Private Containerized Model Container Registry Guide

How to enable private Containerized Model Container Registry with Wallaroo.

Table of Contents

Configure Wallaroo with a Private Containerized Model Container Registry

Organizations can configure Wallaroo to use private Containerized Model Container Registry. This allows for the use of containerized models such as MLFlow.

The following steps will provide sample instructions on setting up different private registry services from different providers. In each case, refer to the official documentation for the providers for any updates or more complex use cases.

The following process is used with a GitHub Container Registry to create the authentication tokens for use with a Wallaroo instance’s Private Model Registry configuration.

See the GitHub Working with the Container registry for full details.

The following process is used register a GitHub Container Registry with Wallaroo.

  1. Create a new token as per the instructions from the Creating a personal access token (classic) guide. Note that a classic token is recommended for this process. Store this token in a secure location as it will not be able to be retrieved later from GitHub. Verify the following permissions are set:
    1. Select the write:packages scope to download and upload container images and read and write their metadata.

    2. Select the read:packages scope to download container images and read their metadata (selected when write:packages is selected by default).

    3. Select the delete:packages scope to delete container images.

  • Configure Wallaroo Via Kots

If Wallaroo was installed via kots, use the following procedure to add the private model registry information.

  1. Launch the Kots Administrative Dashboard through a terminal linked to the Kubernetes cluster. Replace the namespace with the one used in your installation.

    kubectl kots admin-console --namespace wallaroo
  2. Launch the dashboard, by default at http://localhost:8800.

  3. From the admin dashboard, select Config -> Private Model Container Registry.

  4. Enable Provide private container registry credentials for model images.

  5. Provide the following:

    1. Registry URL: The URL of the Containerized Model Container Registry. Typically in the format host:port. In this example, the registry for GitHub is used.

    2. email: The email address of the Github user generating the token.

    3. username: The username of the Github user authentication to the registry service.

    4. password: The GitHub token generated in the previous steps.

      Private Model Registry setup via KOTS
  6. Scroll down and select Save config.

  7. Deploy the new version.

Once complete, the Wallaroo instance will be able to authenticate to the Containerized Model Container Registry and retrieve the images.

  • Configure Wallaroo Via Helm
  1. During either the installation process or updates, set the following in the local-values.yaml file:

    1. privateModelRegistry:
      1. enabled: true

      2. secretName: model-registry-secret

      3. registry: The URL of the Containerized Model Container Registry. Typically in the format host:port.

      4. email: The email address of the Github user generating the token.

      5. username: The username of the Github user authentication to the registry service.

      6. password: The GitHub token generated in the previous steps.

        For example:

        # Other settings - DNS entries, etc.
        # The private registry settings
           enabled: true
           secretName: model-registry-secret
           registry: ""
           email: ""
           username: "johnhansarickwallaroo"
           password: "abcdefg"
  2. Install or update the Wallaroo instance via Helm as per the Wallaroo Helm Install instructions.

Once complete, the Wallaroo instance will be able to authenticate to the registry service and retrieve the images.

The following process is an example of setting up an Artifact Registry Service with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that is used to store containerized model images and retrieve them for use with Wallaroo.

Uploading and downloading containerized models to a Google Cloud Platform Registry follows these general steps.

  • Create the GCP registry.

  • Create a Service Account that will manage the registry service requests.

  • Assign appropriate Artifact Registry role to the Service Account

  • Retrieve the Service Account credentials.

  • Using either a specific user, or the Service Account credentials, upload the containerized model to the registry service.

  • Add the service account credentials to the Wallaroo instance’s containerized model private registry configuration.

  • Prerequisites

The commands below use the Google gcloud command line tool, and expect that a Google Cloud Platform account is created and the gcloud application is associated with the GCP Project for the organization.

For full details on the process and other methods, see the Google GCP documentation.

  • Create the Registry

The following is based on the Create a repository using the Google Cloud CLI.

The following information is needed up front:

  • $REPOSITORY_NAME: What to call the registry.
  • $LOCATION: Where the repository will be located. GCP locations are derived through the gcloud artifacts locations list command.
  • $DESCRIPTION: Any details to be displayed. Sensitive data should not be included.

The follow example script will create a GCP registry with the minimum requirements.

DESCRIPTION="My amazing registry."

gcloud artifacts repositories create REPOSITORY \
    --repository-format=docker \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --description="$DESCRIPTION" \
  • Create a GCP Registry Service Account

The GCP Registry Service Account is used to manage the GCP registry service. The steps are details from the Google Create a service account guide.

The gcloud process for these steps are:

  1. Connect the gcloud application to the organization’s project.

    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
  2. Create the service account with the following:

    1. The name of the service account.
    2. A description of its purpose.
    3. The name to show when displayed.
    DESCRIPTION="Wallaroo container registry SA"
    DISPLAY_NAME="Wallaroo the Roo"
    gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME \
    --description=$DESCRIPTION \
  • Assign Artifact Registry Role

Assign one or more of the following accounts to the new registry role based on the following criteria, as detailed in the Google GCP Repository Roles and Permissions Guide.

  • For domains.
Artifact Registry Reader (roles/artifactregistry.reader)View and get artifacts, view repository metadata.
Artifact Registry Writer (roles/artifactregistry.writer)Read and write artifacts.
Artifact Registry Repository Administrator (roles/artifactregistry.repoAdmin)Read, write, and delete artifacts.
Artifact Registry Administrator (roles/artifactregistry.admin)Create and manage repositories and artifacts.
  • For repositories.
Artifact Registry Create-on-push Writer (roles/artifactregistry.createOnPushWriter)Read and write artifacts. Create repositories.
Artifact Registry Create-on-push Repository Administrator (roles/artifactregistry.createOnPushRepoAdmin)Read, write, and delete artifacts. Create repositories.

For this example, we will add the Artifact Registry Create-on-push Writer to the created Service Account from the previous step.

  1. Add the role to the service account, specifying the member as the new service account, and the role as the selected role. For this example, a is assumed for the Artifact Registry type.

    # for
    # for 
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
        $PROJECT_ID \
        --member="serviceAccount:$SA_NAME@$" \
  • Authenticate to Repository

To push and pull image from the new registry, we’ll use our new service account and authenticate through the local Docker application. See the GCP Push and pull images for details on using Docker and other methods to add artifacts to the GCP artifact registry.

  • Set up Service Account Key

To set up the Service Account key, we’ll use the Google Console IAM & ADMIN dashboard based on the Set up authentication for Docker, using the JSON key approach.

  1. From GCP console, search for IAM & Admin.

  2. Select Service Accounts.

    Service account page
  3. Select the service account to generate keys for.

  4. Select the Email address listed and store this for later steps with the key generated through this process.

    Service account email
  5. Select Keys, then Add Key, then Create new key.

    Create service account key
  6. Select JSON, then Create.

  7. Store the key in a safe location.

  • Convert SA Key to Base64

The key file downloaded in Set up Service Account Key needs to be converted to base64 with the following command, replacing the locations of KEY_FILE and KEYFILEBASE64:

KEY_FILE = ~/.gcp-sa-registry-keyfile.json
KEYFILEBASE64 = ~/.gcp-sa-registry-keyfile-b64.json
base64 -i $KEY_FILE -o $KEYFILEBASE64
  • Authenticate with Docker
  1. Launch Docker.

  2. Run the following command using the base64 version of the key file.

    cat $KEYFILEBASE64 | docker login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin https://$

    If successful, the following will be returned.

    Login Succeeded.

  3. Tag the statsmodel and postprocess containers based on the repository used for the container registry. The GCP Registry format is $$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY/$IMAGE. In this example, it is, with the images mlflow-postprocess-example and mlflow-statsmodels-example.

    1. Get the internal name through docker images.

      docker image list
      REPOSITORY                                                           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
      mlflow-postprocess-example                                           2023.1    ff121d335e24   5 months ago   3.28GB
      mlflow-statsmodels-example                                           2023.1    4c23cac0a7b1   5 months ago   3.34GB
    2. Tag the images with the repository address. Note the repository must be in lowercase.

    docker tag mlflow-postprocess-example:2023.1
    docker tag mlflow-statsmodels-example:2023.1
    1. Verify with docker images. Note that the new tags match the same Image ID as the original tags.
    docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                                                 TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    mlflow-postprocess-example                                                                 2023.1    ff121d335e24   5 months ago   3.28GB   2023.1    ff121d335e24   5 months ago   3.28GB
    mlflow-statsmodels-example                                                                 2023.1    4c23cac0a7b1   5 months ago   3.34GB   2023.1    4c23cac0a7b1   5 months ago   3.34GB
  4. Push the containers to the registry. This may take some time depending on the speed of your connection. Wait until both are complete.

    docker push
    docker push
  5. Verify the uploaded containers are available. From the GCP console, search for “Artifact Registry”, then select the registry.

With the packages published, they will be available to a Wallaroo instance.

  • Configure Wallaroo Private Registry for GCP Registry

The following process demonstrates how to configure a Wallaroo Instance to use the GCP Registry created and used in previous steps.

  • Prerequisites

Before starting, the following will be needed:

  • The GCP Registry service full URL as created from the Create the Registry process. This can be retrieved through the gcloud command:

    gcloud artifacts repositories describe $REPOSITORY_NAME --location=$LOCATION
  • The private registry service account email address. This is retrieved as described in the process Set up Service Account Key.

  • The private registry service account credentials in base64. These were created in the step Convert SA Key to Base64. These can be displayed directly from the base Service Account credentials file with:

    cat $KEYFILEBASE64
  • Configure for Kots Installations

For kots based installations of Wallaroo, use the following procedure. These are based on the Wallaroo Install Guides.

  1. Log into the Kots Administrative Dashboard from a Kubernetes terminal with administrative access to the Wallaroo instance with the following command, replacing the namespace wallaroo with the one where the Wallaroo instance is installed.

    kubectl kots admin-console --namespace wallaroo
  2. Select Config, then Private Model Container Registry.

  3. Enable Provide private container registry credentials for model images.

  4. Update the following fields:

    Private registry settings
    1. Registry URL: Insert the full path of your registry. The GCP Registry format is $$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY/$IMAGE. In this example, it is
    2. Email: The email address of the service account used with the registry service.
    3. User: Set to _json_key_base64.
    4. Password: Set to the private registry service account credentials in base64.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and select Save Config.

  6. When the update module appears, select Go to updated version.

  7. Wait for the preflight checks to completed, then select Deploy.

  • Configure Wallaroo Via Helm
  1. During either the installation process or updates, set the following in the local-values.yaml file:

    1. privateModelRegistry:
      1. enabled: true

      2. secretName: model-registry-secret

      3. registry: Insert the full path of your registry. The GCP Registry format is $$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY/$IMAGE. In this example, it is

      4. email: The email address of the service account used with the registry service.

      5. username: Set to _json_key_base64.

      6. password: Set to the private registry service account credentials in base64.

        For example:

        # Other settings - DNS entries, etc.
        # The private registry settings
        enabled: true
        secretName: model-registry-secret
        email: ""
        username: "_json_key_base64_"
        password: "abcde"
  2. Install or update the Wallaroo instance via Helm as per the Wallaroo Helm Install instructions.

Once complete, the Wallaroo instance will be able to authenticate to the registry service and retrieve the images.

Setting Private Registry Configuration in Wallaroo

Configure Via Kots

If Wallaroo was installed via kots, use the following procedure to add the private model registry information.

  1. Launch the Kots Administrative Dashboard through a terminal linked to the Kubernetes cluster. Replace the namespace with the one used in your installation.

    kubectl kots admin-console --namespace wallaroo
  2. Launch the dashboard, by default at http://localhost:8800.

  3. From the admin dashboard, select Config -> Private Model Container Registry.

  4. Enable Provide private container registry credentials for model images.

  5. Provide the following:

    1. Registry URL: The URL of the Containerized Model Container Registry. Typically in the format host:port. In this example, the registry for GitHub is used. NOTE: When setting the URL for the Containerized Model Container Registry, only the actual service address is needed. For example: with the full URL of the model as, the URL would be
    2. email: The email address of the user authenticating to the registry service.
    3. username: The username of the user authentication to the registry service.
    4. password: The password of the user authentication or token to the registry service.
  6. Scroll down and select Save config.

  7. Deploy the new version.

Once complete, the Wallaroo instance will be able to authenticate to the Containerized Model Container Registry and retrieve the images.

Configure via Helm

  1. During either the installation process or updates, set the following in the local-values.yaml file:

    1. privateModelRegistry:

      1. enabled: true
      2. secretName: model-registry-secret
      3. registry: The URL of the private registry.
      4. email: The email address of the user authenticating to the registry service.
      5. username: The username of the user authentication to the registry service.
      6. password: The password of the user authentication to the registry service.

      For example:

      # Other settings - DNS entries, etc.
      # The private registry settings
        enabled: true
        secretName: model-registry-secret
        email: "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
        username: "YOUR USERNAME"
        password: "Your Password here"
  2. Install or update the Wallaroo instance via Helm as per the Wallaroo Helm Install instructions.

Once complete, the Wallaroo instance will be able to authenticate to the registry service and retrieve the images.