

Installation Configurations

Guides for different install options for Wallaroo

The following guides demonstrate how to install Wallaroo with different options to best fit your organizations needs, and are meant to supplement the standard install guides.

1 - Wallaroo Enterprise Azure integration Overview

An overview of the Wallaroo Enterprise for Azure Cloud

Wallaroo is proud to announce Wallaroo Enterprise for the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. This brings Wallaroo to even more organizations who want to use Wallaroo with their other Microsoft Azure services.

The following diagram displays the architecture for this service.

Wallaroo Azure Marketplace Architecture
  1. Users and application integrations connect to Jupyter Lab and the Wallaroo ML Ops APIs hosted in an AKS cluster.
  2. Wallaroo cluster services are hosted in a Kubernetes namespace and manage deployments of ML models.
  3. ML models are deployed in AKS to scale across as many VMs as needed to handle the load.
  4. ML inference services are provided via a web API to allow integration with data storage systems or other services.

2 - Create GPU Nodepools for Kubernetes Clusters

How to create GPU nodepools for Kubernetes clusters.

Wallaroo provides support for ML models that use GPUs. The following templates demonstrate how to create a nodepool in different cloud providers, then assign that nodepool to an existing cluster. These steps can be used in conjunction with Wallaroo Enterprise Install Guides.

Note that deploying pipelines with GPU support is only available for Wallaroo Enterprise.

The following script creates a nodepool with NVidia Tesla K80 gpu using the Standard_NC6 machine type and autoscales from 0-3 nodes. Each node has one GPU in this example so the max .gpu() that can be requested by a pipeline step is 1.

For detailed steps on adding GPU to a cluster, see Microsoft Azure Use GPUs for compute-intensive workloads on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) guide.

Note that the labels are required as part of the Wallaroo pipeline deployment with GPU support


az extension add --name aks-preview

az extension update --name aks-preview

az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "GPUDedicatedVHDPreview"

az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService

az aks nodepool add \                
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --name $GPU_NODEPOOL_NAME \
    --node-count 0 \
    --node-vm-size Standard_NC6 \
    --node-taints sku=gpu:NoSchedule \
    --aks-custom-headers UseGPUDedicatedVHD=true \
    --enable-cluster-autoscaler \
    --min-count 0 \
    --max-count 3 \
    --labels doc-gpu-label=true

The following script creates a nodepool uses NVidia T4 GPUs and autoscales from 0-3 nodes. Each node has one GPU in this example so the max .gpu() that can be requested by a pipeline step is 1.

Google GKE automatically adds the following taint to the created nodepool.

NO_SCHEDULE nvidia.com/gpu present

Note that the labels are required as part of the Wallaroo pipeline deployment with GPU support


gcloud beta container \
    --project $GCP_PROJECT \
    node-pools create $GPU_NODEPOOL_NAME \
    --cluster $GCP_CLUSTER \
    --region $REGION \
    --node-version "1.25.8-gke.500" \
    --machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
    --accelerator "type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=1" \
    --image-type "COS_CONTAINERD" \
    --disk-type "pd-balanced" \
    --disk-size "100" \
    --node-labels doc-gpu-label=true \
    --metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \
    --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append" \
    --num-nodes "3" \
    --enable-autoscaling \
    --min-nodes "0" \
    --max-nodes "3" \
    --location-policy "BALANCED" \
    --enable-autoupgrade \
    --enable-autorepair \
    --max-surge-upgrade 1 \
    --max-unavailable-upgrade 0

The following steps are used to create a AWS EKS Nodepool with GPU nodes.

  • Prerequisites: An existing AWS (Amazon Web Service) EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster. See Wallaroo Enterprise Comprehensive Install Guide: Environment Setup Guides for a sample creation of an AWS EKS cluster for hosting a Wallaroo Enterprise instance.
  • eksctl: Command line tool for installating and updating EKS clusters.
  • Administrator access to the EKS cluster and capabilty of running kubectl commands.
  1. Create the nodepool with the following configuration file. Note that the labels are required as part of the Wallaroo pipeline deployment with GPU support. The sample configuration file below uses the AWS instance type g5.2xlarge. Modify as required.

    eksctl create nodegroup --config-file=<path>

    Sample config file:

# aws-gpu-nodepool.yaml
apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: YOUR CLUSTER NAME HERE # This must match the name of the existing cluster

  instanceType: g5.2xlarge
  minSize: 1
  maxSize: 3
    wallaroo.ai/gpu: "true"
    doc-gpu-label: "true"
    - key: wallaroo.ai/engine
      value: "true"
      effect: NoSchedule
    k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/node-template/label/k8s.dask.org/node-purpose: engine
    k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/node-template/taint/k8s.dask.org/dedicated: "true:NoSchedule"
      autoScaler: true
  containerRuntime: containerd
  amiFamily: AmazonLinux2
  volumeSize: 100

3 - Install Wallaroo with Minimum Services

How to install Wallaroo with disabled services for lower core environments

The following system requirements are required for the minimum settings for running Wallaroo in a Kubernetes cloud cluster.

The following system requirements are required for the minimum settings for running Wallaroo in a Kubernetes cloud cluster.

  • Minimum number of nodes: 4
  • Minimum Number of CPU Cores: 8
  • Minimum RAM per node: 16 GB
  • Minimum Storage: A total of 625 GB of storage will be allocated for the entire cluster based on 5 users with up to four pipelines with five steps per pipeline, with 50 GB allocated per node, including 50 GB specifically for the Jupyter Hub service. Enterprise users who deploy additional pipelines will require an additional 50 GB of storage per lab node deployed.

Wallaroo recommends at least 16 cores total to enable all services. At less than 16 cores, services will have to be disabled to allow basic functionality as detailed in this table.

Note that even when disabling these services, Wallaroo performance may be impacted by the models, pipelines, and data used. The greater the size of the models and steps in a pipeline, the more resources will be required for Wallaroo to operate efficiently. Pipeline resources are set by the pipeline configuration to control how many resources are allocated from the cluster to maintain peak effectiveness for other Wallaroo services. See the following guides for more details.

Cluster Size 8 core16 core32 coreDescription
Inference The Wallaroo inference engine that performs inference requests from deployed pipelines.
Dashboard The graphics user interface for configuring workspaces, deploying pipelines, tracking metrics, and other uses.
Jupyter HUB/LabThe JupyterHub service for running Python scripts, JupyterNotebooks, and other related tasks within the Wallaroo instance.
Single Lab
Multiple Labs
PrometheusUsed for collecting and reporting on metrics. Typical metrics are values such as CPU utilization and memory usage.
Model Validation 
Dashboard Graphs 
PlateauA Wallaroo developed service for storing inference logs at high speed. This is not a long term service; organizations are encouraged to store logs in long term solutions if required.
Model Insights 
Python API 
Model ConversionConverts models into a native runtime for use with the Wallaroo inference engine.

To install Wallaroo with minimum services, a configuration file will be used as parts of the kots based installation. For full details on the Wallaroo installation process, see the Wallaroo Install Guides.

Wallaroo Installation with less than 16 Cores

To install Wallaroo with less than 16 cores and 8 cores or greater, the following services must be disabled:

  • Model Conversion
  • Model Insights
  • Plateau

The following configuration settings can be used at the installation procedure to disable these services.

apiVersion: kots.io/v1beta1
kind: ConfigValues
  name: wallaroo
      value: "1"
      value: "0"
      value: "1"
      value: "0"

The configuration file can be applied via the --config-values={CONFIG YAML FILE} option. For example:

kubectl kots install "wallaroo/ce" \
-n wallaroo \ 

4 - Install Wallaroo to Specific Nodes

How to install Wallaroo to specific nodes

Organizations that share their Kubernetes environment with other applications may want to install Wallaroo to specific nodes in their cluster. The following guide demonstrates how to install a Wallaroo instance into specific nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

This example uses Wallaroo Community as the example. For other guides for installing a Wallaroo instance, see the Wallaroo Community Setup Guides and the Wallaroo Enterprise Setup Guides.

Users who are familiar with Kubernetes clusters can skip ahead directly to the Install Steps.


When installed into a Kubernetes cluster, Wallaroo will use available nodes to maximize its performance. Some organizations may use specific nodepools or nodes for specific applications.

One option is to use Kubernetes metadata to assign Node labels to nodes, then specify that Wallaroo can be installed into specific nodes that match that label. This can be done with specifying configuration options during the install process using the kots option --config-values={CONFIG YAML FILE}. For more information, see the kots set config documentation.

Install Steps

In this example, an instance of Wallaroo Community will be installed into a Kubernetes cluster that has four nodes assigned with the label wallaroo.ai/node=true;

kubectl get nodes
NAME                                 STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000     Ready    agent   84m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8

kubectl get nodes -l wallaroo.ai/node=true
NAME                                 STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003   Ready    agent   75m   v1.23.8
  1. Create a kots configuration file and specify the label to use for installing nodes. For this example, we will use wallaroo.ai/node: "true" as the label. Any nodes with that label will be used by Wallaroo during the installation. For this example, this configuration is saved to the file test-node.yaml.

    apiVersion: kots.io/v1beta1
    kind: ConfigValues
        creationTimestamp: null
        name: wallaroo
                value: 'wallaroo.ai/node: "true"'
    status: {}
  2. During installation, specify the configuration file to be used with the --config-values option.

    kubectl kots install "wallaroo/ce" \
    -n wallaroo \ 
    • Deploying Admin Console
    • Creating namespace ✓
    • Waiting for datastore to be ready ✓
      • Waiting for Admin Console to be ready ✓
    • Press Ctrl+C to exit
    • Go to http://localhost:8800 to access the Admin Console
  3. Proceed with the installation as normal, including uploading the required license file, etc.

  4. Once complete, verify Wallaroo was installed to specific nodes with the kubectl get pods command. The following shows the pods in the wallaroo namespace where the Wallaroo Community instance was installed, and the pods used for the deployed pipeline ccfraudpipeline.

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,Namespace:.metadata.namespace,Node:.spec.nodeName
    NAME                                       Namespace           Node
    engine-6469d85b5c-5pz75                    ccfraudpipeline-1   aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    engine-lb-db4f647fb-m9bkl                  ccfraudpipeline-1   aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    helm-runner-xz4vn                          ccfraudpipeline-1   aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    azure-ip-masq-agent-26cnd                  kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    azure-ip-masq-agent-745hs                  kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    azure-ip-masq-agent-f2nl2                  kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    azure-ip-masq-agent-hjxbr                  kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    azure-ip-masq-agent-nktlq                  kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    cloud-node-manager-6twk7                   kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    cloud-node-manager-g2bql                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    cloud-node-manager-j4xdq                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    cloud-node-manager-q6b2k                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    cloud-node-manager-rsrsg                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    coredns-autoscaler-7d56cd888-t28v5         kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    coredns-dc97c5f55-8v7lh                    kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    coredns-dc97c5f55-p2dc2                    kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    csi-azuredisk-node-5hlxc                   kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    csi-azuredisk-node-6bp8l                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    csi-azuredisk-node-mthtd                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    csi-azuredisk-node-p6w8w                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    csi-azuredisk-node-sqznw                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    csi-azurefile-node-7kw5p                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    csi-azurefile-node-9zb6l                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    csi-azurefile-node-grs6g                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    csi-azurefile-node-z84nz                   kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    csi-azurefile-node-zzqdf                   kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    konnectivity-agent-6c57d77bcd-5tvbh        kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    konnectivity-agent-6c57d77bcd-z5q48        kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    kube-proxy-4nz25                           kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    kube-proxy-8fv76                           kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    kube-proxy-c5nvs                           kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    kube-proxy-lvlwc                           kube-system         aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    kube-proxy-vbvfr                           kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    metrics-server-64b66fbbc8-tvxpj            kube-system         aks-mainpool-18670167-vmss000000
    api-lb-bbc98488d-24qxb                     wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    continuous-image-puller-8sfw9              wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    continuous-image-puller-bbt7c              wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    continuous-image-puller-ngr75              wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    continuous-image-puller-stxpq              wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    dashboard-677df986d9-8c5mz                 wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    deploymentmanager-69b4c6d449-j8jct         wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    graphql-api-9c664ddf-t7cnr                 wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    hub-668d49b7b4-jspqj                       wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    jupyter-john-2ehansarick-40wallaroo-2eai   wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    keycloak-85cf99c7bf-8vvb5                  wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    kotsadm-cbf8d8ccb-qgx2w                    wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    kotsadm-minio-0                            wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    kotsadm-postgres-0                         wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    minio-68bc498d6d-xm5ht                     wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    model-insights-7dcccb976-ttz64             wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    plateau-5b777686dd-8c69s                   wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    postgres-6c5fff5c57-9hr4n                  wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    prometheus-deployment-7dcb484c56-7jwq4     wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    proxy-755778dccd-mwhwz                     wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    python-api-787bcb7764-nvdb4                wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    rest-api-677dc6bdcf-q9b62                  wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    wallaroo-fluent-bit-standard-h7mrl         wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000002
    wallaroo-fluent-bit-standard-jss2d         wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000000
    wallaroo-fluent-bit-standard-l75cj         wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    wallaroo-fluent-bit-standard-m55tk         wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000003
    wallaroo-telemetry-27687782-g6mhm          wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    wallaroo-telemetry-27687783-xgqpm          wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001
    wallaroo-telemetry-27687784-9b85g          wallaroo           aks-wallarooai-12293194-vmss000001

For other instructions on how to deploy or configure a Wallaroo instance, see the Wallaroo Operations Guides.

5 - Taints and Tolerations Guide

Configure custom taints and toleration for a cluster for Wallaroo

Organizations can customize the taints and tolerances for their Kubernetes cluster running Wallaroo. Nodes in a Kubernetes cluster can have a taint applied to them. Any pod that does not have a toleration matching the taint can be rejected and will not be applied to that node.

This allows organizations to determine which pods can be accepted or rejected into specific nodes, reserving their Kubernetes resources for other services. Combined with the Install Wallaroo to Specific Nodes guide this ensures that Wallaroo pods are contained to specific cluster nodes, and prevents non-Wallaroo pods from being scheduled into the same nodes to reserve those resources for the Wallaroo instance.

In this example, the node Postgres has the taint wallaroo.ai/postgres=true:NoSchedule. The pod postgres has the tolerance wallaroo.ai/postgres:NoSchedule op=Exists, so it is scheduled into the node Postgres. The pod nginx has no tolerations, so it is not scheduled into the node Postgres.

Tolerations Example
Node: Postgres
Tolerations: wallaroo.ai/postgres:NoSchedule op=Exists

Tolerations: None


See the Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations documentation for more information.

Setting Tolerations and Taints

The Wallaroo Enterprise Install Guides specify default taints applied to nodepools. These can be used to contain pod scheduling only to specific nodes where the pod tolerations match the nodes taints. By default, the following nodepools and their associated taints are created

After Wallaroo release September 2022 (Codename Cobra):


Before Wallaroo release September 2022 (Code name Mustang and before)


The nodepool mainpool is not assigned any taints to allow other Kubernetes services to run as part of the cluster.

The taint wallaroo.ai/reserved=true:NoSchedule can be applied to other nodepools. This allows additional Wallaroo resources to be scheduled in those nodes while rejecting other pods that do not have a matching toleration.

Default Tolerations

By default, the following tolerations are applied for Wallaroo pods. Organizations can add a corresponding Any pod that does not contain a taint to match these tolerances will have the condition effect:NoSchedule for the specified node.

  • Toleration key for all Wallaroo pods
    • wallaroo.ai/reserved
  • Engine toleration key
    • wallaroo.ai/engine
  • Engine LB toleration key
    • wallaroo.ai/enginelb
  • Postgres toleration key
    • wallaroo.ai/postgres

Note that these taint values are applied to the nodepools as part of the Wallaroo Enterprise Setup guides. They are not typically set up or required for Wallaroo Community instances.

Custom Tolerations

To customize the tolerations applied to Wallaroo nodes, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Access to the Kubernetes environment running the Wallaroo instances.
  • Have kubectl and kots installed and connected to the Kubernetes environment.

For full details on installing Wallaroo and the prerequisite software, see the Wallaroo Prerequisites Guide.

  1. Access the Wallaroo Administrative Dashboard.

    1. From a terminal with kubectl and kots installed and connected to the Kubernetes environment, run:

      kubectl kots admin-console --namespace wallaroo

      This will provide access to the Wallaroo Administrative Dashboard through http://localhost:8800:

        • Press Ctrl+C to exit
        • Go to http://localhost:8800 to access the Admin Console
    2. Launch a browser and connect to http://localhost:8800.

    3. Enter the password created during the Wallaroo Install process. The Wallaroo Administrative Dashboard will now be available.

  2. From the Wallaroo Administrative Dashboard, select Config -> Taints and Tolerations.

  3. Set the custom tolerations as required by your organization. The following nodes and tolerations can be changed:

    Wallaroo Taints and Tolerances
  • Toleration key for all Wallaroo pods
    • Default value: wallaroo.ai/reserved
  • Engine toleration key
    • Default value: wallaroo.ai/engine
  • Engine LB toleration key
    • Default value: wallaroo.ai/enginelb
  • Postgres toleration key
  • Default value: wallaroo.ai/postgres