Oracle Cloud Marketplace Setup

How to set up Wallaroo in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Marketplace with Ampere Virtual Machines

Table of Contents

This guide is targeted towards system administrators and data scientists who want to work with the easiest, fastest, and free method of running your own machine learning models.

A typical installation of Wallaroo Community Edition follows this process:

StepDescription   Average Setup Time   
Get A LicenseDownload or redownload the Wallaroo Community Edition license.5 minutes
Provision Wallaroo Installation from OCI MarketplaceSet up the cloud environment hosting the Wallaroo instance.15 minutes
Activate the Wallaroo InstanceStart the Wallaroo instance and make it available for use.15-20 minutes

Get A License

The first step to installing Wallaroo CE is to set up your Wallaroo Community Edition Account at the web site This process typically takes about 5 minutes.

Registration Portal

Once you’ve submitted your credentials, you’ll be sent an email with a link to your license file.

Invitation Email

Follow the link and download your license file. Store it in a secure location.

Download license

Redownload License

If your license is misplaced or otherwise lost, it can be downloaded again later from the same link, or by following the registration steps again to be provided with a link to your license file.


Verify the prerequisites are met before creating the new Wallaroo instance through the OCI Marketplace:

The following steps detail:

Provision Wallaroo Installation from OCI Marketplace

The following steps provisions a new Wallaroo installation from the OCI Marketplace. See the video below for a demonstration.

During this process the following information must be stored:

  • The generated or used SSH key.
  • The public IP address set for the new instance.
  1. Login to the OCI Marketplace. From the OCI Marketplace listing Wallaroo AI inference platform - Community Edition (Ampere), select Get App.

  2. Set the following required options. For other options, refer to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation Creating an Instance.

    OCI Create New Wallaroo Instance
    1. Name: The name of the new Wallaroo instance.
    2. Create in compartment: Select the OCI compartment the instance is created in. For more details, see What is a Compartment?.
    3. Image and Shape:
      1. Image: The OCI marketplace automatically selects the Wallaroo image.
      2. Shape: Select Change shape and set the following.
        1. Shape Name: VM.Standard.A1.Flex
        2. Number of ocpu: 16 ocpu
        3. Shape: 64gb E4.Flex
    4. Primary VNIC information
      1. Primary Network: Select Select existing virtual cloud network as defined in the Prerequisites.
    5. Add SSH Keys: Select one of the following.
      1. Select Generate a key pair for me, then select Save private key and Save public key. Save these in a secure location.
      2. Use a pre-created SSH key from the Prerequisites and either Upload public key files (.pub) or Paste public keys. Store these in a secure location.
  3. When finished, select Create.

Wait until the new instance state is Running then continue to activate the new Wallaroo instance.

Activate the Wallaroo Instance

Once the new Wallaroo instance State is Running, the new instance is activated through the following steps.

  1. From the OCI Instances page, select the Public IP for the new Wallaroo instance.

    Wallaroo Instance IP address
  2. From a browser, access the Kots Administrative Console from the instances public IP address through the following address:

    1. http://{{Your Public IP Address}}:30000
  3. Login with the default password: W@11y$.

  4. Upload your Wallaroo license file.

    Wallaroo Admin Upload License
  5. A preflight check verifies that all of the minimum requirements are met. This may take a few minutes. If there are any issues, Wallaroo can still be launched but may not function properly. When ready, select Continue.

    Wallaroo Admin Preflight Successful
  6. Review the installation config page. Most of the settings are left as default. Once complete, scroll to the bottom of the Config page and select Deploy.

  7. When the initial startup is complete, change the Kots Administrative Console Password:

    1. From the upper right corner, select the menu labeled ..., and select Change password.
    2. Enter the current password, then enter the new password and confirm it. When finished, select Change Password.
  8. You will receive an email invitation associated with the license with a temporary password and a link to this Wallaroo instance’s URL. Either enter the URL for your Wallaroo instance or use the link in the email.

  9. To login to your new Wallaroo instance, enter the email address and temporary password associated with the license.

    Wallaroo Initial Login

With that, Wallaroo Community edition is launched and ready for use! From this point on you can just use the Wallaroo instance URL.

Now that your Wallaroo Community Edition has been installed, let’s work with some sample models to show off what you can do. Check out either the Wallaroo 101 if this is your first time using Wallaroo, or for more examples of how to use Wallaroo see the Wallaroo Tutorials.