ML Orchestration Workload Management

How to integrate with services for model deployments and inferences

Wallaroo provides ML Workload Orchestrations and Tasks to automate processes in a Wallaroo instance. For example:

  • Deploy a pipeline, retrieve data through a data connector, submit the data for inferences, undeploy the pipeline
  • Replace a model with a new version
  • Retrieve shadow deployed inference results and submit them to a database

Orchestration Flow

ML Workload Orchestration flow works within 3 tiers:

ML Workload OrchestrationUser created custom instructions that provide automated processes that follow the same steps every time without error. Orchestrations contain the instructions to be performed, uploaded as a .ZIP file with the instructions, requirements, and artifacts.
TaskInstructions on when to run an Orchestration as a scheduled Task. Tasks can be Run Once, where is creates a single Task Run, or Run Scheduled, where a Task Run is created on a regular schedule based on the Kubernetes cronjob specifications. If a Task is Run Scheduled, it will create a new Task Run every time the schedule parameters are met until the Task is killed.
Task RunThe execution of an task. These validate business operations are successful identify any unsuccessful task runs. If the Task is Run Once, then only one Task Run is generated. If the Task is a Run Scheduled task, then a new Task Run will be created each time the schedule parameters are met, with each Task Run having its own results and logs.
Wallaroo Components

One example may be of making donuts.

  • The ML Workload Orchestration is the recipe.
  • The Task is the order to make the donuts. It might be Run Once, so only one set of donuts are made, or Run Scheduled, so donuts are made every 2nd Sunday at 6 AM. If Run Scheduled, the donuts are made every time the schedule hits until the order is cancelled (aka killed).
  • The Task Run are the donuts with their own receipt of creation (logs, etc).

Manage ML Workload Orchestrations via the Wallaroo Dashboard

Orchestrations and their Tasks and Task Runs are visible through the Wallaroo Dashboard through the following process.

Task User Interface Overview

  1. From the Wallaroo Dashboard, select the workspace where the workloads were uploaded to.

  2. From the upper right corner, select Workloads.

    Access workloads
  3. The list of uploaded ML Workload Orchestrations are displayed with the following:

    Workload List
    • Search Bar (A): Filter the list by workload name.
    • Status Filter (B): Filter the list by:
      • Only Active: Only show Active workloads.
      • Only Inactive: Only show Inactive workloads.
      • Only Error: Only show workloads flagged with an Error.
    • Workload (C): The assigned name of the workload.
    • Status (D): Whether the workload orchestration status is Active, Inactive, or has an Error.
    • Created At (E): The date the Orchestration was uploaded.
    • ID (F): The unique workload orchestration ID in UUID format.
  4. Select a workload orchestration to view Tasks generated from this workload. The Orchestration Page has the following details:

    • Orchestration Details:

      Orchestration Details
      • Orchestration Name (A): The name assigned when the workload was created from the workload orchestration.
      • Orchestration ID (B): The ID of the workload in UUID format.
      • Created (C): The date the workload was uploaded.
      • File (D): The file the workload was uploaded from.
      • File Hash (E): The hash of the workload file.
      • Task and Task Runs buttons as detailed below.
    • Task: Each Task generated from the Orchestration as either a Run Once or Run Scheduled. Run Once tasks generate a single Task Run, then terminate. Run Scheduled tasks generate a Task Run each time the schedule pattern occurs. For example, a Run Scheduled task set to run every 1st of the month at 4 PM will have 12 Task Runs generated from it a year later.

      Task Details
      • Type (F): Tasks are shown as either Run Once (a lightning bolt icon) or Run Scheduled (circular arrow icon).
      • Task Name (G): The name of the task.
      • Task ID (H): The ID of the task in UUID format.
      • Run At (I): The last scheduled run, and for Run Scheduled tasks, the next scheduled run. The actual time of execution may depend on system load, time differences and other factors.
      • Actions (J): Allows the task to be Stopped. If a Run Scheduled Task, this will stop any further Task Runs.
    • Task Run: Each Task generates one or more Task Runs with the following details.

      Task Run Details
      • Task Run (A): The name of the Task that generated the Task Run, including the symbol for Run Once (a lightning bolt icon) or Run Scheduled (circular arrow icon).

      • Task ID (B): The ID of the Task that generated the Task Run in UUID format.

      • Status (C): The status of the Task Run as either Success, Failure, or Timed_out.

      • Run At (D): The date and time the task previous ran, and for Run Scheduled tasks, the next scheduled run.

      • Task Run Logs (E): The logs of the Task Run that displays an abbreviated Task Run logs.

        Task Run Logs

Create a Task

To create a task using the Workload Orchestration UI from the Orchestration Details page:

  1. Select Create Task.

  2. Add the following:

    Create Task from Workload Orchestration
    1. Task Name: The name of the Task created from the Workload Orchestration.
    2. Task Type:
      1. Select Run immediately to generate a Run Once task.
      2. Select Run recurringly to generate a Run Scheduled task. For Run Scheduled tasks, select the Months, Days, and Times that the task it to run. For example, selecting only January 15 8:00 PM will only run on that date, while selecting January, March, May at 1, 7, 15, and 30 at 8:00 PM will generate a Task Run for each of those days that meet those conditions.
    3. Advanced Settings:
      1. Json arguments: Tasks accept Json arguments that are used to modify how each tasks is run. See the Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: ML Workload Orchestration for details on creating a Workload Orchestration that accepts additional Task arguments.
      2. Timeout (sec): How long the Task should run before stopping. This is used to terminate tasks that may be in an infinite loop.

Manage ML Workload Orchestrations via the Wallaroo SDK

The following methods are provided for creating and listing orchestrations.

Orchestration Methods

Create Orchestration

An orchestration is created through the wallaroo.client.upload_orchestration(path) with the following parameters.

For the uploads, either the path to the .zip file is required, or bytes_buffer with name are required. path can not be used with bytes_buffer and name, and vice versa.

pathString (Optional)The path to the .zip file that contains the orchestration package. Can not be use with bytes_buffer and name are used.
file_nameString (Optional)The file name to give to the zip file when uploaded.
bytes_buffer[bytes] (Optional)The .zip file object to be uploaded. Can not be used with path. Note that if the zip file is uploaded as from the bytes_buffer parameter and file_name is not included, then the file name in the Wallaroo orchestrations list will be -.
nameString (Optional)Sets the name of the byte uploaded zip file.

List Orchestrations

All orchestrations for a Wallaroo instances are listed via the Wallaroo Client list_orchestrations() method. It returns an array with the following.

idStringThe UUID identifier for the orchestration.
last run statusStringThe last reported status the task. Valid values are:
  • packaging: The orchestration has been upload and is being prepared.
  • ready: The orchestration is available to be used as a task.
shaStringThe sha value of the uploaded orchestration.
nameStringThe name of the orchestration
filenameStringThe name of the uploaded orchestration file.
created atDateTimeThe date and time the orchestration was uploaded to the Wallaroo instance.
updated atDateTimeThe date and time a new version of the orchestration was uploaded.
idnamestatusfilenameshacreated atupdated at
0f90e606-09f8-409b-a306-cb04ec4c011acomprehensive samplereadyremote_inference.zipb88e93...2396fb2023-22-May 19:55:152023-22-May 19:56:09

Task Methods

Tasks are the implementation of an orchestration. Think of the orchestration as the instructions to follow, and the Task is the unit actually doing it.

Tasks are set at the workspace level.

Create Tasks

Tasks are created from an orchestration through the following methods.

Task TypeDescription
run_onceRun the task once.
run_scheduledRun on a schedule, repeat every time the schedule fits the task until it is killed.

Tasks have the following parameters.

idStringThe UUID identifier for the task.
last run statusStringThe last reported status the task. Values are:
  • unknown: The task has not been started or is being prepared.
  • ready: The task is scheduled to execute.
  • running: The task has started.
  • failure: The task failed.
  • success: The task completed.
typeStringThe type of the task. Values are:
  • Temporary Run: The task runs once then stop.
  • Scheduled Run: The task repeats on a cron like schedule.
  • Service Run: The task runs as a service and executes when its service port is activated.
activeBooleanTrue: The task is scheduled or running. False: The task has completed or has been issued the kill command.
scheduleStringThe cron style schedule for the task. If the task is not a scheduled one, then the schedule will be -.
created atDateTimeThe date and time the task was started.
updated atDateTimeThe date and time the task was updated.
Run Task Once

Temporary Run tasks are created from the Orchestration run_once(name, json_args, timeout) with the following parameters.

nameString (Required)The designated name of the task.
json_argsDict (Required)Arguments for the orchestration, such as { "dogs": 3.9, "cats": 8.1}
timeoutint (Optional)Timeout period in seconds.
task = orchestration.run_once(name="house price run once 2", json_args={"workspace_name": workspace_name, 
                                                                           "connection_name": connection_name
Namehouse price run once 2
Last Run Statusunknown
TypeTemporary Run
Created At2023-22-May 19:58:32
Updated At2023-22-May 19:58:32
Run Task Scheduled

A task can be scheduled via the Orchestration run_scheduled method.

Scheduled tasks are run every time the schedule period is met. This uses the same settings as the cron utility.

Scheduled tasks include the following parameters.

nameString (Required)The name of the task.
scheduleString (Required)Schedule in the cron format of: hour, minute, day_of_week, day_of_month, month.
timeoutint (Optional)Timeout period in seconds.
json_argsDict (Required)Arguments for the task, such as { "dogs": 3.9, "cats": 8.1}

The schedule uses the same method as the cron service. For example, the following schedule:

schedule={'42 * * * *'}

Runs on the 42nd minute of every hour. The following schedule:

schedule={'00 1 * * 0'}

Indicates “At 1:00 AM on Sunday.”

For a shortcut in creating cron formatted schedules, see sites such as the Cron expression generator by Cronhub.

task_scheduled = orchestration.run_scheduled(name="schedule example", 
                                             json_args={"workspace_name": workspace_name, 
                                                        "pipeline_name": pipeline_name,
                                                        "connection_name": connection_name
Nameschedule example
Last Run Statusunknown
TypeScheduled Run
Schedule*/5 * * * *
Created At2023-22-May 20:08:25
Updated At2023-22-May 20:08:25

List Tasks

The list of tasks in the Wallaroo instance is retrieves through the Wallaroo Client list_tasks() method that accepts the following parameters.

killedBoolean (Optional Default: False)Returns tasks depending on whether they have been issued the kill command. False returns all tasks whether killed or not. True only returns killed tasks.

This returns an array list of the following in reverse chronological order from updated at.

idStringThe UUID identifier for the task.
last run statusStringThe last reported status the task. Values are:
  • unknown: The task has not been started or is being prepared.
  • ready: The task is scheduled to execute.
  • running: The task has started.
  • failure: The task failed.
  • success: The task completed.
typeStringThe type of the task. Values are:
  • Temporary Run: The task runs once then stop.
  • Scheduled Run: The task repeats on a cron like schedule.
  • Service Run: The task runs as a service and executes when its service port is activated.
activeBooleanTrue: The task is scheduled or running. False: The task has completed or has been issued the kill command.
scheduleStringThe cron style schedule for the task. If the task is not a scheduled one, then the schedule will be -.
created atDateTimeThe date and time the task was started.
updated atDateTimeThe date and time the task was updated.

For example:

idnamelast run statustypeactiveschedulecreated atupdated at
f0e27d6a-6a98-4d26-b240-266f08560c48house price run once 2runningTemporary RunTrue-2023-22-May 19:58:322023-22-May 19:58:38
36509ef8-98da-42a0-913f-e6e929dedb15house price run oncesuccessTemporary RunTrue-2023-22-May 19:56:372023-22-May 19:56:48

An individual task can be retrieved through the list_tasks() by specifying the task from the array returned. In this example, the first task listed from the list_tasks() method will be assigned to the task variable.

task = wl.list_tasks()[0]

Get Task Status

The status of a task is retrieved through the Task status() method and returns the following.

statusStringThe current status of the task. Values are:
  1. pending: The task has not been started or is being prepared.
  2. started: The task has started to execute.

Kill a Task

Killing a task removes the schedule or removes it from a service. Tasks are killed with the Task kill() method, and returns a message with the status of the kill procedure.

Note that a Task set to Run Scheduled will generate a new Task Run each time the schedule parameters are met until the Task is killed. A Task set to Run Once will generate only one Task Run, so does not need to be killed.


<ArbexStatus.PENDING_KILL: 'pending_kill'>

Task Runs

Task Runs are generated from a Task. If the Task is Run Once, then only one Task Run is generated. If the Task is a Run Scheduled task, then a new Task Run will be created each time the schedule parameters are met, with each Task Run having its own results and logs.

Task Last Runs History

The history of a task, which each deployment of the task is known as a task run is retrieved with the Task last_runs method that takes the following arguments.

statusString (Optional *Default: all)Filters the task history by the status. If all, returns all statuses. Status values are:
  • running: The task has started.
  • failure: The task failed.
  • success: The task completed.
limitInteger (Optional)Limits the number of task runs returned.

This returns the following in reverse chronological order by updated at.

task idStringTask id in UUID format.
pod idStringPod id in UUID format.
statusStringStatus of the task. Status values are:
  • running: The task has started.
  • failure: The task failed.
  • success: The task completed.
created atDateTimeDate and time the task was created at.
updated atDateTimeDate and time the task was updated.
task idpod idstatuscreated atupdated at
f0e27d6a-6a98-4d26-b240-266f08560c487d9d73d5-df11-44ed-90c1-db0e64c7f9b8success2023-22-May 19:58:352023-22-May 19:58:35

Task Run Logs

The output of a task is displayed with the Task Run logs() method that takes the following parameters.

limitInteger (Optional)Limits the lines returned from the task run log. The limit parameter is based on the log tail - starting from the last line of the log file, then working up until the limit of lines is reached. This is useful for viewing final outputs, exceptions, etc.

The Task Run logs() returns the log entries as a string list, with each entry as an item in the list.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: It may take around a minute for task run logs to be integrated into the Wallaroo log database.
# give time for the task to complete and the log files entered
recent_run = task.last_runs()[0]
2023-22-May 19:59:29 Getting the pipeline orchestrationpipelinetgiq
2023-22-May 19:59:29 Getting arrow table file
2023-22-May 19:59:29 Inference time.  Displaying results after.
2023-22-May 19:59:29 pyarrow.Table
2023-22-May 19:59:29 time: timestamp[ms]
2023-22-May 19:59:29 in.tensor: list<item: float> not null
2023-22-May 19:59:29   child 0, item: float
2023-22-May 19:59:29 out.variable: list<inner: float not null> not null
2023-22-May 19:59:29 anomaly.count: int8
2023-22-May 19:59:29   child 0, inner: float not null
2023-22-May 19:59:29 ----
2023-22-May 19:59:29 time: [[2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,...,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767,2023-05-22 19:58:49.767]]
2023-22-May 19:59:29 in.tensor: [[[4,2.5,2900,5505,2,...,2970,5251,12,0,0],[2,2.5,2170,6361,1,...,2310,7419,6,0,0],...,[3,1.75,2910,37461,1,...,2520,18295,47,0,0],[3,2,2005,7000,1,...,1750,4500,34,0,0]]]
2023-22-May 19:59:29 check_failures: [[0,0,0,0,0,...,0,0,0,0,0]]
2023-22-May 19:59:29 out.variable: [[[718013.75],[615094.56],...,[706823.56],[581003]]]</code></pre>