Model Upload

How to upload models to a Wallaroo Ops instance.

Table of Contents

ML models are either uploaded as files or registered from container registry services to a Wallaroo Ops workspace through:

Once a ML model is added to a workspace, it is prepared for deployment based on the model’s runtime.

ML models uploaded to Wallaroo come in two runtimes:

  • Wallaroo Native Runtimes: The following model frameworks are always deployed in the Wallaroo Native Runtime. When these model frameworks are uploaded to Wallaroo, the model name, file path, and model framework are required.

    • ONNX
    • Tensorflow
  • Wallaroo Containerized Runtimes: The following model frameworks may be deployed in either the Wallaroo Native Runtime, or the Wallaroo Containerized Runtime. When these models are uploaded to Wallaroo, the model name, file path, model framework, input and output schemas are required.

    When uploaded, Wallaroo will attempt to convert Non-Native Runtimes to a Wallaroo Native Runtime. If it can not be converted, then it will be packed into a Wallaroo Containerized Runtime.

    • Custom Models (BYOP)
    • Python Models
    • PyTorch
    • SKLearn
    • Hugging Face
    • Tensorflow Keras
    • XGBoost

The following is a short guide on using the Wallaroo SDK to upload, register and alter model configuration. For complete details, see either the The Wallaroo SDK or The Wallaroo MLOps API guides.

Upload Model

Models are uploaded via the wallaroo.client.Client.upload_model method.

Upload Model Parameters

wallaroo.client.upload_model has the following parameters.

namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathstring (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkstring (Required)The framework of the model from wallaroo.framework
  • Native Wallaroo Runtimes: (Optional)
  • Non-Native Wallaroo Runtimes: (Required)
The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
  • Native Wallaroo Runtimes: (Optional)
  • Non-Native Wallaroo Runtimes: (Required)
The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitbool (Optional)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.
archwallaroo.engine_config.Architecture (Optional Default: X86)The architecture the model is deployed to. If a model is intended for deployment to an architecture other than X86, it must be specified during this step. Values include:
  • X86 (Default): x86 based architectures.
  • ARM: ARM based architectures.
  • Power10: Power10 based architectures.
accelwallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration (Optional) (Default: _None)The AI hardware accelerator used. If a model is intended for use with a hardware accelerator, it should be assigned at this step.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration._None (Default): No accelerator is assigned. This works for all infrastructures.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.AIO: AIO acceleration for Ampere Optimized trained models, only available with ARM processors.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.Jetson: Nvidia Jetson acceleration used with edge deployments with ARM processors. See Nvidia Jetson Deployment Scenario for additional requirements.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.CUDA: NVIDIA CUDA acceleration supported by both ARM and X64/X86 processors. This is intended for deployment with Nvidia GPUs.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.OpenVINO: Intel OpenVino acceleration. AI Accelerator from Intel compatible with x86/64 architectures. Aimed at edge and multi-cloud deployments either with or without Intel GPUs.

Upload Model Returns

Models succesfully uploaded to Wallaroo via wallaroo.client.upload_model return wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion with the following fields.

NameThe name assigned to the model at upload.
VersionThe version of the model in UUID format.
File NameThe file name at model upload.
StatusThe status of the model. Models are ready for deployment with status ready.
Image PathThe containerized path of the model image; optional.
ArchitectureThe wallaroo.engine_config.Architecture assigned at model upload.
AccelerationThe ``wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration` assigned at model upload.

Model Input and Output Schemas

For Containerized Wallaroo Runtimes, the input and output schemas are required. These are set via the wallaroo.client.Client.upload_model(input_schema: pyarrow.lib.Schema) and wallaroo.client.Client.upload_model(output_schema: pyarrow.lib.Schema).

Data types for inputs and outputs to inference requests through Wallaroo is based on the Apache Arrow Data Types, with the following exceptions:

  • null: Not allowed. All fields must have submitted values that match their data type. For example, if the schema expects a float value, then some value of type float such as 0.0 must be submitted and cannot be None or Null. If a schema expects a string value, then some value of type string must be submitted, etc. The exception are BYOP models, which can accept optional inputs.
  • time32 and time64: Datetime data types must be converted to string.

The following example demonstrates uploading Hugging Face model as a Wallaroo Containerized Runtime to Wallaroo with the following data schemas.


FieldTypePyArrow Schema
candidate_labelsList(String) of length, list_size=2)


FieldTypePyArrow Schema
scoresList(String) of length, list_size=2)
labelsList(String) of length, list_size=2)

The input and output parameters are set in pyarrow.schema format, then applied during the model upload.

import pyarrow as pa

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()),
    pa.field('candidate_labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)),
    pa.field('hypothesis_template', pa.string()),
    pa.field('multi_label', pa.bool_()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('sequence', pa.string()),
    pa.field('scores', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels, list_size can be skipped by may result in slightly worse performance
    pa.field('labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels, list_size can be skipped by may result in slightly worse performance

model = wl.upload_model("hf-zero-shot-classification",

Data Constraints

Data submitted to Wallaroo for inference requests have the following data constraints.

  • Equal rows constraint: The number of input rows and output rows must match.
  • Data Type Consistency: Data types within each tensor are of the same type.

Equal Rows

Each input row for an inference is related directly to the inference row output.

For example, the INPUT and OUTPUT rows match, with each input row directly corresponding to an output row.

Equal Rows Input Example

0[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095000002, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192000001, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526000001, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718000001, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439]
1[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095000002, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192000001, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526000001, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718000001, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439]
2[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095000002, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192000001, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526000001, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718000001, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439]
3[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095000002, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192000001, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526000001, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718000001, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439]
4[0.5817662108, 0.09788155100000001, 0.1546819424, 0.4754101949, -0.19788623060000002, -0.45043448540000003, 0.016654044700000002, -0.0256070551, 0.0920561602, -0.2783917153, 0.059329944100000004, -0.0196585416, -0.4225083157, -0.12175388770000001, 1.5473094894000001, 0.2391622864, 0.3553974881, -0.7685165301, -0.7000849355000001, -0.1190043285, -0.3450517133, -1.1065114108, 0.2523411195, 0.0209441826, 0.2199267436, 0.2540689265, -0.0450225094, 0.10867738980000001, 0.2547179311]

Equal Rows Output Example

02023-11-17 20:34:17.005[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439][0.99300325]0
12023-11-17 20:34:17.005[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439][0.99300325]0
22023-11-17 20:34:17.005[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439][0.99300325]0
32023-11-17 20:34:17.005[-1.0603297501, 2.3544967095, -3.5638788326, 5.1387348926, -1.2308457019, -0.7687824608, -3.5881228109, 1.8880837663, -3.2789674274, -3.9563254554, 4.0993439118, -5.6539176395, -0.8775733373, -9.131571192, -0.6093537873, -3.7480276773, -5.0309125017, -0.8748149526, 1.9870535692, 0.7005485718, 0.9204422758, -0.1041491809, 0.3229564351, -0.7418141657, 0.0384120159, 1.0993439146, 1.2603409756, -0.1466244739, -1.4463212439][0.99300325]0
42023-11-17 20:34:17.005[0.5817662108, 0.097881551, 0.1546819424, 0.4754101949, -0.1978862306, -0.4504344854, 0.0166540447, -0.0256070551, 0.0920561602, -0.2783917153, 0.0593299441, -0.0196585416, -0.4225083157, -0.1217538877, 1.5473094894, 0.2391622864, 0.3553974881, -0.7685165301, -0.7000849355, -0.1190043285, -0.3450517133, -1.1065114108, 0.2523411195, 0.0209441826, 0.2199267436, 0.2540689265, -0.0450225094, 0.1086773898, 0.2547179311][0.0010916889]0

Data Type Consistency

Each element must have the same internal data type. For example, the following is valid because all of the data types within each element are float32.

t = [
    [2.35, 5.75],
    [3.72, 8.55],
    [5.55, 97.2]

The following is invalid, as it mixes floats and strings in each element:

t = [
    [2.35, "Bob"],
    [3.72, "Nancy"],
    [5.55, "Wani"]

The following inputs are valid, as each data type is consistent within the elements.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "t": [
        [2.35, 5.75, 19.2],
        [5.55, 7.2, 15.7],
    "s": [
        ["Bob", "Nancy", "Wani"],
        ["Jason", "Rita", "Phoebe"]
0[2.35, 5.75, 19.2][Bob, Nancy, Wani]
1[5.55, 7.2, 15.7][Jason, Rita, Phoebe]

Input Data Optimization

Some models, like computer vision models, can expect very large arrays as their inputs. If a model uses Wallaroo Containerized Runtimes and expects array inputs, the following is recommended for best performance. Note that these are not data submission requirements, but optimizations to improve inference performance in order of impact:

  • Submit inference data in Apache Arrow format instead of pandas DataFrames. This is especially performant for very large size (for example, converting 4K images and video to array).
  • Flatten multi-dimensional arrays.
  • If the ML model inputs allow, use the Apache PyArrow fixed shape tensor pyarrow.fixed_shape_tensor with the multi-dimensional arrays.

The following shows different input schema options and the performance gains for each option. These samples were taken from image processing models dealing with the large array in the shape (2052, 2456). The following is a sample based on converting images and performing inferences with models in the Wallaroo BYOP Framework with example conversions.

 Use Pandas InputConvert to Apache ArrowApache Arrow with Flattened ArraysApache Arrow with Fixed Shape Tensor Arrays
Code Snippetinput_data = pd.DataFrame({"image": [image.tolist()]})input_data = pa.Table.from_pandas(df, schema=input_schema)input_data = pa.Table.from_pydict({
  'image': pa.FixedSizeListArray.from_arrays(image.ravel(), len(image.ravel())),
  'dim0': [image.shape[0]],
  'dim1': [image.shape[1]],
input_data = pa.Table.from_pydict({
  'image': pa.FixedShapeTensorArray.from_numpy_ndarray(image),
Performance Benchmark100 seconds10 Seconds65 ms18 ms

For further optimizations, see Model Performance.

Wallaroo Supported Models

The following frameworks are supported. Frameworks fall under either Wallaroo Native Runtimes or Wallaroo Containerized Runtimes in the Wallaroo engine. For more details, see the specific framework what runtime a specific model framework runs in.

Open Neural Network eXchange(ONNX) is the default model runtime supported by Wallaroo.

Wallaroo ONNX Requirements

Wallaroo natively supports Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) models into the Wallaroo engine.

Web Site
Supported LibrariesSee table below.
FrameworkFramework.ONNX aka onnx
RuntimeNative aka onnx
Supported Versions1.12.1

The following ONNX versions models are supported:

ONNX VersionONNX IR VersionONNX OPset VersionONNX ML Opset Version
  • If converting another ML Model to ONNX (PyTorch, XGBoost, etc) using the onnxconverter-common library, the supported DEFAULT_OPSET_NUMBER is 17.

Using different versions or settings outside of these specifications may result in inference issues and other unexpected behavior.

ONNX models always run in the Wallaroo Native Runtime space.

Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Uploading ONNX Models

ONNX models are uploaded to the current workspace through the Wallaroo Client upload_model(name, path, framework, input_schema, output_schema).configure(options).

Upload ONNX Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for ONNX models. Note that while some fields are considered as optional for the upload_model method, they are required for proper uploading of a ONNX model to Wallaroo.

For ONNX models, the input_schema and output_schema are not required.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the Framework.ONNX.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Optional)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Optional)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)Not required for native runtimes.
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

ONNX Model Config Parameters

Model version configurations are updated with the wallaroo.model_version.config. The following are additional optional configurations for ONNX models.

tensor_fields(List[string]) (Optional)A list of alternate input fields. For example, if the model accepts the input fields ['variable1', 'variable2'], tensor_fields allows those inputs to be overridden to ['square_feet', 'house_age'], or other values as required.
batch_config(List[string]) (Optional)Batch config is either None for multiple-input inferences, or single to accept an inference request with only one row of data.

ONNX Model Inputs

By default, inferencing in Wallaroo uses the same input fields as the ONNX model. This is overwritten with the wallaroo.model.configure(tensor_fields=List[String]) method to change the model input fields to match the tensor_field List.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The tensor_field length must match the ONNX model’s input field’s list.

The following displays the input fields for ONNX models. Replace onnx_file_model_name with the path to the ONNX model file.

import onnx

onnx_file_model_name = './path/to/onnx/file/file.onnx'

model = onnx.load(onnx_file_model_name)
output =[ for node in model.graph.output]

input_all = [ for node in model.graph.input]
input_initializer =  [ for node in model.graph.initializer]
net_feed_input = list(set(input_all)  - set(input_initializer))

print('Inputs: ', net_feed_input)
print('Outputs: ', output)

Inputs:  ['dense_input']
Outputs:  ['dense_1']

The following Wallaroo upload will use the ONNX model’s default input.

from wallaroo.framework import Framework
model = (wl.upload_model(model_name, 


deploy_config = wallaroo.DeploymentConfigBuilder().replica_count(1).cpus(0.5).memory("1Gi").build()

smoke_test = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
result = pipeline.infer(smoke_test)
02023-10-17 16:13:56.169[1.0678324729, 0.2177810266, -1.7115145262, 0.682285721, 1.0138553067, -0.4335000013, 0.7395859437, -0.2882839595, -0.447262688, 0.5146124988, 0.3791316964, 0.5190619748, -0.4904593222, 1.1656456469, -0.9776307444, -0.6322198963, -0.6891477694, 0.1783317857, 0.1397992467, -0.3554220649, 0.4394217877, 1.4588397512, -0.3886829615, 0.4353492889, 1.7420053483, -0.4434654615, -0.1515747891, -0.2668451725, -1.4549617756][0.0014974177]0

The following uses the tensor_field parameter on the model upload to change the input to tensor.

from wallaroo.framework import Framework
model = (wl.upload_model(model_name, 


deploy_config = wallaroo.DeploymentConfigBuilder().replica_count(1).cpus(0.5).memory("1Gi").build()

smoke_test = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
result = pipeline.infer(smoke_test)
02023-10-17 16:13:56.169[1.0678324729, 0.2177810266, -1.7115145262, 0.682285721, 1.0138553067, -0.4335000013, 0.7395859437, -0.2882839595, -0.447262688, 0.5146124988, 0.3791316964, 0.5190619748, -0.4904593222, 1.1656456469, -0.9776307444, -0.6322198963, -0.6891477694, 0.1783317857, 0.1397992467, -0.3554220649, 0.4394217877, 1.4588397512, -0.3886829615, 0.4353492889, 1.7420053483, -0.4434654615, -0.1515747891, -0.2668451725, -1.4549617756][0.0014974177]0

Upload ONNX Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

For example:

model_name = "embedder-o"
model_path = "./embedder.onnx"

embedder = wl.upload_model(model_name, model_path, Framework=Framework.ONNX).configure("onnx")

ONNX Conversion Tips

When converting from one ML model type to an ONNX ML model, the input and output fields should be specified so users anticipate the exact field names used in their code. This prevents conversion naming formats from creating unintended names, and sets consistent field names that can be relied upon in future code updates.

The following example shows naming the input and output names when converting from a PyTorch model to an ONNX model. Note that the input fields are set to data, and the output fields are set to output_names = ["bounding-box", "classification","confidence"].

input_names = ["data"]
output_names = ["bounding-box", "classification","confidence"]

See the documentation for the specific ML model being converting from to ONNX for complete details.

Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Wallaroo supports TensorFlow models by containerizing the model and running as an image.

Web Site
Supported Librariestensorflow>=2.16.1
FrameworkFramework.TENSORFLOW aka tensorflow
Supported File TypesSavedModel format as .zip file

TensorFlow File Format

TensorFlow models are .zip file of the SavedModel format. For example, the Aloha sample TensorFlow model is stored in the directory alohacnnlstm:

├── saved_model.pb
└── variables
    └── variables.index

This is compressed into the .zip file with the following command:

zip -r alohacnnlstm/

ML models that meet the Tensorflow and SavedModel format will run as Wallaroo Native runtimes by default.

See the SavedModel guide for full details.

Uploading TensorFlow Models

TensorFlow models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload TensorFlow Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for TensorFlow models. Tensorflow models are native runtimes in Wallaroo, so the input_schema and output_schema parameters are optional.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the Framework.TENSORFLOW.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Optional)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Optional)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)Not required for native runtimes.
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is containerized by the Wallaroo instance. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Upload TensorFlow Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

For example, the following example is of uploading a TensorFlow ML Model to a Wallaroo instance.

from wallaroo.framework import Framework
model = wl.upload_model(model_name, 

Custom Models or BYOP (Bring Your Own Predict) allows organizations to use Python scripts and supporting libraries as it’s own model. Similar to using a Python step, Custom Models are an even more robust and flexible tool for working with ML Models in Wallaroo pipelines.

Web Site
Supported Librariespython==3.10
FrameworkFramework.CUSTOM aka custom

Custom Model, also known as Bring Your Own Predict (BYOP) allow for custom model inference methods with supporting scripts and artifacts. These are used with pre-trained models (PyTorch, Tensorflow, etc) along with their supporting artifacts such as other Python modules, scripts, model files, etc.

Contrast this with Wallaroo Python models - aka “Python steps” - are standalone python scripts that use the python libraries. These are commonly used for data formatting such as the pre and post-processing steps, and are also appropriate for simple models (such as ARIMA Statsmodels). A Wallaroo Python model can be composed of one or more Python script that matches the Wallaroo requirements.

Custom Model File Requirements

Custom Model (BYOP) models are uploaded to Wallaroo via a ZIP file with the following components:

Python scripts aka .py files with classes that extend mac.inference.Inference and mac.inference.creation.InferenceBuilderPython ScriptExtend the classes mac.inference.Inference and mac.inference.creation.InferenceBuilder. These are included with the Wallaroo SDK. Further details are in Custom Model Script Requirements. Note that there is no specified naming requirements for the classes that extend mac.inference.Inference and mac.inference.creation.InferenceBuilder - any qualified class name is sufficient as long as these two classes are extended as defined below.
requirements.txtPython requirements fileThis sets the Python libraries used for the Custom Model. These libraries should be targeted for Python 3.10 compliance. These requirements and the versions of libraries should be exactly the same between creating the model and deploying it in Wallaroo. This insures that the script and methods will function exactly the same as during the model creation process.
Other artifactsFilesOther models, files, and other artifacts used in support of this model.

For example, if the Custom Model will be known as vgg_clustering, the contents may be in the following structure, with vgg_clustering as the storage directory:


Note the inclusion of the file. This file name is not required - any Python script or scripts that extend the classes listed above are sufficient. This Python script could have been named or any other name as long as it includes the extension of the classes listed above.

The sample Custom Model file is created with the command zip -r vgg_clustering/.

Wallaroo Custom Model uses the Wallaroo SDK mac module, included in the Wallaroo SDK 2023.2.1 and above. See the Wallaroo SDK Install Guides for instructions on installing the Wallaroo SDK.

Custom Model Script Requirements

The entry point of the Custom Model is any python script that extends the following classes. These are included with the Wallaroo SDK. The required methods that must be overridden are specified in each section below.

  • mac.inference.Inference interface serves model inferences based on submitted input some input. Its purpose is to serve inferences for any supported arbitrary model framework (e.g. scikit, keras etc.).
  • mac.inference.creation.InferenceBuilder builds a concrete Inference, i.e. instantiates an Inference object, loads the appropriate model and assigns the model to to the Inference object.


mac.inference.Inference Objects
model (Required)[Any]One or more objects that match the expected_model_types. This can be a ML Model (for inference use), a string (for data conversion), etc. See Custom Model Examples for examples.
mac.inference.Inference Methods
expected_model_types (Required)SetReturns a Set of models expected for the inference as defined by the developer. Typically this is a set of one. Wallaroo checks the expected model types to verify that the model submitted through the InferenceBuilder method matches what this Inference class expects.
_predict (input_data: mac.types.InferenceData) (Required)mac.types.InferenceDataThe entry point for the Wallaroo inference with the following input and output parameters that are defined when the model is updated.
  • mac.types.InferenceData: The input InferenceData is a Dictionary of numpy arrays derived from the input_schema detailed when the model is uploaded, defined in PyArrow.Schema format.
  • mac.types.InferenceData: The output is a Dictionary of numpy arrays as defined by the output parameters defined in PyArrow.Schema format.
The InferenceDataValidationError exception is raised when the input data does not match mac.types.InferenceData.
raise_error_if_model_is_not_assignedN/AError when a model is not set to Inference.
raise_error_if_model_is_wrong_typeN/AError when the model does not match the expected_model_types.

The example, the expected_model_types can be defined for the KMeans model.

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

class SampleClass(mac.inference.Inference):
    def expected_model_types(self) -> Set[Any]:
        return {KMeans}


InferenceBuilder builds a concrete Inference, i.e. instantiates an Inference object, loads the appropriate model and assigns the model to the Inference.

Each model that is included requires its own InferenceBuilder. InferenceBuilder loads one model, then submits it to the Inference class when created. The Inference class checks this class against its expected_model_types() Set.

mac.inference.creation.InferenceBuilder Methods
create(config mac.config.inference.CustomInferenceConfig) (Required)The custom Inference instance.Creates an Inference subclass, then assigns a model and attributes. The CustomInferenceConfig is used to retrieve the config.model_path, which is a pathlib.Path object pointing to the folder where the model artifacts are saved. Every artifact loaded must be relative to config.model_path. This is set when the Custom Model .zip file is uploaded and the environment for running it in Wallaroo is set. For example: loading the artifact vgg_clustering\feature_extractor.h5 would be set with config.model_path \ feature_extractor.h5. The model loaded must match an existing module. For our example, this is from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, and this must match the Inference expected_model_types.
inferencecustom Inference instance.Returns the instantiated custom Inference object created from the create method.

Python Libraries

Python libraries required by the included Python script are specified in the requirements.txt file included in the .zip file. These requirements and the versions of libraries should be exactly the same between creating the model and deploying it in Wallaroo.

The requirements.txt file specifies:

  • Python Libraries available through and the specific version. For example:

    requests == 2.32.2
  • Python Wheels as BYOP artifacts: Python Wheels as BYOP artifacts are included in the .zip file and are referred to in the BYOP’s requirements.txt file based on the relative path within the .zip file.

    For example, if the BYOP .zip file includes the Python Wheel libraries/custom_wheel.whl

    ├── libraries
    │   └── custom_wheel.whl
    └── requirements.txt

    Then the requirements.txt file included with the BYOP’s .zip file refers to this Python Wheel as:

  • External Python Wheels: Python Wheels that are available from external sources (aka - not included as BYOP artifacts):

    • Must be referred to by the full URL.
    • Must be available from the Wallaroo instance.

    For example, to include the Python Wheel hosted at, the requirements.txt file included with the BYOP’s .zip file refers to this Python Wheel as:
  • Extra Index URL: For Python libraries that require the --extra-index-url flag:

    • Set the --extra-index-url flag with the full URL to the extra index. This must be available from the Wallaroo instance.
    • In the next line, specify the Python library and version.
    • Repeat the steps above for each Python library with an extra index URL.

    For example, to include the extra index URL for the torchvision Python library, the requirements.txt file included with the BYOP’s .zip file refers to this Python Wheel as:


Custom Model Runtime

Custom Model always run in the containerized model runtime.

Custom Model Inputs

Custom Model inputs are defined during model upload in Apache Arrow Schema format with the following conditions:

  • By default, data inputs are optional unless they are specified with nullable=False.
  • The Custom Model code must be aware of the optional and required fields and how to manage those inputs.
  • Specific Data Types conditions:
    • Scalar: Scalar values can be Null.
    • Lists: Lists must either be empty [] or an an array of Null values, for example [None], but cannot be passed as Null outside of an array.
  • By default, columns with only the None or Null value are assigned by Python as NullArray, which is an array with all values of Null. In these situations, the schema must be specified.
Custom Model Inputs Example

The following code sample demonstrates managing optional inputs.

The Custom Model code has three inputs:

  • input_1: A required List of floats.
  • input_2: An optional List of floats.
  • multiply_factor: An optional scaler float.

The following demonstrates setting the input and output schemas when uploading the sample code to Wallaroo.

import wallaroo
import pyarrow as pa
input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('input_1', pa.list_(pa.float32()), nullable=False), # fields are optional by default unless `nullable` is set to `False`
    pa.field('input_2', pa.list_(pa.float32())),
    pa.field('multiply_factor', pa.int32()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('output', pa.list_(pa.float32())),

The following demonstrates different valid inputs based on the input schemas. These fields are submitted either as a pandas DataFrame or an Apache Arrow table when submitted for inference requests.

Note that each time the data is translated to an Apache Arrow table, the input schema is specified so the accurate data types are assigned to the column, even with the column values are Null or None.

The following input has all fields and values translated into an Apache Arrow table, then submitted as an inference request to a pipeline with our sample BYOP model.

input_1 = [[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]
input_2 = [[5., 6.], [7., 8.]]
multiply_factor = [2, 3]
arrow_table = pa.table({"input_1": input_1, "input_2": input_2, "multiply_factor": multiply_factor}, schema=input_schema)

input_1 = [[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]
input_2 = [[], []]
multiply_factor = [None, None]
arrow_table = pa.table({"input_1": input_1, "input_2": input_2, "multiply_factor": multiply_factor}, schema=input_schema)


time: timestamp[ms]
in.input_1: list<item: float> not null
  child 0, item: float
in.input_2: list<item: float> not null
  child 0, item: float
in.multiply_factor: int32 not null
out.output: list<item: double> not null
  child 0, item: double
anomaly.count: uint32 not null
time: [[2024-04-30 09:12:01.445,2024-04-30 09:12:01.445]]
in.input_1: [[[1,2],[3,4]]]
in.input_2: [[[5,6],[7,8]]]
in.multiply_factor: [[2,3]]
out.output: [[[12,16],[30,36]]]
anomaly.count: [[0,0]]

In the following example input_2 has two empty lists, stored into a pandas DataFrame and submitted for the inference request.

dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'input_1': [[1., 2.], [3., 4.]], 'input_2': [[], []], 'multiply_factor': [2, 3]})
0[1.0, 2.0][]2
1[3.0, 4.0][]3

For the following example, input_2 is an empty list, with multiply_factor set to None. This is stored in an Apache Arrow table for the inference request.

input_1 = [[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]
input_2 = [[], []]
multiply_factor = [None, None]
arrow_table = pa.table({"input_1": input_1, "input_2": input_2, "multiply_factor": multiply_factor}, schema=input_schema)

input_1: list<item: float> not null
  child 0, item: float
input_2: list<item: float>
  child 0, item: float
multiply_factor: int32
input_1: [[[1,2],[3,4]]]
input_2: [[[],[]]]
multiply_factor: [[null,null]]


time: timestamp[ms]
in.input_1: list<item: float> not null
  child 0, item: float
in.input_2: list<item: float> not null
  child 0, item: float
in.multiply_factor: int32 not null
out.output: list<item: double> not null
  child 0, item: double
anomaly.count: uint32 not null
time: [[2024-04-30 09:07:42.467,2024-04-30 09:07:42.467]]
in.input_1: [[[1,2],[3,4]]]
in.input_2: [[[],[]]]
in.multiply_factor: [[null,null]]
out.output: [[[1,2],[3,4]]]
anomaly.count: [[0,0]]

Upload Custom Model

Custom Models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload Custom Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for Custom Models. Note that while some fields are considered as optional for the upload_model method, they are required for proper uploading of a Custom Model to Wallaroo.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as Framework.CUSTOM.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is containerized by the Wallaroo instance. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Upload Custom Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Custom Model Examples

The following are examples of use cases for BYOP models.

Upload Custom Model Example

The following example is of uploading a Custom Model VGG16 Clustering ML Model to a Wallaroo instance.

Custom Model Script Example

The following is an example script that fulfills the requirements for a Wallaroo Custom Model, and would be saved as

"""This module features an example implementation of a custom Inference and its
corresponding InferenceBuilder."""

import pathlib
import pickle
from typing import Any, Set

import tensorflow as tf
from mac.config.inference import CustomInferenceConfig
from mac.inference import Inference
from mac.inference.creation import InferenceBuilder
from mac.types import InferenceData
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

class ImageClustering(Inference):
    """Inference class for image clustering, that uses
    a pre-trained VGG16 model on cifar10 as a feature extractor
    and performs clustering on a trained KMeans model.

        - feature_extractor: The embedding model we will use
        as a feature extractor (i.e. a trained VGG16).
        - expected_model_types: A set of model instance types that are expected by this inference.
        - model: The model on which the inference is calculated.

    def __init__(self, feature_extractor: tf.keras.Model):
        self.feature_extractor = feature_extractor

    def expected_model_types(self) -> Set[Any]:
        return {KMeans}

    @Inference.model.setter  # type: ignore
    def model(self, model) -> None:
        """Sets the model on which the inference is calculated.

        :param model: A model instance on which the inference is calculated.

        :raises TypeError: If the model is not an instance of expected_model_types
            (i.e. KMeans).
        self._raise_error_if_model_is_wrong_type(model) # this will make sure an error will be raised if the model is of wrong type
        self._model = model

    def _predict(self, input_data: InferenceData) -> InferenceData:
        """Calculates the inference on the given input data.
        This is the core function that each subclass needs to implement
        in order to calculate the inference.

        :param input_data: The input data on which the inference is calculated.
        It is of type InferenceData, meaning it comes as a dictionary of numpy

        :raises InferenceDataValidationError: If the input data is not valid.
        Ideally, every subclass should raise this error if the input data is not valid.

        :return: The output of the model, that is a dictionary of numpy arrays.

        # input_data maps to the input_schema we have defined
        # with PyArrow, coming as a dictionary of numpy arrays
        inputs = input_data["images"]

        # Forward inputs to the models
        embeddings = self.feature_extractor(inputs)
        predictions = self.model.predict(embeddings.numpy())

        # Return predictions as dictionary of numpy arrays
        return {"predictions": predictions}

class ImageClusteringBuilder(InferenceBuilder):
    """InferenceBuilder subclass for ImageClustering, that loads
    a pre-trained VGG16 model on cifar10 as a feature extractor
    and a trained KMeans model, and creates an ImageClustering object."""

    def inference(self) -> ImageClustering:
        return ImageClustering

    def create(self, config: CustomInferenceConfig) -> ImageClustering:
        """Creates an Inference subclass and assigns a model and additionally
        needed attributes to it.

        :param config: Custom inference configuration. In particular, we're
        interested in `config.model_path` that is a pathlib.Path object
        pointing to the folder where the model artifacts are saved.
        Every artifact we need to load from this folder has to be
        relative to `config.model_path`.

        :return: A custom Inference instance.
        feature_extractor = self._load_feature_extractor(
            config.model_path / "feature_extractor.h5"
        inference = self.inference(feature_extractor)
        model = self._load_model(config.model_path / "kmeans.pkl")
        inference.model = model

        return inference

    def _load_feature_extractor(
        self, file_path: pathlib.Path
    ) -> tf.keras.Model:
        return tf.keras.models.load_model(file_path)

    def _load_model(self, file_path: pathlib.Path) -> KMeans:
        with open(file_path.as_posix(), "rb") as fp:
            model = pickle.load(fp)
        return model

The following is the requirements.txt file that would be included in the Custom Model ZIP file. It is highly recommended to use the same requirements.txt file for setting the libraries and versions used to create the model in the Custom Model ZIP file.


Upload Custom Model Example

The following example demonstrates uploading the Custom Model as with the following input and output schemas defined.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('images', pa.list_(

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predictions', pa.int64()),

model = wl.upload_model(

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a container runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a container runtime.......................successful


Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Wallaroo supports Hugging Face models by containerizing the model and running as an image.

Web Site
Supported Libraries
  • transformers==4.34.1
  • diffusers==0.14.0
  • accelerate==0.23.0
  • torchvision==0.15.2
  • torch==2.0.1
FrameworksThe following Hugging Face pipelines are supported by Wallaroo.
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_FEATURE_EXTRACTION aka hugging-face-feature-extraction
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION aka hugging-face-image-classification
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_IMAGE_SEGMENTATION aka hugging-face-image-segmentation
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_IMAGE_TO_TEXT aka hugging-face-image-to-text
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_OBJECT_DETECTION aka hugging-face-object-detection
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_QUESTION_ANSWERING aka hugging-face-question-answering
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_STABLE_DIFFUSION_TEXT_2_IMG aka hugging-face-stable-diffusion-text-2-img
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_SUMMARIZATION aka hugging-face-summarization
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_TEXT_CLASSIFICATION aka hugging-face-text-classification
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_TRANSLATION aka hugging-face-translation
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_ZERO_SHOT_CLASSIFICATION aka hugging-face-zero-shot-classification
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_ZERO_SHOT_IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION aka hugging-face-zero-shot-image-classification
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_ZERO_SHOT_OBJECT_DETECTION aka hugging-face-zero-shot-object-detection
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_SENTIMENT_ANALYSIS aka hugging-face-sentiment-analysis
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_TEXT_GENERATION aka hugging-face-text-generation
  • Framework.HUGGING_FACE_AUTOMATIC_SPEECH_RECOGNITION aka hugging-face-automatic-speech-recognition

During the model upload process, the Wallaroo instance will attempt to convert the model to a Native Wallaroo Runtime. If unsuccessful, a Wallaroo Containerized Runtime for the model is generated instead. See the model deployment section for details on how to configure pipeline resources based on the model’s runtime.

Hugging Face Schemas

Input and output schemas for each Hugging Face pipeline are defined below. Note that adding additional inputs not specified below will raise errors, except for the following:


Additional inputs added to these Hugging Face pipelines will be added as key/pair value arguments to the model’s generate method. If the argument is not required, then the model will default to the values coded in the original Hugging Face model’s source code.

See the Hugging Face Pipeline documentation for more details on each pipeline and framework.

<div class="tab-body tab-pane fade show active"
    id="tabs-05-01" role="tabpanel" aria-labelled-by="tabs-05-01-tab" tabindex="5">
Wallaroo FrameworkReferenceFramework.HUGGING_FACE_FEATURE_EXTRACTION


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string())
output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('output', pa.list_(
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(
    pa.field('top_k', pa.int64()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('score', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=2)),
    pa.field('label', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)),
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('threshold', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('mask_threshold', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('overlap_mask_area_threshold', pa.float64()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('score', pa.list_(pa.float64())),
    pa.field('label', pa.list_(pa.string())),
Wallaroo FrameworkReference

Any parameter that is not part of the required inputs list will be forwarded to the model as a key/pair value to the underlying models generate method. If the additional input is not supported by the model, an error will be returned.


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_( #required
    # pa.field('max_new_tokens', pa.int64()),  # optional

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('generated_text', pa.list_(pa.string())),
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('threshold', pa.float64()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('score', pa.list_(pa.float64())),
    pa.field('label', pa.list_(pa.string())),
        pa.list_( # dynamic output, i.e. dynamic number of boxes per input image, each sublist contains the 4 box coordinates 
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('question', pa.string()),
    pa.field('context', pa.string()),
    pa.field('top_k', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('doc_stride', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('max_answer_len', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('max_seq_len', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('max_question_len', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('handle_impossible_answer', pa.bool_()),
    pa.field('align_to_words', pa.bool_()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('score', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('start', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('end', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('answer', pa.string()),
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('prompt', pa.string()),
    pa.field('height', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('width', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('num_inference_steps', pa.int64()), # optional
    pa.field('guidance_scale', pa.float64()), # optional
    pa.field('negative_prompt', pa.string()), # optional
    pa.field('num_images_per_prompt', pa.string()), # optional
    pa.field('eta', pa.float64()) # optional

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('images', pa.list_(
Wallaroo FrameworkReference

Any parameter that is not part of the required inputs list will be forwarded to the model as a key/pair value to the underlying models generate method. If the additional input is not supported by the model, an error will be returned.


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()),
    pa.field('return_text', pa.bool_()),
    pa.field('return_tensors', pa.bool_()),
    pa.field('clean_up_tokenization_spaces', pa.bool_()),
    # pa.field('extra_field', pa.int64()), # every extra field you specify will be forwarded as a key/value pair

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('summary_text', pa.string()),
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()),
    pa.field('top_k', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('function_to_apply', pa.string()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('label', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # list with a number of items same as top_k, list_size can be skipped but may lead in worse performance
    pa.field('score', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=2)), # list with a number of items same as top_k, list_size can be skipped but may lead in worse performance
Wallaroo FrameworkReference

Any parameter that is not part of the required inputs list will be forwarded to the model as a key/pair value to the underlying models generate method. If the additional input is not supported by the model, an error will be returned.


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()), # required
    pa.field('return_tensors', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('return_text', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('clean_up_tokenization_spaces', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('src_lang', pa.string()), # optional
    pa.field('tgt_lang', pa.string()), # optional
    # pa.field('extra_field', pa.int64()), # every extra field you specify will be forwarded as a key/value pair

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('translation_text', pa.string()),
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()), # required
    pa.field('candidate_labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # required
    pa.field('hypothesis_template', pa.string()), # optional
    pa.field('multi_label', pa.bool_()), # optional

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('sequence', pa.string()),
    pa.field('scores', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels, list_size can be skipped by may result in slightly worse performance
    pa.field('labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels, list_size can be skipped by may result in slightly worse performance
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', # required
    pa.field('candidate_labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # required
    pa.field('hypothesis_template', pa.string()), # optional

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('score', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels
    pa.field('label', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels
Wallaroo FrameworkReference


input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('candidate_labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=3)),
    pa.field('threshold', pa.float64()),
    # pa.field('top_k', pa.int64()), # we want the model to return exactly the number of predictions, we shouldn't specify this

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('score', pa.list_(pa.float64())), # variable output, depending on detected objects
    pa.field('label', pa.list_(pa.string())), # variable output, depending on detected objects
        pa.list_( # dynamic output, i.e. dynamic number of boxes per input image, each sublist contains the 4 box coordinates 
Wallaroo FrameworkReference
Framework.HUGGING_FACE_SENTIMENT_ANALYSISHugging Face Sentiment Analysis
<div class="tab-body tab-pane fade"
    id="tabs-05-15" role="tabpanel" aria-labelled-by="tabs-05-15-tab" tabindex="5">
Wallaroo FrameworkReferenceFramework.HUGGING_FACE_TEXT_GENERATION

Any parameter that is not part of the required inputs list will be forwarded to the model as a key/pair value to the underlying models generate method. If the additional input is not supported by the model, an error will be returned.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()),
    pa.field('return_tensors', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('return_text', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('return_full_text', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('clean_up_tokenization_spaces', pa.bool_()), # optional
    pa.field('prefix', pa.string()), # optional
    pa.field('handle_long_generation', pa.string()), # optional
    # pa.field('extra_field', pa.int64()), # every extra field you specify will be forwarded as a key/value pair

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('generated_text', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=1))
Wallaroo FrameworkReference

Sample input and output schema.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(pa.float32())), # required: the audio stored in numpy arrays of shape (num_samples,) and data type `float32`
    pa.field('return_timestamps', pa.string()) # optional: return start & end times for each predicted chunk

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('text', pa.string()), # required: the output text corresponding to the audio input
    pa.field('chunks', pa.list_(pa.struct([('text', pa.string()), ('timestamp', pa.list_(pa.float32()))]))), # required (if `return_timestamps` is set), start & end times for each predicted chunk

Uploading Hugging Face Models

Hugging Face models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload Hugging Face Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for Hugging Face models. Note that while some fields are considered as optional for the upload_model method, they are required for proper uploading of a Hugging Face model to Wallaroo.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the framework - see the list above for all supported Hugging Face frameworks.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is containerized by the Wallaroo instance. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Upload Hugging Face Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload Hugging Face Model Example

The following example is of uploading a Hugging Face Zero Shot Classification ML Model to Wallaroo.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.string()),
    pa.field('candidate_labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)),
    pa.field('hypothesis_template', pa.string()),
    pa.field('multi_label', pa.bool_()),

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('sequence', pa.string()),
    pa.field('scores', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels, list_size can be skipped by may result in slightly worse performance
    pa.field('labels', pa.list_(pa.string(), list_size=2)), # same as number of candidate labels, list_size can be skipped by may result in slightly worse performance

model = wl.upload_model("hf-zero-shot-classification",

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a container runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a container runtime................................................successful


Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Python scripts are uploaded to Wallaroo and and treated like an ML Models in Pipeline steps. These are referred to as Python steps.

Python steps can include:

  • Preprocessing steps to prepare the data received to be handed to ML Model deployed as another Pipeline step.
  • Postprocessing steps to take data output by a ML Model as part of a Pipeline step, and prepare the data to be received by some other data store or entity.
  • A model contained within a Python script.

In all of these, the requirements for uploading a Python step as a ML Model in Wallaroo are the same.

Web Site
Supported Librariespython==3.10
FrameworkFramework.PYTHON aka python

Python models uploaded to Wallaroo are executed Wallaroo Containerized Runtime.

Note that Python models - aka “Python steps” - are standalone python scripts that use the python libraries. These are commonly used for data formatting such as the pre and post-processing steps, and are also appropriate for simple models (such as ARIMA Statsmodels). A Wallaroo Python model can be composed of one or more Python script that matches the Wallaroo requirements.

This is contrasted with Custom Model, also known as Bring Your Own Predict (BYOP) that allow for custom model inference methods with supporting scripts and artifacts. These are used with pre-trained models (PyTorch, Tensorflow, etc) along with their supporting artifacts such as other Python modules, scripts, model files, etc.

Python Models Requirements

Python scripts packaged as Python models in Wallaroo have the following requirements.

  • At least one .py Python script file with the following:
    • Must be compatible with Python version 3.10.

    • Imports the mac.types.InferenceData included with the Wallaroo SDK. For example:

      from mac.types import InferenceData
    • Includes the following method as the entry point for Wallaroo model inferencing:

      def process_data(input_data: InferenceData) -> InferenceData:
          # additional code block here
      • Only one implementation of process_data(input_data: InferenceData) -> InferenceData is allowed. There can be as many Python scripts included in the .zip file as needed, but only one can have this method as the entry point.

        • The process_data function must return a dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are NumPy arrays. In the case of single values (scalars) these must be single-element arrays. For example:

          def process_data(input_data: InferenceData) -> InferenceData:
           # return a dictionary with the field output that transforms the input field `variable` to its value to the 10th power.
            return {
              'output' : np.rint(np.power(10, input_data["variable"]))
      • InferenceData represents a dictionary of numpy arrays where the first dimension is always the batch size. The type annotations set in the input_schema and output_schema for the model when uploaded must be present and correct.

      • process_data accepts and returns InferenceData. Any other implementations will return an error.

    • (Optional): A requirements.txt file that includes any additional Python libraries required by the Python script with the following requirements:

      • The Python libraries must match the targeted infrastructure. For details on uploading models to a specific infrastructures such as ARM, see Automated Model Packaging.
      • The Python libraries must be compatible with Python version python==3.10.11.

The Python script, optional requirements.txt file, and artifacts are packaged in a .zip file with the Python script and optional requirements.txt file in the root folder. For example, the sample files stored in the folder preprocess-step:


The files are packaged into a .zip file. For example, the following packages the contents of the folder preprocess_step into

zip -r preprocess_step/*

In the example below, the Python model is used as a pre processing step for another ML model. It accepts as an input the InferenceData submitted as part of an inference request. It then formats the data and outputs a dictionary of numpy arrays with the field tensor. This data is then able to be passed to the next model in a pipeline step.

import datetime
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import wallaroo

from mac.types import InferenceData

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_vars = [

def process_data(input_data: InferenceData) -> InferenceData:
    input_df = pd.DataFrame(input_data)
    thisyear =
    input_df["house_age"] = thisyear - input_df["yr_built"]
    input_df["renovated"] = np.where((input_df["yr_renovated"] > 0), 1, 0)
    input_df["yrs_since_reno"] = np.where(
        input_df["yr_renovated"] - input_df["yr_built"],
    input_df = input_df.loc[:, _vars]

    return {"tensor": input_df.to_numpy(dtype=np.float32)}

In line with other Wallaroo inference results, the outputs of a Python step that returns a pandas DataFrame or Arrow Table will be listed in the out. metadata, with all inference outputs listed as out.{variable 1}, out.{variable 2}, etc. For example, a postprocessing Python step that is the final model step in a pipeline with the output field output is included in the out dataset as the field out.output in the Wallaroo inference result.

02023-06-20 20:23:28.395[0.6878518042, 0.1760734021, -0.869514083, 0.3..[12.886651039123535]0

Python Libraries

Python libraries required by the included Python script are specified in the requirements.txt file included in the .zip file. These requirements and the versions of libraries should be exactly the same between creating the model and deploying it in Wallaroo.

The requirements.txt file specifies:

  • Python Libraries available through and the specific version. For example:

    requests == 2.32.2
  • Python Wheels as Python model artifacts: Python Wheels as Python model artifacts are included in the .zip file and are referred to in the Python model’s requirements.txt file based on the relative path within the .zip file.

    For example, if the Python model’s .zip file includes the Python Wheel libraries/custom_wheel.whl

    ├── libraries
    │   └── custom_wheel.whl
    └── requirements.txt

    Then the requirements.txt file included with the Python model’s .zip file refers to this Python Wheel as:

  • External Python Wheels: Python Wheels that are available from external sources (aka - not included as Python model artifacts):

    • Must be referred to by the full URL.
    • Must be available from the Wallaroo instance.

    For example, to include the Python Wheel hosted at, the requirements.txt file included with the Python model’s .zip file refers to this Python Wheel as:
  • Extra Index URL: For Python libraries that require the --extra-index-url flag:

    • Set the --extra-index-url flag with the full URL to the extra index. This must be available from the Wallaroo instance.
    • In the next line, specify the Python library and version.
    • Repeat the steps above for each Python library with an extra index URL.

    For example, to include the extra index URL for the torchvision Python library, the requirements.txt file included with the Python model’s .zip file refers to this Python Wheel as:


Upload Python Models via the Wallaroo SDK

Python step models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the wallaroo.client.upload_model() method.

Upload Python Model Parameters

namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathstring (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded. This must be a .zip file as defined in Python Models Requirements.
frameworkstring (Required)Set as the Framework.Python.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitbool (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.
archwallaroo.engine_config.ArchitectureThe architecture the model is deployed to. If a model is intended for deployment to an architecture other than X86, it must be specified during this step. Values include:
  • X86 (Default): x86 based architectures.
  • ARM: ARM based architectures.
  • Power10: Power10 based architectures.
accelwallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration (Optional)The AI hardware accelerator used. If a model is intended for use with a hardware accelerator, it should be assigned at this step.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration._None (Default): No accelerator is assigned. This works for all infrastructures.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.AIO: AIO acceleration for Ampere Optimized trained models, only available with ARM processors.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.Jetson: Nvidia Jetson acceleration used with edge deployments with ARM processors.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.CUDA: NVIDIA CUDA acceleration supported by both ARM and X64/X86 processors. This is intended for deployment with Nvidia GPUs.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.OpenVINO: Intel OpenVino acceleration. AI Accelerator from Intel compatible with x86/64 architectures. Aimed at edge and multi-cloud deployments either with or without Intel GPUs.

Upload Python Model Returns

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload Python Models Example

The following example is of uploading a Python step ML Model to a Wallaroo instance.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('id', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('date', pa.string()),
    pa.field('list_price', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('bedrooms', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('bathrooms', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('sqft_living', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('sqft_lot', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('floors', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('waterfront', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('view', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('condition', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('grade', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('sqft_above', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('sqft_basement', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('yr_built', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('yr_renovated', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('zipcode', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('lat', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('long', pa.float64()),
    pa.field('sqft_living15', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('sqft_lot15', pa.int64()),
    pa.field('sale_price', pa.float64())

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('tensor', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=18))

preprocess_model = wl.upload_model("preprocess-step", "./models/", \
                                   framework=wallaroo.framework.Framework.PYTHON, \
                                   input_schema=input_schema, output_schema=output_schema)
Image PathNone
Updated At2024-03-Apr 18:11:34

Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Web Site
Supported Libraries
  • torch==2.0.1
  • torchvision==0.15.2
FrameworkFramework.PYTORCH aka pytorch
Supported File Typespt ot pth in TorchScript format

During the model upload process, Wallaroo optimizes models by converting them to the Wallaroo Native Runtime, if possible, or running the model directly in the Wallaroo Containerized Runtime. See the Model Deploy for details on how to configure pipeline resources based on the model’s runtime.

  • IMPORTANT CONFIGURATION NOTE: For PyTorch input schemas, the floats must be pyarrow.float32() for the PyTorch model to be converted to the Native Wallaroo Runtime during the upload process.

PyTorch Input and Output Schemas

PyTorch input and output schemas have additional requirements depending on whether the PyTorch model is single input/output or multiple input/output. This refers to the number of columns:

  • Single Input/Output: Has one input and one output column.
  • Multiple Input/Output: Has more than one input or more than one output column.

The column names for the model can be anything. For example:

  • Model Input Fields:
    • length
    • width
    • intensity
    • etc

When creating the input and output schemas for uploading a PyTorch model in Wallaroo, the field names must match the following requirements. For example, for multi-column PyTorch models, the input would be:

  • Data Schema Input Fields:
    • input_1
    • input_2
    • input_3
    • input_...

For single input/output PyTorch model, the field names must be input and output. For example, if the input field is a List of Floats of size 10, and the output field is a list of floats of list size one, the input and output schemas are:

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('input', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=10))

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('output', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=1))

For multi input/output PyTorch models, the data schemas for each input and output field must be named input_1, input_2... and output_1, output_2, etc. These must be in the same order that the PyTorch model is trained to accept them.

For example, a multi input/output PyTorch model that takes the following inputs and outputs:

  • Inputs
    • input_1: List of Floats of length 10.
    • input_2: List of Floats of length 5.
  • Outputs
    • output_1: List of Floats of length 3.
    • output_2: List of Floats of length 2.

The following input and output schemas would be used.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('input_1', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=10)),
    pa.field('input_2', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=5))
output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('output_1', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=3)),
    pa.field('output_2', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=2))

Uploading PyTorch Models

PyTorch models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload PyTorch Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for PyTorch models. Note that while some fields are considered as optional for the upload_model method, they are required for proper uploading of a PyTorch model to Wallaroo.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the Framework.PyTorch.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format. Note that float values must be pyarrow.float32() for the Pytorch model to be converted to a Wallaroo Native Runtime during model upload.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format. Note that float values must be pyarrow.float32() for the Pytorch model to be converted to a Wallaroo Native Runtime during model upload.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is optimized. This process may take up to 10 minutes depending on the size and complexity of the model.

Upload PyTorch Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
sheStringThe hash value of the model file.
statusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload PyTorch Model Example

The following example is of uploading a PyTorch ML Model to a Wallaroo instance.

input_schema = pa.schema(
        pa.field('input', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=10))

output_schema = pa.schema(
    pa.field('output', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=1))

model = wl.upload_model('pt-single-io-model', 

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a native runtime..

Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Wallaroo supports SKLearn models by containerizing the model and running as an image.

Sci-kit Learn aka SKLearn.

Web Site
Supported Libraries
  • scikit-learn==1.3.0
FrameworkFramework.SKLEARN aka sklearn

During the model upload process, Wallaroo optimizes models by converting them to the Wallaroo Native Runtime, if possible, or running the model directly in the Wallaroo Containerized Runtime. See the Model Deploy for details on how to configure pipeline resources based on the model’s runtime.

SKLearn Schema Inputs

SKLearn schema follows a different format than other models. To prevent inputs from being out of order, the inputs should be submitted in a single row in the order the model is trained to accept, with all of the data types being the same. For example, the following DataFrame has 4 columns, each column a float.

 sepal length (cm)sepal width (cm)petal length (cm)petal width (cm)

For submission to an SKLearn model, the data input schema will be a single array with 4 float values.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=4))

When submitting as an inference, the DataFrame is converted to rows with the column data expressed as a single array. The data must be in the same order as the model expects, which is why the data is submitted as a single array rather than JSON labeled columns: this insures that the data is submitted in the exact order as the model is trained to accept.

Original DataFrame:

 sepal length (cm)sepal width (cm)petal length (cm)petal width (cm)

Converted DataFrame:

0[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2]
1[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]

SKLearn Schema Outputs

Outputs for SKLearn that are meant to be predictions or probabilities when output by the model are labeled in the output schema for the model when uploaded to Wallaroo. For example, a model that outputs either 1 or 0 as its output would have the output schema as follows:

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predictions', pa.int32())

When used in Wallaroo, the inference result is contained in the out metadata as out.predictions.

02023-07-05 15:11:29.776[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2]00
12023-07-05 15:11:29.776[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]00

Uploading SKLearn Models

SKLearn models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload SKLearn Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for SKLearn models. Note that while some fields are considered as optional for the upload_model method, they are required for proper uploading of a SKLearn model to Wallaroo.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the Framework.SKLEARN.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is containerized by the Wallaroo instance. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Upload SKLearn Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload SKLearn Model Example

The following example is of uploading a pickled SKLearn ML Model to a Wallaroo instance.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=4))

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predictions', pa.int32())

model = wl.upload_model('sklearn-clustering-kmeans', 

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a native runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a native runtime..incompatible

Model is pending loading to a container runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a container runtime..............successful

Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Wallaroo supports TensorFlow/Keras models by containerizing the model and running as an image.

Web Site
Supported Libraries
  • tensorflow>=2.16.1
  • keras==2.13.1
FrameworkFramework.KERAS aka keras
Supported File TypesSavedModel format as .zip file and HDF5 format

During the model upload process, Wallaroo optimizes models by converting them to the Wallaroo Native Runtime, if possible, or running the model directly in the Wallaroo Containerized Runtime. See the Model Deploy for details on how to configure pipeline resources based on the model’s runtime.

TensorFlow Keras SavedModel Format

TensorFlow Keras SavedModel models are .zip file of the SavedModel format. For example, the Aloha sample TensorFlow model is stored in the directory alohacnnlstm:

├── saved_model.pb
└── variables
    └── variables.index

This is compressed into the .zip file with the following command:

zip -r alohacnnlstm/

See the SavedModel guide for full details.

TensorFlow Keras H5 Format

Wallaroo supports the H5 for Tensorflow Keras models.

Uploading TensorFlow Models

TensorFlow Keras models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload TensorFlow Model Parameters

The following parameters are required for TensorFlow keras models. Note that while some fields are considered as optional for the upload_model method, they are required for proper uploading of a TensorFlow Keras model to Wallaroo.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the Framework.KERAS.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is containerized by the Wallaroo instance. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Upload TensorFlow Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

For example, the following example is of uploading a tensorflow Keras Model to a Wallaroo instance.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('input', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=10))
output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('output', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=32))

model = wl.upload_model('keras-sequential-single-io', 

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a native runtime.
Model is pending loading to a container runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a container runtime.....................successful


Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Wallaroo supports XGBoost models by containerizing the model and running as an image.

Web Site
Supported Libraries
  • scikit-learn==1.3.0
  • xgboost==1.7.4
FrameworkFramework.XGBOOST aka xgboost
Supported File Typespickle (XGB files are not supported.)

During the model upload process, Wallaroo optimizes models by converting them to the Wallaroo Native Runtime, if possible, or running the model directly in the Wallaroo Containerized Runtime. See the Model Deploy for details on how to configure pipeline resources based on the model’s runtime.

Since the Wallaroo 2024.1 release, XGBoost support is enhanced to performantly support a wider set of XGBoost models. XGBoost models are not required to be trained with ONNX nomenclature in order to successfully convert to a performant runtime.

XGBoost Types Support

The following XGBoost model types are supported by Wallaroo. XGBoost models not supported by Wallaroo are supported via the Custom Model, also known as Bring Your Own Predict (BYOP).

XGBoost Model TypeWallaroo Packaging Supported
Booster Classifier
Booster Classifier
Booster Regressor
Booster Random Forest Regressor
Booster Random Forest Classifier
  • XGBRanker XGBoost models are currently supported via converting them to BYOP models.

XGBoost Schema Inputs

XGBoost schema follows a different format than other models. To prevent inputs from being out of order, the inputs should be submitted in a single row in the order the model is trained to accept, with all of the data types being the same. If a model is originally trained to accept inputs of different data types, it will need to be retrained to only accept one data type for each column - typically pa.float64() is a good choice.

For example, the following DataFrame has 4 columns, each column a float.

 sepal length (cm)sepal width (cm)petal length (cm)petal width (cm)

For submission to an XGBoost model, the data input schema will be a single array with 4 float values.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=4))

When submitting as an inference, the DataFrame is converted to rows with the column data expressed as a single array. The data must be in the same order as the model expects, which is why the data is submitted as a single array rather than JSON labeled columns: this insures that the data is submitted in the exact order as the model is trained to accept.

Original DataFrame:

 sepal length (cm)sepal width (cm)petal length (cm)petal width (cm)

Converted DataFrame:

0[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2]
1[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]

XGBoost Schema Outputs

Outputs for XGBoost are labeled based on the trained model outputs.

Outputs for XBoost that are meant to be predictions or probabilities must be labeled as part of the output schema. For example, a model that outputs either 1 or 0 as its output would have the output schema as follows:

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predictions', pa.float32()),

When used in Wallaroo, the inference result is contained in the out metadata as out.predictions.

02023-07-05 15:11:29.776[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2]00
12023-07-05 15:11:29.776[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]00

Uploading XGBoost Models

XGBoost models are uploaded to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo Client upload_model method.

Upload XGBoost Model Parameters

The following parameters are available for XGBoost models.

nameString (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathString (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkString (Required)Set as the Framework.XGBOOST.
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitBoolean (Optional) (Default: True)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

Once the upload process starts, the model is containerized by the Wallaroo instance. This process may take up to 10 minutes.

Upload XGBoost Model Return

upload_model returns a wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion object with the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
SHAStringThe hash value of the model file.
StatusStringThe status of the model.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload XGBoost Model Example

The following example is of uploading a XGBoost ML Model to a Wallaroo instance.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(pa.float64(), list_size=4))

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('output', pa.float64())

model = wl.upload_model('xgboost-classification', 

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a native runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a native runtime..incompatible

Model is pending loading to a container runtime.
Model is attempting loading to a container runtime............successful



The following tutorials are available to show different types of XGBoost models uploaded and deployed to Wallaroo.

Web Site
Supported Librariesmlflow==1.30.0

For models that do not fall under the supported model frameworks, organizations can use containerized MLFlow ML Models.

This guide details how to add ML Models from a model registry service into Wallaroo.

Wallaroo supports both public and private containerized model registries. See the Wallaroo Private Containerized Model Container Registry Guide for details on how to configure a Wallaroo instance with a private model registry.

Wallaroo users can register their trained MLFlow ML Models from a containerized model container registry into their Wallaroo instance and perform inferences with it through a Wallaroo pipeline.

As of this time, Wallaroo only supports MLFlow 1.30.0 containerized models. For information on how to containerize an MLFlow model, see the MLFlow Documentation.

Model Naming Requirements

Model names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. The strings for model names must be lower case ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

Containerized MLFlow Model Operations

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model

Web Site
Supported Librariesmlflow==1.30.0

For models that do not fall under the supported model frameworks, organizations can use containerized MLFlow ML Models.

This guide details how to add ML Models from a model registry service into Wallaroo.

Wallaroo supports both public and private containerized model registries. See the Wallaroo Private Containerized Model Container Registry Guide for details on how to configure a Wallaroo instance with a private model registry.

Wallaroo users can register their trained MLFlow ML Models from a containerized model container registry into their Wallaroo instance and perform inferences with it through a Wallaroo pipeline.

As of this time, Wallaroo only supports MLFlow 1.30.0 containerized models. For information on how to containerize an MLFlow model, see the MLFlow Documentation.

Containerized MLFlow models are not uploaded, but registered from a container registry service. This is performed through the wallaroo.client.register_model_image(options), and wallaroo.model_version.configure(options) method.

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model Parameters

The following parameters must be set for wallaroo.client.register_model_image(options) and wallaroo.model_version.configure(options) for a Containerized MLFlow model to be registered in Wallaroo.

Register Model Image Parameters
model_namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
imagestring (Required)The URL to the containerized MLFlow model in the MLFlow Registry..
Model Version Configuration Parameters

Model version configurations are updated with the wallaroo.model_version.config and include the following parameters.

tensor_fields(List[string]) (Optional)A list of alternate input fields. For example, if the model accepts the input fields ['variable1', 'variable2'], tensor_fields allows those inputs to be overridden to ['square_feet', 'house_age'], or other values as required. These only apply to ONNX models.
batch_config(List[string]) (Optional)Batch config is either None for multiple-input inferences, or single to accept an inference request with only one row of data.

For model version configuration for MLFlow models, the following must be defined:

  • runtime: Set as mlflow.
  • input_schema: The input schema from the Apache Arrow pyarrow.lib.Schema format.
  • output_schema: The output schema from the Apache Arrow pyarrow.lib.Schema format.

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model Returns

wallaroo.client.register_model_image(options) returns the model version. The model version refers to the version of the model object in Wallaroo. In Wallaroo, a model version update happens when we upload a new model file (artifact) against the same model object name.

  • Note that models are uploaded to the current workspace assigned in the SDK session. By default, this is the user’s Default Workspace.
idIntegerThe numerical identifier of the model version.
nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model Example

The following example demonstrates registering a Statsmodel model stored in a MLFLow container with a Wallaroo instance.

sm_input_schema = pa.schema([
  pa.field('temp', pa.float32()),
  pa.field('holiday', pa.uint8()),
  pa.field('workingday', pa.uint8()),
  pa.field('windspeed', pa.float32())

sm_output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predicted_mean', pa.float32())

sm_model = wl.register_model_image(

File Namenone
Updated At2024-30-Jan 16:11:55

MLFlow Data Formats

When using containerized MLFlow models with Wallaroo, the inputs and outputs must be named. For example, the following output:


Would need to be wrapped with the data values named:

[{"prediction": -12.045839810372835}]

A short sample code for wrapping data may be:

output_df = pd.DataFrame(prediction, columns=["prediction"])
return output_df

Wallaroo users can register their trained machine learning models from a model registry into their Wallaroo instance and perform inferences with it through a Wallaroo pipeline.

For instructions creating and adding a registry to Wallaroo, see Connect a Model Registry.

This guide details how to add ML Models from a model registry service into a Wallaroo instance.

Artifact Requirements

Models are uploaded to the Wallaroo instance as the specific artifact - the “file” or other data that represents the file itself. This must comply with the Wallaroo model requirements framework and version or it will not be deployed. Note that for models that fall outside of the supported model types, they can be registered to a Wallaroo workspace as MLFlow 1.30.0 containerized models.

Wallaroo Registry Model Operations

  • List Registries in a Workspace: List the available registries in the current workspace.
  • List Models: List Models in a Registry
  • Upload Model: Upload a version of a ML Model from the Registry to a Wallaroo workspace.
  • List Model Versions: List the versions of a particular model.
  • Remove Registry from Workspace: Remove a specific Registry configuration from a specific workspace.

List Registries in a Workspace

Registries associated with a workspace are listed with the Wallaroo.Client.list_model_registries() method. This lists all registries associated with the current workspace.

List Registries in a Workspace Parameters


List Registries in a Workspace Returns

A List of Registries with the following fields.

NameStringThe name of the MLFlow Registry service.
URLstringThe URL for connecting to the service.
Created AtDateTimeWhen the registry was added to the Wallaroo instance.
Updated AtDateTimeWhen the registry was last updated.

List Registries in a Workspace Example

nameregistry urlcreated atupdated at
gibhttps://sampleregistry.wallaroo.ai2023-27-Jun 03:22:462023-27-Jun 03:22:46
ExampleNotebookhttps://sampleregistry.wallaroo.ai2023-27-Jun 13:57:262023-27-Jun 13:57:26

List Models in a Registry

A List of models available to the Wallaroo instance through the MLFlow Registry is performed with the Wallaroo.Registry.list_models() method.

List Models in a Registry Parameters


List Models in a Registry Returns

A List of models with the following fields.

NameStringThe name of the model.
Registry UserstringThe user account that is tied to the registry service for this model.
VersionsintThe number of versions for the model, starting at 0.
Created AtDateTimeWhen the registry was added to the Wallaroo instance.
Updated AtDateTimeWhen the registry was last updated.

List Models in a Registry Example

NameRegistry UserVersionsCreated AtUpdated At
testmodelsample.user@wallaroo.ai02023-16-Jun 14:38:422023-16-Jun 14:38:42
testmodel2sample.user@wallaroo.ai02023-16-Jun 14:41:042023-16-Jun 14:41:04
wine_qualitysample.user@wallaroo.ai22023-16-Jun 15:05:532023-16-Jun 15:09:57

Retrieve Specific Model Details from the Registry

Model details are retrieved by assigning a MLFlow Registry Model to an object with the Wallaroo.Registry.list_models(), then specifying the element in the list to save it to a Registered Model object.

The following will return the most recent model added to the MLFlow Registry service.

mlflow_model = registry.list_models()[-1]
NameStringThe name of the model.
Registry UserstringThe user account that is tied to the registry service for this model.
VersionsintThe number of versions for the model, starting at 0.
Created AtDateTimeWhen the registry was added to the Wallaroo instance.
Updated AtDateTimeWhen the registry was last updated.

List Model Versions of Registered Model

MLFlow registries can contain multiple versions of a ML Model. These are listed and are listed with the Registered Model versions attribute. The versions are listed in reverse order of insertion, with the most recent model version in position 0.

List Model Versions of Registered Model Parameters


List Model Versions of Registered Model Returns

A List of the Registered Model Versions with the following fields.

NameStringThe name of the model.
VersionintThe version number. The higher numbers are the most recent.
DescriptionStringThe registered model’s description from the MLFlow Registry service.

List Model Versions of Registered Model Example

The following will return the most recent model added to the MLFlow Registry service and list its versions.

mlflow_model = registry.list_models()[-1]

List Model Version Artifacts

Artifacts belonging to a MLFlow registry model are listed with the Model Version list_artifacts() method. This returns all artifacts for the model.

List Model Version Artifacts Parameters


List Model Version Artifacts Returns

A List of artifacts with the following fields.

file_nameStringThe name assigned to the artifact.
file_sizeStringThe size of the artifact in bytes.
full_pathStringThe path of the artifact. This will be used to upload the artifact to Wallaroo.

List Model Version Artifacts Example

The following will list the artifacts in a single registry model.

File NameFile SizeFull Path

Upload a Model from a Registry

Models uploaded to the Wallaroo workspace are uploaded from a MLFlow Registry with the Wallaroo.Registry.upload method.

Upload a Model from a Registry Parameters

namestring (Required)The name to assign the model once uploaded. Model names are unique within a workspace. Models assigned the same name as an existing model will be uploaded as a new model version.
pathstring (Required)The full path to the model artifact in the registry.
frameworkstring (Required)The Wallaroo model Framework. See Model Uploads and Registrations Supported Frameworks
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required for non-native runtimes)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required for non-native runtimes)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.

Upload a Model from a Registry Returns

The registry model details as follows.

NameStringThe name of the model.
VersionstringThe version registered in the Wallaroo instance in UUID format.
File NamestringThe file name associated with the ML Model in the Wallaroo instance.
SHAstringThe models hash value.
StatusstringThe status of the model from the following list.
  • pending_conversion: The model is uploaded to Wallaroo and is ready to convert.
  • converting: The model is being converted into a Wallaroo supported runtime.
  • ready
  • : The model is ready and available for use.
  • error: The model conversion has failed. Check error messages and verify the model is the correct version and framework.
Image PathstringThe image used for the containerization of the model.
Updated AtDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload a Model from a Registry Example

The following will retrieve the most recent uploaded model and upload it with the XGBOOST framework into the current Wallaroo workspace.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('inputs', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=4))

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predictions', pa.int32())

model = registry.upload_model(
File Namemodel.pkl
Updated At2023-05-Jul 19:14:49

Retrieve Model Status

The model status is retrieved with the Model status() method.

Retrieve Model Status Parameters


Retrieve Model Status Returns

statusStringThe current status of the uploaded model.
  • pending_conversion: The model is uploaded to Wallaroo and is ready to convert.
  • converting: The model is being converted into a Wallaroo supported runtime.
  • ready
  • : The model is ready and available for use.
  • error: The model conversion has failed. Check error messages and verify the model is the correct version and framework.

Retrieve Model Status Returns Example

The following demonstrates checking the status in the for loop until the model shows either ready or error.

import time
while model.status() != "ready" and model.status() != "error":


Python Libraries

The following Python libraries are used by default with the Wallaroo SDK and JupyterHub.

The following ML Model versions and Python libraries are supported by Wallaroo. When using the Wallaroo autoconversion library or working with a local version of the Wallaroo SDK, use the following versions for maximum compatibility.

LibrarySupported Version
sk-learn aka scikit-learnscikit-learn==1.3.0

Supported Data Types

The following data types are supported for transporting data to and from Wallaroo in the following run times:

  • ONNX
  • TensorFlow
  • MLFlow

Data Type Conditions

The following conditions apply to data types used in inference requests.

  • None or Null data types are not submitted. All fields must have submitted values that match their data type. For example, if the schema expects a float value, then some value of type float must be submitted and can not be None or Null. If a schema expects a string value, then some value of type string must be submitted, etc. The exception are BYOP models, which can accept optional inputs.
  • datetime data types must be converted to string.
  • ONNX models support multiple inputs only of the same data type.
  • * (Brain Float 16, represented internally as a f32)

RuntimeBooleanUtf8 (String)Complex 64Complex 128FixedSizeList*
  • * Fixed sized lists of any of the previously supported data types.

Wallaroo MLOps Upload Generate Command

The method wallaroo.client.Client.generate_upload_model_api_command generates a curl script for uploading models to Wallaroo via the Wallaroo MLOps API. The generated curl script is based on the Wallaroo SDK user’s current workspace. This is useful for environments that do not have the Wallaroo SDK installed, or uploading very large models (10 gigabytes or more).

The command assumes that other upload parameters are set to default. For details on uploading models via the Wallaroo MLOps API, see Wallaroo MLOps API Essentials Guide: Model Upload and Registrations.

This method takes the following parameters:

base_urlString (Required)The Wallaroo domain name. For example:
nameString (Required)The name to assign the model at upload. This must match DNS naming conventions.
pathString (Required)Path to the ML or LLM model file.
frameworkString (Required)The framework from wallaroo.framework.Framework For a complete list, see Wallaroo Supported Models.
input_schemaString (Required)The model’s input schema in PyArrow.Schema format.
output_schemaString (Required)The model’s output schema in PyArrow.Schema format.

This outputs a curl command in the following format (indentions added for emphasis). The sections marked with {} represent the variable names that are injected into the script from the above parameter or from the current SDK session:

  • {Current Workspace['id']}: The value of the id for the current workspace.
  • {Bearer Token}: The bearer token used to authentication to the Wallaroo MLOps API.
curl --progress-bar -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {Bearer Token}"
      -F "metadata={"name": {name}, "visibility": "private", "workspace_id": {Current Workspace['id']}, "conversion": {"arch": "x86", "accel": "none", "framework": "custom", "python_version": "3.8", "requirements": []}, \
      "input_schema": "{base64 version of input_schema}", \
      "output_schema": "base64 version of the output_schema"};type=application/json" \
      -F "file=@{path};type=application/octet-stream" \

Once generated, users can use the script to upload the model via the Wallaroo MLOps API.

The following example shows setting the parameters above and generating the model upload API command.

import wallaroo
import pyarrow as pa

# set the input and output schemas

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field("text", pa.string())

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field("generated_text", pa.string())

# use the generate model upload api command


The output of this command is:

curl --progress-bar -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization: Bearer abc123" -F "metadata={"name": "sample_model_name", "visibility": "private", "workspace_id": 20, "conversion": {"arch": "x86", "accel": "none", "framework": "custom", "python_version": "3.8", "requirements": []}, "input_schema": "/////3AAAAAQAAAAAAAKAAwABgAFAAgACgAAAAABBAAMAAAACAAIAAAABAAIAAAABAAAAAEAAAAUAAAAEAAUAAgABgAHAAwAAAAQABAAAAAAAAEFEAAAABwAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAQAAAB0ZXh0AAAAAAQABAAEAAAA", "output_schema": "/////3gAAAAQAAAAAAAKAAwABgAFAAgACgAAAAABBAAMAAAACAAIAAAABAAIAAAABAAAAAEAAAAUAAAAEAAUAAgABgAHAAwAAAAQABAAAAAAAAEFEAAAACQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAA4AAABnZW5lcmF0ZWRfdGV4dAAABAAEAAQAAAA="};type=application/json" -F ";type=application/octet-stream"'