

Wallaroo Enterprise Helm Setup and Install Guides

Organizations that prefer to use the Helm package manager for Kubernetes can install Wallaroo versions 2022.4 and above via Helm.

The following procedures demonstrates how to install Wallaroo using Helm. For more information on settings and options for a Helm based install, see the Wallaroo Helm Reference Guides.

1 - Wallaroo Helm Standard Cloud Install Procedures

General Time to Completion: 30 minutes.

Before installing Wallaroo version, verify that the following hardware and software requirements are met.

Environment Requirements

Environment Hardware Requirements

The following system requirements are required for the minimum settings for running Wallaroo in a Kubernetes cloud cluster.

  • Minimum number of nodes: 4
  • Minimum Number of CPU Cores: 8
  • Minimum RAM per node: 16 GB
  • Minimum Storage: A total of 625 GB of storage will be allocated for the entire cluster based on 5 users with up to four pipelines with five steps per pipeline, with 50 GB allocated per node, including 50 GB specifically for the Jupyter Hub service. Enterprise users who deploy additional pipelines will require an additional 50 GB of storage per lab node deployed.

Wallaroo recommends at least 16 cores total to enable all services. At less than 16 cores, services will have to be disabled to allow basic functionality as detailed in this table.

Note that even when disabling these services, Wallaroo performance may be impacted by the models, pipelines, and data used. The greater the size of the models and steps in a pipeline, the more resources will be required for Wallaroo to operate efficiently. Pipeline resources are set by the pipeline configuration to control how many resources are allocated from the cluster to maintain peak effectiveness for other Wallaroo services. See the following guides for more details.

Cluster Size 8 core16 core32 coreDescription
Inference The Wallaroo inference engine that performs inference requests from deployed pipelines.
Dashboard The graphics user interface for configuring workspaces, deploying pipelines, tracking metrics, and other uses.
Jupyter HUB/LabThe JupyterHub service for running Python scripts, JupyterNotebooks, and other related tasks within the Wallaroo instance.
Single Lab
Multiple Labs
PrometheusUsed for collecting and reporting on metrics. Typical metrics are values such as CPU utilization and memory usage.
Model Validation 
Dashboard Graphs 
PlateauA Wallaroo developed service for storing inference logs at high speed. This is not a long term service; organizations are encouraged to store logs in long term solutions if required.
Model Insights 
Python API 
Model ConversionConverts models into a native runtime for use with the Wallaroo inference engine.

To install Wallaroo with minimum services, a configuration file will be used as parts of the kots based installation. For full details on the Wallaroo installation process, see the Wallaroo Install Guides.

Enterprise Network Requirements

The following network requirements are required for the minimum settings for running Wallaroo:

  • For Wallaroo Enterprise users: 200 IP addresses are required to be allocated per cloud environment.

  • For Wallaroo Community users: 98 IP addresses are required to be allocated per cloud environment.

  • DNS services integration is required for Wallaroo Enterprise edition. See the DNS Integration Guide for the instructions on configuring Wallaroo Enterprise with your DNS services.

    DNS services integration is required to provide access to the various supporting services that are part of the Wallaroo instance. These include:

    • Simplified user authentication and management.
    • Centralized services for accessing the Wallaroo Dashboard, Wallaroo SDK and Authentication.
    • Collaboration features allowing teams to work together.
    • Managed security, auditing and traceability.

Environment Software Requirements

The following software or runtimes are required for Wallaroo 2023.4.1. Most are automatically available through the supported cloud providers.

Software or RuntimeDescriptionMinimum Supported VersionPreferred Version(s)
KubernetesCluster deployment management1.231.26
containerdContainer Management1.
kubectlKubernetes administrative console application1.261.26

Node Selectors

Wallaroo uses different nodes for various services, which can be assigned to a different node pool to contain resources separate from other nodes. The following nodes selectors can be configured:

  • ML Engine node selector
  • ML Engine Load Balance node selector
  • Database Node Selector
  • Grafana node selector
  • Prometheus node selector
  • Each Lab * Node Selector

Kubernetes Installation Instructions

This sample Helm installation procedure has the following steps:

Install Kubernetes

This example requires the user use a Cloud Kubernetes installation.

Setup the Kubernetes Cloud cluster as defined in the Wallaroo Enterprise Environment Setup Guides.

Install Helm

The follow the instructions from the Installing Helm guide for your environment.

Install Krew

The following instructions were taken from the Install Krew guide.

To install the kubectl plugin krew:

  1. Verify that git is installed in the local system.

  2. Run the following to install krew:

    set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
    OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" &&
    ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" &&
    KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" &&
    curl -fsSLO "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/latest/download/${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
    tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
    ./"${KREW}" install krew
  3. Once complete, add the following to the .bashrc file:

    export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"

Install Support Tools

Install the preflight and support-bundle Krew tools via the following commands:

kubectl krew install preflight
kubectl krew install support-bundle

Install Wallaroo via Helm

Wallaroo Provided Data

Members of the Wallaroo support staff will provide the following information:

  • Wallaroo Container Registration Login: Commands to login to the Wallaroo container registry.
  • Preflight and Support Bundle configuration files: The files preflight.yaml and support-bundle.yaml are used in the commands below to complete the preflight process and generate the support bundle package as needed for troubleshooting needs.
  • Preflight verification command: The commands to verify that the Kubernetes environment meets the requirements for the Wallaroo install.
  • Install Wallaroo Command: Instructions on installations into the Kubernetes environment using Helm through the Wallaroo container registry.

The following steps are used with these command and configuration files to install Wallaroo Enterprise via Helm.

Registration Login

The first step in the Wallaroo installation process via Helm is to connect to the Kubernetes environment that will host the Wallaroo Enterprise instance and login into the Wallaroo container registry through the command provided by the Wallaroo support staff. The command will take the following format, replacing $YOURUSERNAME and $YOURPASSWORD with the respective username and password provided.

helm registry login registry.replicated.com --username $YOURUSERNAME --password $YOURPASSWORD

Preflight Verification

Preflight verification is performed with the following command, using the preflight.yaml configuration file provided by the Wallaroo support representative as listed above.

kubectl preflight --interactive=false preflight.yaml

If successful, the tests will show PASS for each preflight requirement as in the following example:

name: cluster-resources    status: running         completed: 0    total: 2
name: cluster-resources    status: completed       completed: 1    total: 2
name: cluster-info         status: running         completed: 1    total: 2
name: cluster-info         status: completed       completed: 2    total: 2

   --- PASS Required Kubernetes Version
      --- Your cluster meets the recommended and required versions of Kubernetes.
   --- PASS Container Runtime
      --- Containerd container runtime was found.
   --- PASS Check Kubernetes environment.
      --- KURL is a supported distribution
   --- PASS Cluster Resources
      --- Cluster resources are satisfactory
   --- PASS Every node in the cluster must have at least 12Gi of memory
      --- All nodes have at least 12 GB of memory capacity
   --- PASS Every node in the cluster must have at least 8 cpus allocatable.
      --- All nodes have at least 8 CPU capacity
--- PASS   wallaroo

The following instructions detail how to install Wallaroo Enterprise via Helm for Kubernetes cloud environments such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service, and Google Cloud Platform.

Install Wallaroo

With the preflight checks and prerequisites met, Wallaroo can be installed via Helm through the following process:

  1. Create namespace. By default, the namespace wallaroo is used:

    kubectl create namespace wallaroo
  2. Set the new namespace as the current namespace:

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace wallaroo
  3. Set the TLS certificate secret in the Kubernetes environment:

    1. Create the certificate and private key. It is recommended to name it after the domain name of your Wallaroo instance. For example: wallaroo.example.com. For production environments, organizations are recommended to use certificates from their certificate authority. Note that the Wallaroo SDK will not connect from an external connection without valid certificates. For more information on using DNS settings and certificates, see the Wallaroo DNS Integration Guide.

    2. Create the Kubernetes secret from the certificates created in the previous step, replacing $TLSCONFIG with the name of the Kubernetes secret. Store the secret name for a the step Configure local values file.

      kubectl create secret tls $TLSCONFIG --cert=$TLSSECRETS --key=$TLSSECRETS

      For example, if $TLSCONFIG is my-tls-secrets with example.com.crt and key example.com.key, then the command would be translated as

      kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secrets --cert=example.com.crt --key=example.com.key
  4. Configure local values file: The default Helm install of Wallaroo contains various default settings. The local values file overwrites values based on the organization needs. The following represents the minimum mandatory values for a Wallaroo installation using certificates and the default LoadBalancer for a cloud Kubernetes cluster. The configuration details below is saved as local-values.yaml for these examples.

    For information on taints and tolerations settings, see the Taints and Tolerations Guide.

    Note the following required settings:

    • domainPrefix and domainSuffix: Used to set the DNS settings for the Wallaroo instance. For more information, see the Wallaroo DNS Integration Guide.
    • deploymentStage and custTlsSecretName: These are set for use with the Kubernetes secret created in the previous step. External connections through the Wallaroo SDK require valid certificates.
    • replImagePrefix: proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs: Sets the Replicated installation containe proxy. Set to proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs unless using a private container registry. Contact a Wallaroo Support representative for details.
    • generate_secrets: Secrets for administrative and other users can be generated by the Helm install process, or set manually. This setting scrambles the passwords during installation.
    • apilb: Sets the apilb service options including the following:
      • serviceType: LoadBalancer: Uses the default LoadBalancer setting for the Kubernetes cloud service the Wallaroo instance is installed into. Replace with the specific service connection settings as required.
      • external_inference_endpoints_enabled: true: This setting is required for performing external SDK inferences to a Wallaroo instance. For more information, see the Wallaroo Model Endpoints Guide
domainPrefix: "" # optional if using a DNS Prefix
domainSuffix: {Your Wallaroo DNS Suffix}

deploymentStage: cust
custTlsSecretName: cust-cert-secret

generate_secrets: true

  serviceType: LoadBalancer
  external_inference_endpoints_enabled: true

  clientName: "xx" # Insert the name displayed in the Wallaroo Dashboard

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: false

imageRegistry: proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs
replImagePrefix: proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs

    size: 25Gi     # Minio model storage disk size. Smaller than 10Gi is not recommended.

  enabled: true

  enabled: true
  1. Install Wallaroo: The Wallaroo support representative will provide the installation command for the Helm install that will use the Wallaroo container registry. This assumes that the preflight checks were successful. This command uses the following format:

    helm install $RELEASE $REGISTRYURL --version $VERSION--values $LOCALVALUES.yaml


    1. $RELEASE: The name of the Helm release. By default, wallaroo.
    2. $REGISTRYURL: The URl for the Wallaroo container registry service.
    3. $VERSION: The version of Wallaroo to install. For this example, 2022.4.0-main-2297.
    4. $LOCALVALUES: The .yaml file containing the local values overrides. For this example, local-values.yaml.

    For example, for the registration wallaroo the command would be:

    helm install wallaroo oci://registry.replicated.com/wallaroo/EE/wallaroo --version 2022.4.0-main-2297 --values local-values.yaml
  2. Verify the Installation: Once the installation is complete, verify the installation with the helm test $RELEASE command. With the settings above, this would be:

    helm test wallaroo

    A successful installation will resemble the following:

    NAME: wallaroo
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Dec 21 09:15:23 2022
    NAMESPACE: wallaroo
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE:     wallaroo-fluent-bit-test-connection
    Last Started:   Wed Dec 21 11:58:34 2022
    Last Completed: Wed Dec 21 11:58:37 2022
    Phase:          Succeeded
    TEST SUITE:     wallaroo-test-connections-hook
    Last Started:   Wed Dec 21 11:58:37 2022
    Last Completed: Wed Dec 21 11:58:41 2022
    Phase:          Succeeded
    TEST SUITE:     wallaroo-test-objects-hook
    Last Started:   Wed Dec 21 11:58:41 2022
    Last Completed: Wed Dec 21 11:58:53 2022
    Phase:          Succeeded

At this point, the installation is complete and can be accessed through the fully qualified domain names set in the installation process above. Verify that the DNS settings are accurate before attempting to connect to the Wallaroo instance. For more information, see the Wallaroo DNS Integration Guide.

To add the initial users if they were not set up through Helm values, see the Wallaroo Enterprise User Management guide.

Network Configuration

apilb.serviceType and edgelb.serviceType settings have the following effects depending on whether they are installed on single node Linux installations, or part of a cloud Kubernetes installation.

SettingSingle Node LinuxCloud Kubernetes
Internal Only ConnectionsClusterIPClusterIP
External ConnectionsNodePortLoadBalancer

Refer to the instructions for environment host for details on IP address allocation and support.

Troubleshoot Wallaroo

If issues are detected in the Wallaroo instance, a support bundle file is generated using the support-bundle.yaml file provided by the Wallaroo support representative.

This creates a collection of log files, configuration files and other details into a .tar.gz file in the same directory as the command is run from in the format support-bundle-YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS.tar.gz. This file is submitted to the Wallaroo support team for review.

This support bundle is generated through the following command:

kubectl support-bundle support-bundle.yaml --interactive=false


To uninstall Wallaroo via Helm, use the following command replacing the $RELEASE with the name of the release used to install Wallaroo. By default, this is wallaroo:

helm uninstall wallaroo

It is also recommended to remove the wallaroo namespace after the helm uninstall is complete.

kubectl delete namespace wallaroo

2 - Wallaroo Helm Reference Guides

The following guides include reference details related to installing Wallaroo via Helm.

2.1 - Wallaroo Helm Reference Table


A Helm chart for the control plane for Wallaroo


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Wallaroo chart and their default values.

kubernetes_distributionOne of: aks, eks, gke, or kurl. May be safe to leave defaulted.""
imageRegistryimageRegistry where images are pulled from"ghcr.io/wallaroolabs"
replImagePrefiximageRegistry where images are pulled from, as overridden by Kots"ghcr.io/wallaroolabs"
assays.enabledControls the display of Assay data in the Dashboardtrue
custTlsSecretNameName of existing Kubernetes TLS type secret""
deploymentStageDeployment stage, must be set to “cust” when deployed"dev"
custTlsCertCustomer provided certificate chain when deploymentStage is “cust”.""
custTlsKeyCustomer provided private key when deploymentStage is “cust”.""
nodeSelectorGlobal node selector{}
tolerationsGlobal tolerations[{"key": "wallaroo", "operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule"}]
domainPrefixDNS prefix of Wallaroo endpoints, can be empty for none"xxx"
domainSuffixDNS suffix of Wallaroo endpoints, MUST be provided"yyy"
externalIpOverrideUsed in cases where we can’t accurately determine our external, inbound IP address. Normally “”.""
imagePullPolicyGlobal policy saying when K8s pulls images: Always, Never, or IfNotPresent."Always"
wallarooSecretNameSecret name for pulling Wallaroo images"regcred"
privateModelRegistry.enabledIf true, external containerized models can be accessedfalse
privateModelRegistry.registryRegistry URL, eg “reg.big.corp:3579”""
privateModelRegistry.emailOptional, for bookkeeping""
privateModelRegistry.usernameUsername access credential""
privateModelRegistry.passwordPassword access credential""
ociRegistry.enabledIf true, pipelines can be published to this OCI registry for use in edge deploymentsfalse
ociRegistry.registryRegistry URL, eg “reg.big.corp:3579”""
ociRegistry.repositoryRepository within the registry. May contain cloud account, eg “account123/wallaroothings”""
ociRegistry.emailOptional, for bookkeeping""
ociRegistry.usernameUsername access credential""
ociRegistry.passwordPassword access credential""
ociRegistry.noTlsSet to true if the registry does not support TLS - for development onlyfalse
apilb.nodeSelectorstandard node selector for API-LB{}
apilb.annotationsAnnotations for api-lb service{}
apilb.serviceTypeService type of api-lb service"ClusterIP"
apilb.external_inference_endpoints_enabledEnable external URL inference endpoints: pipeline inference endpoints that are accessible outside of the Wallaroo cluster.true
jupyter.enabledIf true, a jupyer hub was deployed which components can point to.false
keycloak.useradministrative username"admin"
keycloak.passworddefault admin password: overridden if generate_secrets is true"admin"
keycloak.provider.clientIdupstream client id""
keycloak.provider.clientSecretupstream client secret""
keycloak.provider.namehuman name for provider""
keycloak.provider.idType of provider, one of: “github”, “google”, or “OIDC”""
keycloak.provider.authorizationUrlURL to contact the upstream client for auth requestsnull
keycloak.provider.clientAuthMethodclient auth method - Must be client_secret_post for OIDC provider type, leave blank otherwise.null
keycloak.provider.displayNamehuman name for provider, displayed to end user in login dialogsnull
keycloak.provider.tokenUrlUsed only for ODIC, see token endpoint under Azure endpoints.null
dbcleaner.schedulewhen the cleaner runs, default is every eight hours"* */8 * * *"
dbcleaner.maxAgeDaysdelete older than this many days"30"
plateau.enabledEnable Plateau deploymenttrue
plateau.diskSizeDisk space to allocate. Smaller than 100Gi is not recommended."100Gi"
telemetry.enabledUsed only for our CE product. Leave disabled for EE/Helm installs.false
dashboard.enabledEnable dashboard servicetrue
dashboard.clientNameCustomer display name which appears at the top of the dashboard window."Fitzroy Macropods, LLC"
minio.imagePullSecretsMust override for helm + private registry; eg -name: "some-secret"[]
minio.image.repositoryMust override for helm + private registry"quay.io/minio/minio"
minio.mcImage.repositoryMust override for helm + private registry"quay.io/minio/mc"
minio.persistence.sizeMinio model storage disk size. Smaller than 10Gi is not recommended."10Gi"
fluent-bit.imagePullSecretsMust override for helm + private registry; eg -name: "some-secret"[]
fluent-bit.image.repositoryMust override for helm + private registry"cr.fluentbit.io/fluent/fluent-bit"
helmTests.enabledWhen enabled, create “helm test” resources.true
helmTests.nodeSelectorWhen helm test is run, this selector places the test pods.{}
explainabilityServer.enabledEnable the model explainability servicefalse
replImagePrefixSets the replicated image prefix for installation containers. Set to replImagePrefix: proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs unless otherwise instructed.

2.2 - Wallaroo Helm Reference Details


This hook runs when you do helm uninstall unless:

  • you give –no-hooks to helm
  • you set the enable flag to False at INSTALL time.


Registry and Tag portion of Wallaroo images. Third party images are not included. Tag is
computed at runtime and overridden. In online Helm installs, these should not be touched; in
airgap Helm installs imageRegistry must be overridden to local registry.


If true, generate random secrets for several services at install time.
If false, use the generic defaults listed here, which can also be overridden by caller.


This is a (currently) Dashboard-specific feature flag to control the display of Assays.


To provide TLS certificates, (1) set deploymentStage to “cust”, then (2) provide EITHER the
name of an existing Kubernetes TLS secret in custTlsSecret OR provide base64 encoded secrets
in custTlsCert and custTlsKey.


DNS specification for our named external service endpoints.

To form URLs, we concatenate the optional domainPrefix, the service name in question, and then
the domainSuffix. Their values are based on license, type, and customer config inputs. They
MUST be overriden per install via helm values, or by Replicated.

Community – prefix/suffix in license

domainPrefixdomainSuffixdashboard_fqdnthing_fqdn (thing = jup, kc, etc)

Enterprise et al – prefix/suffix from config

domainPrefixdomainSuffixdashboard_fqdnthing_fqdn (thing = jup, kc, etc)


In online Helm installs, an image pull secret is created and this is its name. The secret allows
the Kubernetes node to pull images from proxy.replicated.com. In airgap Helm installs, a local
Secret of type docker-registry must be created and this value set to its name.


If the customer has specified a private model container registry, the enable flag will reflect
and the secret will be populated. registry, username, and password are mandatory. email
is optional. registry is of the form “hostname:port”. See the Wallaroo Private Model Registry
Guide for registry specific details.


In order to support edge deployments, a customer-supplied OCI registry is required. The enable
flag turns on the feature, which causes the secret to be populated. registry, repository,
username, and password are mandatory. email is optional. registry is of the form
“hostname:port”. Important: some cloud OCI registries require creation of the repository before
it can be published to. See the Wallaroo Private Model Registry Guide for registry specific


Main ingress LB for Wallaroo services.

The Kubernetes Ingress object is not used, instead we deploy a single Envoy load balancer with a
single IP in all cases, which serves: TLS termination, authentication (JWT) checking, and both
host based and path based application routing. Customer should be aware of two values in particular.

api.serviceType defaults to ClusterIP. If api.serviceType is set to LoadBalancer, cloud
services will allocate a hosted LB service, in which case the apilb.annotations should be
provided, in order to pass configuration such as “internal” or “external” to the cloud service.


        serviceType: LoadBalancer
        annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-internal: "true"


Wallaroo can connect to a variety of identity providers, broker OpenID Connect authentication
requests, and then limit access to endpoints. This section configures a https://www.keycloak.org
installation. If a provider is specified here, Keycloak will configure itself to use that on
install. If no providers are specified here, the administrator must login to the Keycloak
service as the administrative user and either add users by hand or create an auth provider. In
general, a client must be created upstream and a URL, client ID, and secret (token) for that
client is entered here.


Manage retention for fluentbit table. This contains log message outputs from orchestration tasks.


Plateau is a low-profile fixed-footprint log processor / event store for fast storage of
inference results. The amount of disk space provisioned is adjustable. Smaller than “100Gi” is
not recommended for performance reasons.


This controls the wsProxy, and should only be enabled if nats (ArbEx) is also enabled.
wsProxy is required for the Dashboard to subscribe to events and show notifications.


Arbitrary Execution


Pipeline orchestration is general task execution service that allows users to upload arbitrary
code and have it executed on their behalf by the system. nats and arbex must be enabled.


Pipelines is service that supports packaging and publishing pipelines suitable for edge deployments.
It requires ociRegistry to be configured.


Wallsvc runs arbex, models, pipelines and orchestration.