Wallaroo Workspace Management Guide

How to manage your Wallaroo Workspaces

Table of Contents

Manage Workspaces via the Wallaroo Dashboard

Workspaces are used to segment groups of models into separate environments. This allows different users to either manage or have access to each workspace, controlling the models and pipelines assigned to the workspace.

When working with ML Models, pipelines, ML Workload Orchestrations, or other resources, it starts with the workspace.

How to Set the Current Workspace

The Current Workspace shows the selected workspace and its pipelines and models that are contained in the workspace.

To set the current workspace in your Wallaroo session:

  1. From the top left navigation panel, select the workspace. By default, this is My Workspace.
  2. Select the workspace to set as the current workspace.

How to View All Workspaces

To view all workspaces:

  1. From the top left navigation panel, select the Workspace icon (resembles an office desk with monitor).
  2. Select View Workspaces from the bottom of the list.
  3. A list of current workspaces and their owners will be displayed.

How to Create a New Workspace

Workspaces can be created either through the Wallaroo Dashboard or through the Wallaroo SDK.

To create a new workspace from the Wallaroo interface:

  1. From the top left navigation panel, select the Workspace icon (resembles an office desk with monitor).
  2. Select View Workspaces from the bottom of the list.
  3. Select the text box marked Workspace name and enter the name of the new workspace. It is recommended to make workspace names unique.
  4. Select Create Workspace.

Manage Collaborators

Workspace collaborators are other users in your Wallaroo instance that can access the workspace either as a collaborator or as a co-owner.

How to Add a Workspace Collaborator

To add a collaborator to the workspace:

  1. From the top left navigation panel, select the workspace. By default, this is My Workspace.
  2. Select the workspace to set as the current workspace.
  3. Select Invite Users from the Collaborators list.
  4. Select from the users listed. Note that only users in your Wallaroo instance can be invited.
    1. To add the user as a co-owner, select the checkbox “Add as Co-Owner?” next to their name.
  5. Select Send Invitations.

Each invited collaborator will receive an email inviting them to use the workspace, and a link to the Wallaroo instance and the workspace in question.

How to Promote or Demote a Collaborator

To promote or demote a collaborator in a workspace:

  1. From the top left navigation panel, select the workspace. By default, this is My Workspace.
  2. Select the workspace to set as the current workspace.
  3. From the Collaborators list, select the user ... to the right of the user to promote or demote.
    1. If the user is a co-owner, select Demote to Collaborator.
    2. If the user is a collaborator, select Promote to Owner.

How to Remove a Collaborator from a Workspace

To promote or demote a collaborator:

  1. From the top left navigation panel, select the workspace. By default, this is My Workspace.
  2. Select the workspace to set as the current workspace.
  3. From the Collaborators list, select the user ... to the right of the user remove.
  4. Select Remove from Workspace.
  5. Confirm the removal of the user from the workspace.

Manage Workspaces via the Wallaroo SDK

Create a Workspace

Workspaces can be created either through the Wallaroo Dashboard or through the Wallaroo SDK.

Workspace Naming Requirements

Workspace names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. Workspace names must be ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

To create a workspace, use the wallaroo.client.create_workspace("{WORKSPACE NAME}") method through an established Wallaroo connection and store the workspace settings into a new variable. Once the new workspace is created, the user who created the workspace is assigned as its owner. The following template is an example:

{New Workspace Variable} = {Wallaroo Connection}.create_workspace("{New Workspace Name}")

For example, if the connection is stored in the variable wl and the new workspace will be named imdb, then the command to store it in the new_workspace variable would be:

new_workspace = wl.create_workspace("imdb-workspace")

Get Workspace

Workspaces are created or retrieved with the wallaroo.client.get_workspace method. This retrieves a reference to the workspace in question. The following conditions apply:

  • The user requesting access to the workspace must have either be the workspace owner or have been granted access to the workspace.
    • Users of type admin have access to all workspaces and their artifact. For more information, see User Types.
    • Workspace names are unique across the Wallaroo instance. If a workspace is created with the same name as an existing workspace that the user does not have access to, an error is returned.

Get Workspace Parameters

wallaroo.client.get_workspace takes the following parameters.

nameString (Required)The name of the workspace to retrieve. This name is unique across the entire Wallaroo Ops instance. If combined with create_if_not_exist=True, the workspace is created if it does not already exist.
create_if_not_existBoolean (Optional) (Default: False)True: Create the workspace if one with the same name does not exist. False: Do not create a workspace with the same name if it does not already exist.

Get Workspace Returns

Retrieves an object of the type wallaroo.workspace.Workspace that includes the following fields.

nameStringThe name of the workspace.
idIntegerThe numerical id of the workspace.
archivedBooleanIf the workspace is archived.
created_byStringThe user id of the user that created the workspace in UUID format.
created_atDateTimeThe date and time the workspace was created.
modelsList(wallaroo.model.Model)A List of models assigned to the workspace.
pipelinesList(wallaroo.pipeline.Pipeline)A List of pipelines associated with the workspace.

Get Workspace Examples

Get Existing Workspace Example

The following example demonstrates retrieving an existing workspace without creating a new one.

workspace_name = 'helper-demo-workspace-1'

workspace = wl.get_workspace(name=workspace_name)

{'name': 'helper-demo-workspace-1', 'id': 18, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '464316c9-45dd-4926-ba40-c3817485fb9b', 'created_at': '2024-04-04T18:03:33.453716+00:00', 'models': [], 'pipelines': []}
Get Existing Workspace Error

The following shows the error when the workspace requested does not exist.

workspace_name = 'helper-demo-workspace-1'
workspace = wl.get_workspace(name=workspace_name)


Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/tmp/ipykernel_208/1781751922.py in <module>
----> 1 workspace = wl.get_workspace(name=workspace_name)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/wallaroo/client.py in get_workspace(self, name, create_if_not_exist)
   2383         :return: The workspace with the given name.
   2384         """
-> 2385         return Workspace.get_workspace(
   2386             client=self, name=name, create_if_not_exist=create_if_not_exist
   2387         )

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/wallaroo/workspace.py in get_workspace(client, name, create_if_not_exist)
    229                 workspace = Workspace._create_workspace(client, name)
    230             else:
--> 231                 raise Exception(
    232                     f"Error: Workspace with name {name} does not exist."
    233                     f" If you would like to create one, send in the request with `create_if_not_exist` flag set to True."

Exception: Error: Workspace with name helper-demo-workspace-1 does not exist. If you would like to create one, send in the request with `create_if_not_exist` flag set to True.
Get Existing or Create Workspace

The following demonstrates retrieving an existing workspace OR creating it if it does not already exist.

workspace_name = 'helper-demo-workspace-1'

workspace = wl.get_workspace(name=workspace_name, create_if_not_exist=True)

{'name': 'helper-demo-workspace-1', 'id': 18, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '464316c9-45dd-4926-ba40-c3817485fb9b', 'created_at': '2024-04-04T18:03:33.453716+00:00', 'models': [], 'pipelines': []}

List Workspaces

The command list_workspaces() displays the workspaces that are part of the current Wallaroo connection. The following details are returned as an array:

NameStringThe name of the workspace. Note that workspace names are not unique.
Created AtDateTimeThe date and time the workspace was created.
UsersArray[Users]A list of all users assigned to this workspace.
ModelsIntegerThe number of models uploaded to the workspace.
PipelinesIntegerThe number of pipelines in the environment.

For example, for the Wallaroo connection wl the following workspaces are returned:

Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0

Get Current Workspace

The command get_current_workspace displays the current workspace used for the Wallaroo connection. The following information is returned by default:

nameStringThe name of the current workspace.
idIntegerThe ID of the current workspace.
archivedBoolWhether the workspace is archived or not.
created_byStringThe identifier code for the user that created the workspace.
created_atDateTimeWhen the timestamp for when workspace was created.
modelsArray[Models]The models that are uploaded to this workspace.
pipelinesArray[Pipelines]The pipelines created for the workspace.

For example, the following will display the current workspace for the wl connection that contains a single pipeline and multiple models:

{'name': 'imdb-workspace', 'id': 6, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '45e6b641-fe57-4fb2-83d2-2c2bd201efe8', 'created_at': '2022-03-30T17: 09: 23.960406+00: 00', 'models': [
        {'name': 'embedder-o', 'version': '6dbe5524-7bc3-4ff3-8ca8-d454b2cbd0e4', 'file_name': 'embedder.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022,
            321105, tzinfo=tzutc())
        {'name': 'smodel-o', 'version': '6eb7f824-3d77-417f-9169-6a301d20d842', 'file_name': 'sentiment_model.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022,
            783485, tzinfo=tzutc())
    ], 'pipelines': [
        {'name': 'imdb-pipeline', 'create_time': datetime.datetime(2022,
            318819, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'definition': '[]'

Set the Current Workspace

The current workspace can be set through set_current_workspace for the Wallaroo connection through the following call, and returns the workspace details as a JSON object:

{Wallaroo Connection}.set_current_workspace({Workspace Object})

Set Current Workspace from a New Workspace

The following example creates the workspace imdb-workspace through the Wallaroo connection stored in the variable wl, then sets it as the current workspace:

new_workspace = wl.create_workspace("imdb-workspace")
{'name': 'imdb-workspace', 'id': 7, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '45e6b641-fe57-4fb2-83d2-2c2bd201efe8', 'created_at': '2022-03-30T17:43:09.405038+00:00', 'models': [], 'pipelines': []}

Set the Current Workspace an Existing Workspace

To set the current workspace from an established workspace, the easiest method is to use list_workspaces() then set the current workspace as the array value displayed. For example, from the following list_workspaces() command the 3rd workspace element demandcurve-workspace can be assigned as the current workspace:


Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0


{'name': 'demandcurve-workspace', 'id': 3, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '45e6b641-fe57-4fb2-83d2-2c2bd201efe8', 'created_at': '2022-03-29T20:21:32.732178+00:00', 'models': [{'name': 'demandcurve', 'version': '4f5193fc-9c18-4851-8489-42e61d095588', 'file_name': 'demand_curve_v1.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 21, 32, 822812, tzinfo=tzutc())}, {'name': 'preprocess', 'version': '159b9e99-edb6-4c5e-8336-63bc6000623e', 'file_name': 'preprocess.py', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 21, 32, 984117, tzinfo=tzutc())}, {'name': 'postprocess', 'version': '77ee154c-d64c-49dd-985a-96f4c2931b6e', 'file_name': 'postprocess.py', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 21, 33, 119037, tzinfo=tzutc())}], 'pipelines': [{'name': 'demand-curve-pipeline', 'create_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 21, 33, 264321, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'definition': '[]'}]}

Add a User to a Workspace

Users are added to the workspace via their email address through the wallaroo.workspace.Workspace.add_user({email address}) command. The email address must be assigned to a current user in the Wallaroo platform before they can be assigned to the workspace.

For example, the following workspace imdb-workspace has the user steve@ex.co. We will add the user john@ex.co to this workspace:


Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0

current_workspace = wl.list_workspaces()[3]


{'name': 'imdb-workspace', 'id': 4, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '45e6b641-fe57-4fb2-83d2-2c2bd201efe8', 'created_at': '2022-03-29T20:23:08.742676+00:00', 'models': [{'name': 'embedder-o', 'version': '23a33c3d-68e6-4bdb-a8bc-32ea846908ee', 'file_name': 'embedder.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 23, 8, 833716, tzinfo=tzutc())}, {'name': 'smodel-o', 'version': '2c298aa9-be9d-482d-8188-e3564bdbab43', 'file_name': 'sentiment_model.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 23, 9, 49881, tzinfo=tzutc())}], 'pipelines': [{'name': 'imdb-pipeline', 'create_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 23, 28, 518946, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'definition': '[]'}]}


Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co', 'john@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0

Remove a User to a Workspace

Removing a user from a workspace is performed through the wallaroo.workspace.Workspace.remove_user({email address}) command, where the {email address} matches a user in the workspace.

In the following example, the user john@ex.co is removed from the workspace imdb-workspace.


Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co', 'john@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0

current_workspace = wl.list_workspaces()[3]



Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0

Add a Workspace Owner

To update the owner of workspace, or promote an existing user of a workspace to the owner of workspace, use the wallaroo.workspace.Workspace.add_owner({email address}) command. The email address must be assigned to a current user in the Wallaroo platform before they can be assigned as the owner to the workspace.

The following example shows assigning the user john@ex.co as an owner to the workspace imdb-workspace:


Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0

current_workspace = wl.list_workspaces()[3]


{'name': 'imdb-workspace', 'id': 4, 'archived': False, 'created_by': '45e6b641-fe57-4fb2-83d2-2c2bd201efe8', 'created_at': '2022-03-29T20:23:08.742676+00:00', 'models': [{'name': 'embedder-o', 'version': '23a33c3d-68e6-4bdb-a8bc-32ea846908ee', 'file_name': 'embedder.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 23, 8, 833716, tzinfo=tzutc())}, {'name': 'smodel-o', 'version': '2c298aa9-be9d-482d-8188-e3564bdbab43', 'file_name': 'sentiment_model.onnx', 'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 23, 9, 49881, tzinfo=tzutc())}], 'pipelines': [{'name': 'imdb-pipeline', 'create_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 29, 20, 23, 28, 518946, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'definition': '[]'}]}


Name Created At Users Models Pipelines
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:15:38 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
ccfraud-workspace 2022-03-29 20:20:55 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
demandcurve-workspace 2022-03-29 20:21:32 ['steve@ex.co'] 3 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-29 20:23:08 ['steve@ex.co', 'john@ex.co'] 2 1
aloha-workspace 2022-03-29 20:33:54 ['steve@ex.co'] 1 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:09:23 ['steve@ex.co'] 2 1
imdb-workspace 2022-03-30 17:43:09 ['steve@ex.co'] 0 0