How should we calculate the bins. NONE - no bins. Only useful if we only care about the mean, median, etc. EQUAL - evenly spaced bins: min - max / num_bins QUANTILE - based on percentages. If num_bins is 5 then quintiles so bins are created at the 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% points. PROVIDED - user provides the edge points for the bins.
Inherited Members
- enum.Enum
- name
- value
- builtins.str
- encode
- replace
- split
- rsplit
- join
- capitalize
- casefold
- title
- center
- count
- expandtabs
- find
- partition
- index
- ljust
- lower
- lstrip
- rfind
- rindex
- rjust
- rstrip
- rpartition
- splitlines
- strip
- swapcase
- translate
- upper
- startswith
- endswith
- removeprefix
- removesuffix
- isascii
- islower
- isupper
- istitle
- isspace
- isdecimal
- isdigit
- isnumeric
- isalpha
- isalnum
- isidentifier
- isprintable
- zfill
- format
- format_map
- maketrans
What we use to calculate the score. EDGES - distnces between the edges. DENSITY - percentage of values that fall in each bin. CUMULATIVE - cumulative percentage that fall in the bins.
Inherited Members
- enum.Enum
- name
- value
- builtins.str
- encode
- replace
- split
- rsplit
- join
- capitalize
- casefold
- title
- center
- count
- expandtabs
- find
- partition
- index
- ljust
- lower
- lstrip
- rfind
- rindex
- rjust
- rstrip
- rpartition
- splitlines
- strip
- swapcase
- translate
- upper
- startswith
- endswith
- removeprefix
- removesuffix
- isascii
- islower
- isupper
- istitle
- isspace
- isdecimal
- isdigit
- isnumeric
- isalpha
- isalnum
- isidentifier
- isprintable
- zfill
- format
- format_map
- maketrans
How we calculate the score. MAXDIFF - maximum difference between corresponding bins. SUMDIFF - sum of differences between corresponding bins. PSI - Population Stability Index
Inherited Members
- enum.Enum
- name
- value
- builtins.str
- encode
- replace
- split
- rsplit
- join
- capitalize
- casefold
- title
- center
- count
- expandtabs
- find
- partition
- index
- ljust
- lower
- lstrip
- rfind
- rindex
- rjust
- rstrip
- rpartition
- splitlines
- strip
- swapcase
- translate
- upper
- startswith
- endswith
- removeprefix
- removesuffix
- isascii
- islower
- isupper
- istitle
- isspace
- isdecimal
- isdigit
- isnumeric
- isalpha
- isalnum
- isidentifier
- isprintable
- zfill
- format
- format_map
- maketrans
The summarizer specifies how the bins of the baseline and window should be compared.
The UnivariateContinousSummarizer analyizes one input or output feature (Univariate) at a time. Expects the values to be continous or at least numerous enough to fall in various/all the bins.
Inherited Members
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
Builds the UnviariateSummarizer
Sets the binning mode. If BinMode.PROVIDED is specified a list of edges is also required.
Sets the number of bins. If weights have been previously set they must be set to none to allow changing the number of bins.
Specifies the weighting to be given to the bins. The number of weights must be 2 larger than the number of bins to accomodate outliers smaller and outliers larger than values seen in the baseline. The passed in values can be whole or real numbers and do not need to add up to 1 or any other specific value as they will be normalized during the score calculation phase. The weights passed in can be none to remove previously specified weights and to allow changing of the number of bins.
Specifies the right hand side (max value) of the bins. The number of edges must be equal to or one more than the number of bins. When equal to the number of bins the edge for the left outlier bin is calculated from the baseline. When an additional edge (one more than number of bins) that first (lower) value is used as the max value for the left outlier bin. The max value for the right hand outlier bin is always Float MAX.
Abstract base class for Baseline config objects. Currently only CalculatedBaseline (fixed window) and StaticBaseline are implemented.
The CalculatedBaseline is calculated from the inferences from a specific time window.
Inherited Members
The FixedBaseline is calculated from the inferences from a specific time window.
Inherited Members
The StaticBaseline is pre-calculated data from the inferences in a specific time window.
Inherited Members
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
Helps create a config object for a VectorBaseline.
Add the baseline data.
Add the summarizer.
Inherited Members
Configures a window to be compared against the baseline.
Helps to easily create the config object for a FixedBaseline.
Specify the summarizer to use
Specify the window to use
Inherited Members
Helps build a WindowConfig. model and width are required but there are no good default values for them because they depend on the baseline. We leave it up to the assay builder to configure the window correctly after it is created.
The width of the window to use when collecting data for analysis.
The width of the window to use when collecting data for analysis.
Used to format datetimes as we need when encoding to JSON
Configuration for an Assay record.
Runs this assay interactively. The assay is not saved to the database nor are analyis records saved to a Plateau topic. Useful for exploring pipeline inference data and experimenting with thresholds.
Analyzes the inputs given to create an interactive run for each feature column. The assay is not saved to the database nor are analyis records saved to a Plateau topic. Usefull for exploring inputs for possible causes when a difference is detected in the output.
Helps build an AssayConfig
Specify what the assay should analyze. Should start with input or output and have indexes (zero based) into row and column: For example 'input 0 1' specifies the second column of the first input.
Creates and adds an UCS to this assay builder.
If the users specifies a number of bins or a strategy for calculating it use that. Else us the min of the square root or 50.