Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations

How to create and manage Wallaroo Models Uploads through the Wallaroo SDK

Upload Model

ML Models are uploaded to Wallaroo Ops through the wallaroo.client.upload_model method.

Upload Model Parameters

wallaroo.client.upload_model has the following parameters.

namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathstring (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkstring (Required)The framework of the model from wallaroo.framework
  • Native Wallaroo Runtimes: (Optional)
  • Containerized Wallaroo Runtimes: (Required)
The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
  • Native Wallaroo Runtimes: (Optional)
  • Containerized Wallaroo Runtimes: (Required)
The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitbool (Optional)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.
archwallaroo.engine_config.Architecture (Optional)The architecture the model is deployed to. If a model is intended for deployment to an ARM architecture, it must be specified during this step. Values include:
  • X86 (Default): x86 based architectures.
  • ARM: ARM based architectures.
accelwallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration (Optional)The AI hardware accelerator used. If a model is intended for use with a hardware accelerator, it should be assigned at this step.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration._None (Default): No accelerator is assigned. This works for all infrastructures.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.AIO: AIO acceleration for Ampere Optimized trained models, only available with ARM processors.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.Jetson: Nvidia Jetson acceleration used with edge deployments with ARM processors.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.CUDA: Nvidia Cuda acceleration supported by both ARM and X64/X86 processors. This is intended for deployment with Nvidia GPUs.
  • wallaroo.engine_config.Acceleration.OpenVINO: Intel OpenVino acceleration. AI Accelerator from Intel compatible with x86/64 architectures. Aimed at edge and multi-cloud deployments either with or without Intel GPUs.

Model Architecture Inheritance

Deployment configurations inherit the model’s architecture setting. This is set during model upload by specifying the arch parameter. By default, models uploaded to Wallaroo default to the x86 architecture.

The following model operations inherit the model’s architecture setting.

The following example shows uploading a model set with the architecture set to ARM, and how the deployment inherits that architecture without additional deployment configuration changes. For this example, an ONNX model is uploaded.

import wallaroo

housing_model_control_arm = (wl.upload_model(model_name_arm, 

File Namerf_model.onnx
Image PathNone
Updated At2024-04-Mar 20:34:00

Note that the deployment configuration settings, no architecture is specified. When pipeline_arm is displayed, we see the arch setting inherited the model’s arch setting.

pipeline_arm = wl.build_pipeline(arm_pipeline_name)

# set the model step with the ARM targeted model

#minimum deployment config for this model
deploy_config = wallaroo.DeploymentConfigBuilder().replica_count(1).cpus(1).memory("1Gi").build()

pipeline_arm.deploy(deployment_config = deploy_config)

    Waiting for deployment - this will take up to 45s .......... ok

created2024-03-04 20:34:08.895396+00:00
last_updated2024-03-04 21:52:01.894671+00:00
versions55d834b4-92c8-4a93-b78b-6a224f17f9c1, 98821b85-401a-4ab5-af8e-1b3126727069, 74571863-9eb0-47aa-8b5a-3bdaa7aa9f03, b72fb0db-e4b4-4936-a7cb-3d0fb7827a6f, 3ae70818-10f3-4f61-a998-dee5e2f00daf

    {'status': 'Running',
     'details': [],
     'engines': [{'ip': '',
       'name': 'engine-5d94d89b5d-gbr9h',
       'status': 'Running',
       'reason': None,
       'details': [],
       'pipeline_statuses': {'pipelines': [{'id': 'architecture-demonstration-arm',
          'status': 'Running'}]},
       'model_statuses': {'models': [{'config': {'batch_config': None,
           'filter_threshold': None,
           'id': 76,
           'input_schema': None,
           'model_version_id': 43,
           'output_schema': None,
           'runtime': 'onnx',
           'sidekick_uri': None,
           'tensor_fields': ['tensor']},
          'model_version': {'conversion': {'arch': 'arm',
            'framework': 'onnx',
            'python_version': '3.8',
            'requirements': []},
           'file_info': {'file_name': 'rf_model.onnx',
            'sha': 'e22a0831aafd9917f3cc87a15ed267797f80e2afa12ad7d8810ca58f173b8cc6',
            'version': '163ff0a9-0f1a-4229-bbf2-a19e4385f10f'},
           'id': 43,
           'image_path': None,
           'name': 'house-price-estimator-arm',
           'status': 'ready',
           'task_id': None,
           'visibility': 'private',
           'workspace_id': 62},
          'status': 'Running'}]}}],
     'engine_lbs': [{'ip': '',
       'name': 'engine-lb-d7cc8fc9c-4s9fc',
       'status': 'Running',
       'reason': None,
       'details': []}],
     'sidekicks': []}

Model Accelerator Inheritance

Models deployed to Wallaroo and edge deployments include AI hardware accelerator support. The type of accelerator is set using the wallaroo.client.model_upload(accel: wallaroo.engine_config.Accelerator | None) parameter.

Once uploaded, model deployment configurations for deployments and publishes inherit the model’s accelerator.

The following accelerators are supported.

AcceleratorARM SupportX64/X86 SupportIntel GPUNvidia GPUDescription
NoneN/AN/AN/AN/AThe default acceleration, used for all scenarios and architectures.
AIOXXXAIO acceleration for Ampere Optimized trained models, only available with ARM processors.
JetsonXXNvidia Jetson acceleration used with edge deployments with ARM processors.
CUDAXNvidia Cuda acceleration supported by both ARM and X64/X86 processors. Intended for deployment with Nvidia GPUs.
OpenVINOXXIntel OpenVino acceleration. AI Accelerator from Intel compatible with x86/64 architectures. Aimed at edge and multi-cloud deployments either with or without Intel GPUs.

The following model operations inherit the model’s accelerator setting.

Upload Model Returns

wallaroo.client.upload_model returns the model version. The model version refers to the version of the model object in Wallaroo. In Wallaroo, a model version update happens when we upload a new model file (artifact) against the same model object name.

  • Note that models are uploaded to the current workspace assigned in the SDK session. By default, this is the user’s Default Workspace.
idIntegerThe numerical identifier of the model version.
nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Upload Model Examples

The following examples demonstrate uploading different model types. Models uploaded to Wallaroo fall under two runtimes:

  • Wallaroo Native Runtimes: The following model frameworks are always deployed in the Wallaroo Native Runtime. When these model frameworks are uploaded to Wallaroo, the model name, file path, and model framework are required.

  • Wallaroo Containerized Runtimes: The following model frameworks may be deployed in either the Wallaroo Native Runtime, or the Wallaroo Containerized Runtime. When these models are uploaded to Wallaroo, the model name, file path, model framework, input and output schemas are required.

    When uploaded, Wallaroo will attempt to convert Non-Native Runtimes to a Wallaroo Native Runtime. If it can not be converted, then it will be packed into a Wallaroo Containerized Runtime.

Native Runtime Upload

The following demonstrates uploading a ONNX model to a Wallaroo Ops instance. For Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: ONNX for full details on uploading ONNX models and model configurations.

ONNX models are deployed in the Wallaroo Native Runtime and require the following fields when uploaded via the wallaroo.client.Client.upload_model method:

namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathstring (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkstring (Required)The framework of the model from wallaroo.framework

The following example demonstrates uploading the ONNX file via the Wallaroo SDK.

model = wl.upload_model(
            name = 'sample-model',
            path = './models/sample_model.onnx',
            framework = wallaroo.framework.Framework.ONNX


deploy_config = wallaroo.DeploymentConfigBuilder()\

smoke_test = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
result = pipeline.infer(smoke_test)
02023-10-17 16:13:56.169[1.0678324729, 0.2177810266, -1.7115145262, 0.682285721, 1.0138553067, -0.4335000013, 0.7395859437, -0.2882839595, -0.447262688, 0.5146124988, 0.3791316964, 0.5190619748, -0.4904593222, 1.1656456469, -0.9776307444, -0.6322198963, -0.6891477694, 0.1783317857, 0.1397992467, -0.3554220649, 0.4394217877, 1.4588397512, -0.3886829615, 0.4353492889, 1.7420053483, -0.4434654615, -0.1515747891, -0.2668451725, -1.4549617756][0.0014974177]0
Wallaroo Containerized Upload

Models uploaded to Wallaroo that may require containerization before deploying in Wallaroo require the following parameters when uploaded via the Wallaroo SDK method wallaroo.client.Client.upload_model.

namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
pathstring (Required)The path to the model file being uploaded.
frameworkstring (Required)The framework of the model from wallaroo.framework
input_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The input schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
output_schemapyarrow.lib.Schema (Required)The output schema in Apache Arrow schema format.
convert_waitbool (Optional)
  • True: Waits in the script for the model conversion completion.
  • False: Proceeds with the script without waiting for the model conversion process to display complete.

The following demonstrates uploading an PyTorch model to a Wallaroo Ops instance. In this example, the ML model is converted to the Wallaroo Native Runtime.

input_schema = pa.schema(
        pa.field('input', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=10))

output_schema = pa.schema(
    pa.field('output', pa.list_(pa.float32(), list_size=1))

model = wl.upload_model('pt-single-io-model', 

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a native runtime..



The following example demonstrates uploading a BYOP model. After it is uploaded, it is converted to a Wallaroo Containerized Runtime.

input_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('images', pa.list_(

output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predictions', pa.int64()),

model = wl.upload_model('vgg16-clustering', 

Waiting for model loading - this will take up to 10.0min.
Model is pending loading to a container runtime..
Model is attempting loading to a container runtime..........................successful




Register a Containerized MLFlow Model

Web Sitehttps://mlflow.org
Supported Librariesmlflow==1.3.0

For models that do not fall under the supported model frameworks, organizations can use containerized MLFlow ML Models.

This guide details how to add ML Models from a model registry service into Wallaroo.

Wallaroo supports both public and private containerized model registries. See the Wallaroo Private Containerized Model Container Registry Guide for details on how to configure a Wallaroo instance with a private model registry.

Wallaroo users can register their trained MLFlow ML Models from a containerized model container registry into their Wallaroo instance and perform inferences with it through a Wallaroo pipeline.

As of this time, Wallaroo only supports MLFlow 1.30.0 containerized models. For information on how to containerize an MLFlow model, see the MLFlow Documentation.

Containerized MLFlow models are not uploaded, but registered from a container registry service. This is performed through the wallaroo.client.register_model_image(options), and wallaroo.model_version.configure(options) method.

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model Parameters

The following parameters must be set for wallaroo.client.register_model_image(options) and wallaroo.model_version.configure(options) for a Containerized MLFlow model to be registered in Wallaroo.

Register Model Image Parameters
model_namestring (Required)The name of the model. Model names are unique per workspace. Models that are uploaded with the same name are assigned as a new version of the model.
imagestring (Required)The URL to the containerized MLFlow model in the MLFlow Registry..
Model Version Configuration Parameters

Model version configurations are updated with the wallaroo.model_version.config and include the following parameters.

tensor_fields(List[string]) (Optional)A list of alternate input fields. For example, if the model accepts the input fields ['variable1', 'variable2'], tensor_fields allows those inputs to be overridden to ['square_feet', 'house_age'], or other values as required. These only apply to ONNX models.
batch_config(List[string]) (Optional)Batch config is either None for multiple-input inferences, or single to accept an inference request with only one row of data.

For model version configuration for MLFlow models, the following must be defined:

  • runtime: Set as mlflow.
  • input_schema: The input schema from the Apache Arrow pyarrow.lib.Schema format.
  • output_schema: The output schema from the Apache Arrow pyarrow.lib.Schema format.

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model Returns

wallaroo.client.register_model_image(options) returns the model version. The model version refers to the version of the model object in Wallaroo. In Wallaroo, a model version update happens when we upload a new model file (artifact) against the same model object name.

  • Note that models are uploaded to the current workspace assigned in the SDK session. By default, this is the user’s Default Workspace.
idIntegerThe numerical identifier of the model version.
nameStringThe name of the model.
versionStringThe model version as a unique UUID.
file_nameStringThe file name of the model as stored in Wallaroo.
image_pathStringThe image used to deploy the model in the Wallaroo engine.
last_update_timeDateTimeWhen the model was last updated.

Register a Containerized MLFlow Model Example

The following example demonstrates registering a Statsmodel model stored in a MLFLow container with a Wallaroo instance.

sm_input_schema = pa.schema([
  pa.field('temp', pa.float32()),
  pa.field('holiday', pa.uint8()),
  pa.field('workingday', pa.uint8()),
  pa.field('windspeed', pa.float32())

sm_output_schema = pa.schema([
    pa.field('predicted_mean', pa.float32())

sm_model = wl.register_model_image(

File Namenone
Image Pathghcr.io/wallaroolabs/wallaroo_tutorials/mlflow-statsmodels-example:2023.1
Updated At2024-30-Jan 16:11:55

MLFlow Data Formats

When using containerized MLFlow models with Wallaroo, the inputs and outputs must be named. For example, the following output:


Would need to be wrapped with the data values named:

[{"prediction": -12.045839810372835}]

A short sample code for wrapping data may be:

output_df = pd.DataFrame(prediction, columns=["prediction"])
return output_df

Get Model Config

The model versions configuration defines how the model is used in the Wallaroo Inference Engine. Settings include:

  • The runtime
  • Input and output schemas

The model version configuration is retrieved with the method wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion.config().

Get Model Config Parameters


Get Model Config Returns

The method wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersion.config() returns wallaroo.model_config.ModelConfig. The following fields are part of the model config object.

MethodReturn TypeDescription
id()IntegerThe id of model version the configuration is assigned to.
to_yaml()StringA YAML output of the model configuration options that are not None.
tensor_fields()List[String]A list of tensor field names that override the default model fields. Only applies to onnx models.
model_version()wallaroo.model_version.ModelVersionThe model version the model configuration is assigned to.
runtime()String*The model runtime as defined by wallaroo.framework.Framework

Get Model Config Example

The following examples retrieves the model runtime from a model version.

import wallaroo

# get the most recent model version
model_config = sample_model.versions()[-1].config()



Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: ONNX

How to upload and use ONNX ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: Arbitrary Python

How to upload and use Containerized MLFlow with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: Containerized MLFlow

How to upload and use Containerized MLFlow with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: Model Registry Services

How to upload and use Registry ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: Python Models

How to upload and use Python Models as Wallaroo Pipeline Steps

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: PyTorch

How to upload and use PyTorch ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: SKLearn

How to upload and use SKLearn ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: Hugging Face

How to upload and use Hugging Face ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: TensorFlow

How to upload and use TensorFlow ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: TensorFlow Keras

How to upload and use TensorFlow Keras ML Models with Wallaroo

Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Model Uploads and Registrations: XGBoost

How to upload and use XGBoost ML Models with Wallaroo