How to Uninstall Wallaroo

How to uninstall Wallaroo

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If the install procedure for Wallaroo goes awry, one option is to uninstall the incomplete Wallaroo installation and start again. The following procedure will remove Wallaroo from a Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Use the following bash script or run the commands individually. Warning: If the selector is incorrect or missing from the kubectl command, the cluster could be damaged beyond repair.

    kubectl delete ns wallaroo && kubectl delete clusterroles,clusterrolebindings,storageclass --selector
  2. Clear any Wallaroo pipelines that were previously deployed and not undeployed via the following command. This will delete any namespaces created during the pipeline deployment process.

    kubectl delete ns -l wallaroo-managed=true
  3. Once complete, the kubectl get namespaces will return only the default namespaces:

    ❯ kubectl get namespaces
    NAME              STATUS   AGE
    default           Active   3h47m
    kube-node-lease   Active   3h47m
    kube-public       Active   3h47m
    kube-system       Active   3h47m

Wallaroo can now be reinstalled into this environment.