Wallaroo ML Workload Orchestration Requirements

Requirements for uploading a Wallaroo ML Workload Orchestration

Orchestration Requirements

Orchestrations are uploaded to the Wallaroo instance as a ZIP file with the following requirements:

User Code(Required) Python script as .py filesIf main.py exists, then that will be used as the task entrypoint. Otherwise, the first main.py found in any subdirectory will be used as the entrypoint. If no main.py is found, the orchestration will not be accepted.
Python Library Requirements(Optional) requirements.txt file in the requirements file format.A standard Python requirements.txt for any dependencies to be provided in the task environment. The Wallaroo SDK will already be present and should not be included in the requirements.txt. Multiple requirements.txt files are not allowed.
Other artifacts Other artifacts such as files, data, or code to support the orchestration.

Zip Instructions

In a terminal with the zip command, assemble artifacts as above and then create the archive. The zip command is included by default with the Wallaroo JupyterHub service.

zip commands take the following format, with {zipfilename}.zip as the zip file to save the artifacts to, and each file thereafter as the files to add to the archive.

zip {zipfilename}.zip file1, file2, file3....

For example, the following command will add the files main.py and requirements.txt into the file hello.zip.

$ zip hello.zip main.py requirements.txt 
  adding: main.py (deflated 47%)
  adding: requirements.txt (deflated 52%)

Example requirements.txt file


Orchestration Recommendations

The following recommendations will make using Wallaroo orchestrations.

  • The version of Python used should match the same version as in the Wallaroo JupyterHub service.
  • The same version of the Wallaroo SDK should match the server. For a 2023.2.1 Wallaroo instance, use the Wallaroo SDK version 2023.2.1.
  • Specify the version of pip dependencies.
  • The wallaroo.Client constructor auth_type argument is ignored. Using wallaroo.Client() is sufficient.
  • The following methods will assist with orchestrations:
    • wallaroo.in_task() : Returns True if the code is running within an orchestration task.
    • wallaroo.task_args(): Returns a Dict of invocation-specific arguments passed to the run_ calls.
  • Orchestrations will be run in the same way as running within the Wallaroo JupyterHub service, from the version of Python libraries (unless specifically overridden by the requirements.txt setting, which is not recommended), and running in the virtualized directory /home/jovyan/.

Orchestration Code Samples

The following demonstres using the wallaroo.in_task() and wallaroo.task_args() methods within an Orchestration. This sample code uses wallaroo.in_task() to verify whether or not the script is running as a Wallaroo Task. If true, it will gather the wallaroo.task_args() and use them to set the workspace and pipeline. If False, then it sets the pipeline and workspace manually.

# get the arguments
wl = wallaroo.Client()

# if true, get the arguments passed to the task
if wl.in_task():
  arguments = wl.task_args()
  # arguments is a key/value pair, set the workspace and pipeline name
  workspace_name = arguments['workspace_name']
  pipeline_name = arguments['pipeline_name']
# False:  We're not in a Task, so set the pipeline manually