Wallaroo Authentication Configuration Guides

Enable SSO authentication to Wallaroo.

Table of Contents

Wallaroo supports Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication through multiple providers. The following guides demonstrate how to enable SSO for different services.

How to Access the User Authentication Service

Most user administration features are performed by admins through the Platform Admin Dashboard.

Additional settings are available by directly access the Wallaroo Administrative Service known as keycloak. This requires the following:

  1. A user credential with administrative access. If for some reason no user with administrative access is available, the default admin user and credentials are retrieved by a user with kubectl and administrative access to the cluster with the following.

    • Retrieve Keycloak Admin Username

      kubectl -n wallaroo \
      get secret keycloak-admin-secret \
      -o go-template='{{.data.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USER | base64decode }}'
    • Retrieve Keycloak Admin Password

      kubectl -n wallaroo \
      get secret keycloak-admin-secret \
      -o go-template='{{.data.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64decode }}'
  2. Access the user administrative service through the url https://keycloak.$WALLAROO_SUFFIX. For example, if the $WALLAROO_SUFFIX is wallaroo.example.com, the administrative access controls are access through https://keycloak.wallaroo.example.com.

Wallaroo SSO for Amazon Web Services

Enable SSO authentication to Wallaroo from AWS

Wallaroo SSO for Microsoft Azure

Enable SSO authentication to Wallaroo from Microsoft Azure

Wallaroo SSO for Google Cloud Platform

Enable SSO authentication to Wallaroo from Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Wallaroo SSO Configuration for Seamless Redirect

Instructions on updating the Wallaroo SSO configuration for a seamless redirect experience.

How to Update Authentication Token Timeouts

How to update the timeout for authentication tokens for the Wallaroo Administrative Service.