanced then continue to the web site.

    Browser certificate warning
  5. At this point, the Kots Administrative Dashboard can either generate a self-signed certificate (Default), or accept one generated by the organization. Select the relevant options and select Continue.

    Browser certificate warning
  6. Enter the Kots Administrative Console address into a browser set in the Install Embedded Wallaroo process. Enter it and select Log in.

    Kots Administrative Console Initial Login
  7. Configure the cluster provides instructions on how to add additional nodes to the cluster. Select Continue when ready.

    Add nodes to cluster
  8. The Configure Wallaroo page will be displayed which allows you to customize your Wallaroo environment. The following are the minimum required settings.

    1. Networking Configuration:

      1. Ingress Mode for Wallaroo Endpoints: Must be Embedded.
      Add nodes to cluster
    2. DNS Settings

      1. Wallaroo domain name (Required): The domain for the Wallaroo instance.
    3. TLS Certificates

      Add nodes to cluster
      1. Use custom TLS Certs: Checked
      2. TLS Certificate: Enter your TLS Certificate (.crt file).
      3. TLS Private Key: Enter your TLS private key (.key file).
  9. Check for any additional settings in the sections below.

  10. Once complete, scroll to the bottom of the Config page and select Deploy.

  11. At this point, continue to Required Installation Configurations for the required configuration settings.

Edge Deployment Configuration

The following optional configurations to enable OCI Registry integration with Wallaroo for deploying models in edge and multi-cloud environments through Wallaroo. For more details, see Inference Anywhere.

To set the Edge Registry Settings through the Kots Administrative Dashboard:

  1. Scroll to Edge Deployment.

  2. Enable Provide OCI registry credentials for pipelines.

  3. Enter the following:

    Edge deployment registry service details

    1. Registry URL: The address of the registry service. For example: us-west1-docker.pkg.dev.
    2. email: The email address of the user account used to authenticate to the service.
    3. username: The account used to authenticate to the registry service.
    4. password: The password or token used to authenticate to the registry service.
    5. To enable edge observability, enable Enable pipelines deployed on the edge to send data back to the OpsCenter.
  4. Save the updated configuration, then deploy it. Once complete, the edge registry settings will be available.

Set Assay Version

To enable Wallaroo assays via kots:

  1. From the Config page, scroll to Config -> Observability -> Enable Assays.

  2. Select from one of the following options:

    1. Disable: Disable assays.
    2. v1: Enable Wallaroo Assays V1.
    3. v2: Enable Wallaroo Assays V2 (Default).
  3. Complete the deployment as needed.

Enable ML Workload Orchestrations

To enable ML Workload Orchestrations, use the following steps.

  1. Scroll to Pipeline Orchestration.
  2. Enable Enable Pipeline Orchestration service.

Required Installation Configurations

Once installed, the following actions are required settings are required to complete the setup process process.

DNS Services Integration

DNS services integration is required for Wallaroo Enterprise to provide access to the various supporting services that are part of the Wallaroo instance. These include:

  • Simplified user authentication and management.
  • Centralized services for accessing the Wallaroo Dashboard, Wallaroo SDK and Authentication.
  • Collaboration features allowing teams to work together.
  • Managed security, auditing and traceability.

The following guide is for standard DNS services.

Once integrated, users can access the following services directly from a URL starting with the Wallaroo Domain - this is the domain name the DNS enetry is set to. For example, if the Wallaroo Domain is wallaroo.example.com, then the Wallaroo Ops instance is accessed from https://wallaroo.example.com/{service}.

Note that even when accessing specific Wallaroo services directly that the user must authenticate through Wallaroo or another authorized authentication service.

Wallaroo Dashboardwallaroo domainProvides access to a user interface for updating workspaces, pipelines, and models. Also provides access to the integrated JupyterHub service.
APIv1/apiProvides access to the Wallaroo API. For example, wallaroo.example.com/v1/api.
AuthenticationauthAccess to authentication management including SSO configurations. For example: wallaroo.example.com/auth. For details on user management, see Wallaroo User Management. For details on user management services, see Wallaroo Authentication Configuration Guides.
Edge ObservabilityedgeOptional service for edge and multicloud deployments to report inference results back to the Wallaroo Ops instance. For example: wallaroo.example.com/edge.

DNS Prerequisites

DNS Entries

Create DNS the following entries based on the list above for the Wallaroo instance’s IP address. Select the cloud environment used for DNS services. Note that DNS services are not tied to the specific cloud platform; check with your organizations setup requirements before proceeding.

  • Wallaroo Domain:
    • A record, NS (Name Server) record, SOA (Start Of Authority) record. For example: wallaroo.example.com.

Setup Users

User management is managed through the Wallaroo Dashboard, via the Platform Admin Dashboard page. See the Wallaroo User Management for full guides on setting up users, identity providers, and other user configuration options.

The following is an abbreviated guide on setting up new Wallaroo users.

The process includes the following steps:

Obtain the User Admin Credentials

Obtaining the admin User Credentials

The standard Wallaroo installation creates the user admin by default and assigns them a randomly generated password. The admin user credentials are obtained through the following process:

To retrieve the admin user’s password:

  1. From SSH session with the VM, enter the following command to access the Wallaroo shell.

    sudo ./wallaroo shell
  2. Retrieve the Admin Password with the following:

    kubectl -n kotsadm \
    get secret keycloak-admin-secret \
    -o go-template='{{.data.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64decode }}'

Create a New User with the Admin Role

Creating users is managed through the Platform Admin Dashboard. The following steps are used to create an initial user with the role admin.

  1. Access the Wallaroo Dashboard through the DNS name set up in the DNS Services Integration step. For example, if the DNS name of the Wallaroo Ops center is wallaroo.example.com, the Wallaroo Dashboard is available at https://wallaroo.example.com.
  2. Login with the username admin and the password retrieved in Obtaining the admin User Credentials.
  3. Select Create Users and enter the following:
    1. User Email: The email address for the user. This must be in the valid email address format.
    2. Assign Type: Select Admin.
    3. Password: Enter the user’s password. This user password be sent to the new user.
    4. Temporary or Permanent:
      1. Temporary: The user will be forced to change their login password upon their next login (Recommended).
      2. Permanent: The user will keep their password.
  4. Create any additional users as needed. When finished, select the Wallaroo icon drop down and select Logout.

At this point, users can log in to Wallaroo Dashboard with their provided identities. For guides on setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) and other features, see Wallaroo User Management for full guides on setting up users, identity providers, and other user configuration options.

Optional Installation Configurations

The following installation configurations are only required depending on specific hardware and software configurations.

  • GPU Support: Installations of with Nvidia gpus with Cuda 12 support will require installing the necessary drivers and other Kubernetes configurations.
  • Add Custom GPU Label: Installations with GPUs require a GPU label for model deployment via the Wallaroo SDK and API which can use an existing label or a custom label.

GPU Support

For cloud or on-premise systems leveraging NVIDIA CUDA 12 gpus, the following steps must be followed.

  1. SSH into the VM or on-premise installation with an account with sudo Administrative access.

  2. Install the Nvidia drivers as per the instructions from Installing the drivers on servers and/or for computing purposes for Cuda as follows.

    sudo ubuntu-drivers --gpgpu install
  3. Install helm via the following command:

    curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3 && chmod 700 get_helm.sh && ./get_helm.sh
  4. Enter the Wallaroo Shell:

    sudo ./wallaroo shell
  5. Create the namespace gpu-operator:

    kubectl create ns gpu-operator
  6. Add the label pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged to the new namespace:

    kubectl label --overwrite ns gpu-operator pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged
  7. Add Nvidia support via helm:

    helm repo add nvidia https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/nvidia && helm repo update
  8. Add the necessary toolkit settings to enable Nvidia support:

    helm install --wait --generate-name -n gpu-operator --create-namespace nvidia/gpu-operator --set driver.enabled=false --set operator.defaultRuntime=containerd --set toolkit.env[0].name=CONTAINERD_CONFIG --set toolkit.env[0].value=/etc/k0s/containerd.d/nvidia.toml --set toolkit.env[1].name=CONTAINERD_SOCKET --set toolkit.env[1].value=/run/k0s/containerd.sock --set toolkit.env[2].name=CONTAINERD_RUNTIME_CLASS --set toolkit.env[2].value=nvidia

Add Custom GPU Label

For systems with one or more GPUs, a Kubernetes label is required. The following labels are provided by default for cloud based installations:

  • AWS: kubernetes.io/hostname=ip-{EC2 Internal IP Address}.ec2.internal. For example, if the internal IP address is, then the Kubernetes label is kubernetes.io/hostname=ip-172-31-70-77.ec2.internal.
  • Azure: kubernetes.io/hostname={HOSTNAME}. For example, if the hostname is wallaroo-linux, then the label is kubernetes.io/hostname=wallaroo-linux.
  • GCP: kubernetes.io/hostname={HOSTNAME}. For example, if the hostname is wallaroo-linux, then the label is kubernetes.io/hostname=wallaroo-linux.

For details on model deployment with GPUs, see Deployment Configuration GPU Support.

To add a custom label to the installation:

  1. SSH into the Linux installation as the same user that performed the installation.

  2. Access the Wallaroo Shell by executing the following command in same directory where the Wallaroo installation script was downloaded in the step Install Embedded Wallaroo.

    sudo ./wallaroo shell
  3. Get the current nodes and labels via the following command. Note the name of the single node - typically this is the same as the VM host name.

    kubectl get nodes --show-labels

    This returns an output like the following:

    NAME                          STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION       LABELS
    wallaroo-linux-install   Ready    control-plane   6d23h   v1.30.5+k0s   beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,kots.io/embedded-cluster-role-0=controller,kots.io/embedded-cluster-role=total-1,kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,kubernetes.io/hostname=wallaroo-linux-install,kubernetes.io/os=linux,node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane=true,node.k0sproject.io/role=control-plane
  4. Add a label to the single nodes via the kubectl label nodes command in the following format, replacing the following:

    • $NODENAME: The name of the node. Typically this is the same as the VM’s host name.
    • $LABEL: The label name.
    • $VALUE: The label value.
    kubectl label nodes $NODENAME $LABEL=$VALUE

    For example, for the following values, the command is:

    • $NODENAME: wallaroo-linux-install
    • $LABEL: wallaroo.ai/accelerator
    • $VALUE: gpu
    label nodes wallaroo-linux-install wallaroo.ai/accelerator=gpu

Note that the deployment configuration label used by the Wallaroo SDK follows the Kubernetes Labels and Selectors format of label:value. For example, a typical deployment configuration for the above label would be:

import wallaroo

# create the deployment configuration with 4 cpus, 3 Gi RAM, and 1 GPU with the deployment label

For more details on model deployment configurations, see Deployment Configuration with the Wallaroo SDK.

Next Steps

Ready for more? Time to deploy models and start inferencing.

For access to these sample models and a demonstration on using LLMs with Wallaroo:


The Installer Is Unable to Autodetect the IP Address

If the IP address is not auto-detected by the installation script, use the hostname command as below to discover the true internal IP address and use that to choose which interface to select.

hostname -i

Then use the installation script:

curl -s https://kurl.sh/wallaroo-2024-4 | sudo bash
⚙  Running install with the argument(s):

The installer was unable to automatically detect the private IP address of this machine.
Please choose one of the following network interfaces:
[0] ens4
[1] vxlan.calico
Enter desired number (0-1): 0
The installer will use network interface 'ens4' (with IP address '').

dpkg error: dpkg frontend lock was locked by another process

If the error dpkg: error: dpkg frontend lock was locked by another process appears after starting or restarting itself, the Linux installation updating itself after boot. In this scenario, apt or dpkg conflict with Kurl.

If these scenarios appears, verify with a ps command as below. If you see apt updating, wait until it’s finished and then try running Kurl again.

dpkg: error: dpkg frontend lock was locked by another process with pid 41232
Note: removing the lock file is always wrong, and can end up damaging the
locked area and the entire system. See <https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/FAQ>.
An error occurred on line 2866

Test with the ps command:

ps auwx|grep apt

As seen below, apt is running. Wait until finished.

root       41163  0.0  0.0   2892  1536 ?        Ss   20:27   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily install
root       41173  0.0  0.0   2892  1536 ?        S    20:27   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily lock_is_held install
root       43801 92.0  0.1 174852 159604 ?       SN   20:28   0:00 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable
mnp        43826  0.0  0.0   7008  2048 pts/1    S+   20:28   0:00 grep --color=auto apt