Wallaroo Anomaly Detection

How to use validations to detect data anomalies in data inputs or outputs.

Table of Contents

Viewing Detected Anomalies via the Wallaroo Dashboard

Wallaroo provides validations: user defined expressions on model inference input and outputs that determine if data falls outside expected norms. For more details on adding validations to a Wallaroo pipeline, see Detecting Anomalies with Validations via the Wallaroo SDK.

Detected anomaly analytics are available through the Wallaroo Dashboard user interface for each pipeline.

Access the Pipeline Analytics Page

To access a pipeline’s analytics page:

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, select the workspace, then the View Pipelines to view.
  2. Select the pipeline to view.
  3. From the pipeline page, select Analytics.

The following analytics options are available.

Wallaroo Pipeline Analytics Page
  • (A) Time Filter: Select the time range of inference requests to filter.

    Wallaroo Pipeline Analytics Page
  • (B) Anomaly Count: A chart of the count of anomalies detected from inference requests over time.

  • (C) Average Anomaly Count: The average number of anomaly’s detected over the filtered time range.

  • (D) Actions: The following actions are available:

    • Download CSV: Download a CSV of the anomaly counts shown in the chart.
    • Copy sharable URL: Copy a URL of the anomaly count data shared with other registered Wallaroo instance users.
    • View Enlarged: View an enlarged version of the anomaly count chart..
  • (E) Audit Log: Logs of all inference requests over the filtered time period.

  • (F) Anomaly Log: Logs of inference requests with a detected anomaly over the filtered time period.

    Wallaroo Pipeline Analytics Page

Detecting Anomalies with Validations via the Wallaroo SDK

Wallaroo provides validations to detect anomalous data from inference inputs and outputs.

Validations are added to a Wallaroo pipeline with the wallaroo.pipeline.add_validations method.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Validation names must be unique per pipeline. If a validation of the same name is added, both are included in the pipeline validations, but only most recent validation with the same name is displayed with the inference results. Anomalies detected by multiple validations of the same name are added to the anomaly.count inference result field.

Adding validations to a pipeline takes the format:

    validation_name_01 = polars.col(in|out.{column_name}) EXPRESSION,
    validation_name_02 = polars.col(in|out.{column_name}) EXPRESSION
    ...{additional rules}
  • validation_name: The user provided name of the validation. The names must match Python variable naming requirements.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Using the name count as a validation name returns an error. Any validation rules named count are dropped upon request and a warning returned.
  • polars.col(in|out.{column_name}): Specifies the input or output for a specific field aka “column” in an inference result. Wallaroo inference requests are in the format in.{field_name} for inputs, and out.{field_name} for outputs.
  • EXPRESSION: The expression to validate. When the expression returns True, that indicates an anomaly detected.

The polars library version 0.18.5 is used to create the validation rule. This is installed by default with the Wallaroo SDK. This provides a powerful range of comparisons to organizations tracking anomalous data from their ML models.

When validations are added to a pipeline, inference request outputs return the following fields:

anomaly.countIntegerThe total of all validations that returned True.
anomaly.{validation name}BoolThe output of the validation {validation_name}.

When validation returns True, an anomaly is detected.

For example, adding the validation fraud to the following pipeline returns anomaly.count of 1 when the validation fraud returns True. The validation fraud returns True when the output field dense_1 at index 0 is greater than 0.9.

sample_pipeline = wallaroo.client.build_pipeline("sample-pipeline")

# add the validation
    fraud=pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.9,

# deploy the pipeline

# sample inference
display(sample_pipeline.infer_from_file("dev_high_fraud.json", data_format='pandas-records'))
02024-02-02 16:05:42.152[1.0678324729, 18.1555563975, -1.6589551058, 5…][0.981199]1True

Detecting Anomalies from Inference Request Results

When an inference request is submitted to a Wallaroo pipeline with validations, the following fields are output:

anomaly.countIntegerThe total of all validations that returned True.
anomaly.{validation name}BoolThe output of each pipeline validation {validation_name}.

For example, adding the validation fraud to the following pipeline returns anomaly.count of 1 when the validation fraud returns True.

sample_pipeline = wallaroo.client.build_pipeline("sample-pipeline")

# add the validation
    fraud=pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.9,

# deploy the pipeline

# sample inference
display(sample_pipeline.infer_from_file("dev_high_fraud.json", data_format='pandas-records'))
02024-02-02 16:05:42.152[1.0678324729, 18.1555563975, -1.6589551058, 5…][0.981199]1True

Validation Examples

Common Data Selection Expressions

The following sample expressions demonstrate different methods of selecting which model input or output data to validate.

  • polars.col(in|out.{column_name}).list.get(index): Returns the index of a specific field. For example, pl.col("out.dense_1") returns from the inference the output the field dense_1, and list.get(0) returns the first value in that list. Most output values from a Wallaroo inference result are a List of at least length 1, making this a common validation expression.
  • polars.col(in.price_ranges).list.max(): Returns from the inference request the input field price_ranges the maximum value from a list of values.
  • polars.col(out.price_ranges).mean() returns the mean for all values from the output field price_ranges.

For example, to the following validation fraud detects values for the output of an inference request for the field dense_1 that are greater than 0.9, indicating a transaction has a high likelihood of fraud:

import polars as pl

    fraud = pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.9

The following inference output shows the detected anomaly from an inference output:

02024-02-02 16:05:42.152[1.0678324729, 18.1555563975, -1.6589551058, 5…[0.981199]1True

Detecting Input Anomalies

The following validation tests the inputs from sales figures for a week’s worth of sales:

0[28][site0001][1357, 1247, 350, 1437, 952, 757, 1831]

To validate that any sales figure does not go below 500 units, the validation is:

import polars as pl

    minimum_sales=pl.col("in.sales_count").list.min() < 500



For the input provided, the minimum_sales validation would return True, indicating an anomaly.

02023-10-31 16:57:13.771[1527]1True

Detecting Output Anomalies

The following validation detects an anomaly from a output.

  • fraud: Detects when an inference output for the field dense_1 at index 0 is greater than 0.9, indicating fraud.
# create the pipeline
sample_pipeline = wallaroo.client.build_pipeline("sample-pipeline")

# add a model step

# add validations to the pipeline
    fraud=pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.9

02024-02-02 16:05:42.152[1.0678324729, 18.1555563975, -1.6589551058, 5...[0.981199]1True

Multiple Validations

The following demonstrates multiple validations added to a pipeline at once and their results from inference requests. Two validations that track the same output field and index are applied to a pipeline:

  • fraud: Detects an anomaly when the inference output field dense_1 at index 0 value is greater than 0.9.
  • too_low: Detects an anomaly when the inference output field dense_1 at the index 0 value is lower than 0.05.
    fraud=pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.9,
    too_low=pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) < 0.05

Two separate inferences where the output of the first is over 0.9 and the second is under 0.05 would be the following.

02024-02-02 16:05:42.152[1.0678324729, 18.1555563975, -1.6589551058, 5…[0.981199]1TrueFalse
02024-02-02 16:05:38.452[1.0678324729, 0.2177810266, -1.7115145262, 0….[0.0014974177]1FalseTrue

The following example tracks two validations for a model that takes the previous week’s sales and projects the next week’s average sales with the field predicted_sales.

  • minimum_sales=pl.col("in.sales_count").list.min() < 500: The input field sales_count with a range of values has any minimum value under 500.
  • average_sales_too_low=pl.col("out.predicted_sales").list.get(0) < 500: The output field predicted_sales is less than 500.

The following inputs return the following values. Note how the anomaly.count value changes by the number of validations that detect an anomaly.

Input 1:

In this example, one day had sales under 500, which triggers the minimum_sales validation to return True. The predicted sales are above 500, causing the average_sales_too_low validation to return False.

0[28][site0001][1357, 1247, 350, 1437, 952, 757, 1831]

Output 1:

02023-10-31 16:57:13.771[1527]1TrueFalse

Input 2:

In this example, multiple days have sales under 500, which triggers the minimum_sales validation to return True. The predicted average sales for the next week are above 500, causing the average_sales_too_low validation to return True.

0[29][site0001][497, 617, 350, 200, 150, 400, 110]

Output 2:

02023-10-31 16:57:13.771[325]2TrueTrue

Input 3:

In this example, no sales day figures are below 500, which triggers the minimum_sales validation to return False. The predicted sales for the next week is below 500, causing the average_sales_too_low validation to return True.

0[30][site0001][617, 525, 513, 517, 622, 757, 508]

Output 3:

02023-10-31 16:57:13.771[497]1FalseTrue

Compound Validations

The following combines multiple field checks into a single validation. For this, we will check for values of out.dense_1 that are between 0.05 and 0.9.

Each expression is separated by (). For example:

  • Expression 1: pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) < 0.9
  • Expression 2: pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.001
  • Compound Expression: (pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) < 0.9) & (pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.001)
sample_pipeline = sample_pipeline.add_validations(
    in_between_2=(pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) < 0.9) & (pl.col("out.dense_1").list.get(0) > 0.001)

results = sample_pipeline.infer_from_file("./data/cc_data_1k.df.json")

results.loc[results['anomaly.in_between_2'] == True] 
42024-02-08 17:48:49.305[0.5817662108, 0.097881551, 0.1546819424, 0.47...[0.0010916889]1FalseTrueFalse
72024-02-08 17:48:49.305[1.0379636346, -0.152987302, -1.0912561862, -0...[0.0011294782]1FalseTrueFalse
82024-02-08 17:48:49.305[0.1517283662, 0.6589966337, -0.3323713647, 0....[0.0018743575]1FalseTrueFalse
92024-02-08 17:48:49.305[-0.1683100246, 0.7070470317, 0.1875234948, -0...[0.0011520088]1FalseTrueFalse
102024-02-08 17:48:49.305[0.6066235674, 0.0631839305, -0.0802961973, 0....[0.0016568303]1FalseTrueFalse
9822024-02-08 17:48:49.305[-0.0932906169, 0.2837744937, -0.061094265, 0....[0.0010192394]1FalseTrueFalse
9832024-02-08 17:48:49.305[0.0991458877, 0.5813808183, -0.3863062246, -0...[0.0020678043]1FalseTrueFalse
9922024-02-08 17:48:49.305[1.0458395446, 0.2492453605, -1.5260449285, 0....[0.0013128221]1FalseTrueFalse
9982024-02-08 17:48:49.305[1.0046377125, 0.0343666504, -1.3512533246, 0....[0.0011070371]1FalseTrueFalse
10002024-02-08 17:48:49.305[0.6118805301, 0.1726081102, 0.4310545502, 0.5...[0.0012498498]1FalseTrueFalse