Model Deployment

How to deploy ML models for inference requests.

Pipelines represent how data is submitted to your uploaded Machine Learning (ML) models. Pipelines allow you to:

  • Submit information through an uploaded file or through the Pipeline’s Deployment URL.

  • Have the Pipeline submit the information to one or more models in sequence.

  • Once complete, output the result from the model(s).

    Pipeline Naming Requirements

Pipeline names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. Pipeline names must be ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.

How to Create a Pipeline and Use a Pipeline

Pipelines can be created through the Wallaroo Dashboard and the Wallaroo SDK. For specifics on using the SDK, see the Wallaroo SDK Guide. For more detailed instructions and step-by-step examples with real models and data, see the Wallaroo Tutorials.

The following instructions are focused on how to use the Wallaroo Dashboard for creating, deploying, and undeploying pipelines.

How to Create a Pipeline using the Wallaroo Dashboard

To create a pipeline:

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, set the current workspace from the top left dropdown list.

  2. Select View Pipelines from the pipeline’s row.

  3. From the upper right hand corner, select Create Pipeline.

    Create New Pipeline
  4. Enter the following:

    1. Pipeline Name: The name of the new pipeline. Pipeline names should be unique across the Wallaroo instance.
    2. Add Pipeline Step: Select the models to be used as the pipeline steps.
    Name New Pipeline

    When finished, select Next.

  5. Review the name of the pipeline and the steps. If any adjustments need to be made, select either Back to rename the pipeline or Add Step(s) to change the pipeline’s steps.

    Ready to Build Pipeline
  6. When finished, select Build to create the pipeline in this workspace. The pipeline will be built and be ready for deployment within a minute.

    Pipeline Built

How to Deploy and Undeploy a Pipeline using the Wallaroo Dashboard

Deployed pipelines create new namespaces in the Kubernetes environment where the Wallaroo instance is deployed, and allocate resources from the Kubernetes environment to run the pipeline and its steps.

To deploy a pipeline:

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, set the current workspace from the top left dropdown list.

  2. Select View Pipelines from the pipeline’s row.

  3. Select the pipeline to deploy.

  4. From the right navigation panel, select Deploy.

    Deploy Pipeline
  5. A popup module will request verification to deploy the pipeline. Select Deploy again to deploy the pipeline.

Undeploying a pipeline returns resources back to the Kubernetes environment and removes the namespaces created when the pipeline was deployed.

To undeploy a pipeline:

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, set the current workspace from the top left dropdown list.

  2. Select View Pipelines from the pipeline’s row.

  3. Select the pipeline to deploy.

  4. From the right navigation panel, select Undeploy.

    Undeploy Pipeline
  5. A popup module will request verification to undeploy the pipeline. Select Undeploy again to undeploy the pipeline.

How to View a Pipeline Details and Metrics

To view a pipeline’s details:

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, set the current workspace from the top left dropdown list.
  2. Select View Pipelines from the pipeline’s row.
  3. To view details on the pipeline, select the name of the pipeline.
  4. A list of the pipeline’s details will be displayed.

To view a pipeline’s metrics:

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, set the current workspace from the top left dropdown list.
  2. Select View Pipelines from the pipeline’s row.
  3. To view details on the pipeline, select the name of the pipeline.
  4. A list of the pipeline’s details will be displayed.
  5. Select Metrics to view the following information. From here you can select the time period to display metrics from through the drop down to display the following:
    1. Requests per second
    2. Cluster inference rate
    3. Inference latency
  6. The Audit Log and Anomaly Log are available to view further details of the pipeline’s activities.

Pipeline Details

The following is available from the Pipeline Details page:

  • The name of the pipeline.
  • The pipeline ID: This is in UUID format.
  • Pipeline steps: The steps and the models in each pipeline step.
  • Version History: how the pipeline has been updated over time.

Wallaroo Pipeline Tag Management

How to manage tags and pipelines.