Persistent Storage Nodepools

How to modify persistent storage for Wallaroo services

Table of Contents

Installations of Wallaroo use persistent storage for the following services:

  • minio: Used to storage ML models for deployment.
  • postgres: Used to store configurations and settings.
  • plateau: A custom Wallaroo service to store inference results.
  • jupyter: JupyterHub and JupyterLab for running Jupyter Notebooks within the Wallaroo environment.
  • prometheus: Provides Prometheus monitoring to track cluster performance.

By default, these services are deployed to Kubernetes nodepool with the following taints and labels applied.

NodepoolTaintsLabelsDescription persistentFor Wallaroo services with a persistentVolume settings, including JupyterHub, Minio, etc.

If the taints and labels for the nodepool are altered, verify that tolerations and nodeSelector settings for the service match.

For the Kubernetes cluster hosting the Wallaroo instance, see the documentation for the hosting for instructions on setting or updating the persistent volume storage capacity to handle the requested storage capacity.

Setting Storage for Kots Installations

For installs of Wallaroo via kots, the following procedures are used to update the storage and resource capacity for persistent storage services.

The following prerequisites must be met:

  • Access to the Kubernetes environment running the Wallaroo instances.
  • Have kubectl and kots installed and connected to the Kubernetes environment.

For full details on installing Wallaroo and the prerequisite software, see the Wallaroo Prerequisites Guide.

  1. Access the Kots Administrative Dashboard.
    1. From a terminal with kubectl and kots installed and connected to the Kubernetes environment, run:

      kubectl kots admin-console --namespace wallaroo

      This will provide access to the Kots Administrative Dashboard through http://localhost:8800:

        • Press Ctrl+C to exit
        • Go to http://localhost:8800 to access the Admin Console
    2. Launch a browser and connect to http://localhost:8800.

    3. Enter the password created during the Wallaroo Install process. The Kots Administrative Dashboard will now be available.

  2. Select Config. Select the service to update. Multiple services can be updated before deployment. When finished, scroll to the bottom and select Save config, then Go to updated version, then Deploy the latest configuration.

postgres: Update Wallaroo ML Engine->Size of metadata and inference audit log data store. In units of Gi, which must be provided. Update the storage capacity in terms of Gi. By default, this is 100Gi.

Kots Minio Storage

minio: Update Wallaroo ML Engine->Size of model data store. In units of Gi, which must be provided. Update the storage capacity in terms of Gi. By default, this is 10Gi.

Kots Minio Storage

plateau: Plateau Inference Logging Server: Set Plateau disk space in units which must include Gi suffix. Default is 100Gi

Kots Minio Storage

jupyter: Data Science Workspaces: Update the memory limits and disk storage capacity for each lab deployed. This allocates these resources for each JupyterHub user with their own lab.

Kots Minio Storage

Setting Storage for Helm Installations

The following snippets show how to set the storage capacity for each service. Adjust the disk size and resources as required.

The following code snippet shows updating the storage capacity for the minio service. Adjust the resources and diskSize as needed, and verify the nodeSelector matches the nodepool label and the tolerations matches the nodepool taint where the service is deployed to.

    size: 25Gi
  nodeSelector: persistent
  - key:
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
      memory: 1Gi

The following code snippet shows updating the storage capacity for the postgres service. Adjust the resources and diskSize as needed, and verify the nodeSelector matches the nodepool label and the tolerations matches the nodepool taint where the service is deployed to.

  diskSize: 10Gi
  nodeSelector: persistent
    - key: ""
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 512Mi
      cpu: 100m

The following code snippet shows updating the storage capacity for the plateau service. Adjust the resources and diskSize as needed, and verify the nodeSelector matches the nodepool label and the tolerations matches the nodepool taint where the service is deployed to.

  diskSize: 100Gi
      memory: 4Gi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: 100m
  nodeSelector: persistent
    - key: ""
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule"

The following code snippet shows updating the storage capacity for the prometheus service. Adjust the storageRetentionTimeDays and storageRetentionSizeGb as needed, and verify the nodeSelector matches the nodepool label and the tolerations matches the nodepool taint where the service is deployed to.

  storageRetentionSizeGb: "10"        # Retain this much data, in GB.
  storageRetentionTimeDays: "15"      # When to remove old data. In days.
  nodeSelector: persistent
    - key: ""
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule" 
      memory: 6Gi
      cpu: 2000m
      memory: 512Mi
      cpu: 100m

The following snippet is used in helm values files to set the storage for the jupyter service. Modify the nodeSelector, tolerations, labNodeSelector and labTolerations match the taints and labels for the nodepool the service is deployed on.

# Jupyter has both hub and lab nodeSelectors and tolerations
# They default to the same persistent pool, but can be assigned to different ones
  nodeSelector:                 # Node placement for Hub administrative pods persistent
    - key: ""
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule"
  labNodeSelector:              # Node placement for Hub-spawned jupyterlab pods persistent
    - key: ""
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule"
    limit: "4"                  # Each Lab - memory limit in GB
    guarantee: "2"              # Each Lab - lemory guarantee in GB
    limit: "2.0"                # Each Lab - fractional CPU limit
    guarantee: "1.0"            # Each Lab - fractional CPU guarantee
    capacity: "50"              # Each Lab - disk storage capacity in GB