Run Anywhere Tutorials

Tutorials on how to run a Wallaroo Inference server in any device, any cloud, any architecture.

Table of Contents

AI Workload Deployment on ARM Tutorials

Tutorials focused on Run Anywhere on ARM processors.

Wallaroo Edge Arbitrary Python Deployment Demonstration

A demonstration on publishing an Arbitrary Python model for edge deployment via the Wallaroo SDK.

Wallaroo Edge Classification Financial Services Deployment via MLOps API Demonstration

A demonstration on publishing a classification financial services model for edge deployment via the Wallaroo MLOps API.

Wallaroo Edge Classification Financial Services Deployment Demonstration

A demonstration on publishing a classification financial services model for edge deployment via the Wallaroo SDK.

Wallaroo Edge Computer Vision Observability

A demonstration on observability with computer vision deployed on edge devices.

Wallaroo Edge Computer Vision Yolov8n Demonstration

A demonstration on publishing a computer vision Yolov8n edge deployment via the Wallaroo SDK.

Wallaroo Edge Computer Vision For Health Care Imaging Demonstration: Preparation

A demonstration on publishing a CV model for health care images based Wallaroo pipeline to Edge devices.

Wallaroo Edge Deployment for U-Net Computer Vision for Brain Segmentation

A demonstration on publishing an a Computer Vision healthcare model through Wallaroo on edge devices.

Wallaroo Edge Observability with Classification Financial Models through API

A demonstration on publishing an a Classification Financial model with Edge Observability through the Wallaroo MLOps API.

Wallaroo Edge Observability with Classification Financial Models

A demonstration on publishing an a Classification Financial model with Edge Observability through Wallaroo.

Wallaroo Edge Observability with Wallaroo Assays

A demonstration on deploying a Wallaroo Pipeline as a Wallaroo Server edge deployment, and using the inference data for assays.

Run AI Workloads with Hardware Accelerators: Aloha Tutorial

A demonstration of accelerating model deployment performance with optimization settings.

Wallaroo Edge Hugging Face LLM Summarization Deployment Demonstration

A demonstration on publishing a Hugging Face Summarization model for edge deployment via the Wallaroo SDK.

In-Line Model Updates at the Edge Tutorial

A demonstration performing inline model replacements on edge location deployments.

Large Language Model with GPU Pipeline Deployment in Wallaroo Demonstration

A demonstration on allocating GPU resources from a cluster for use by a large language model (LLM).

Model Drift Detection for Edge Deployments

How to detect model drift in Wallaroo Run Anywhere deployments using the house price model as an example.

Edge Observabilty with No/Low Connection Tutorial

A demonstration model deployments on edge location with low or no connectivity.

Wallaroo Pipeline Architecture

Tutorials on working with different architectures for pipeline deployments.