Velero GCP Cluster Installation
Table of Contents
The following instructions are based on the Velero Plugin for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instructions.
These steps assume the user has installed the gcloud Command-Line Interface (CLI) and gsutil tool and has the necessary permissions to perform the steps below.
The following items are required to create the Velero bucket via a GCP Bucket:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project ID: The project ID for where commands are performed from.
- Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Bucket: The object storage bucket where backups are stored.
- Google Service Account (GSA): A Velero specific Google Service Account to backup and restore the Wallaroo instance when required.
- Either a Google Service Account Key or Workload Identity: Either of these methods are used by the Velero service to authenticate to GCP for its backup and restore tasks.
If these items are already complete, jump to the step Install Velero In the Wallaroo GCP Kubernetes Cluster.
Create GCS Bucket
Create the GCS bucket for storing the Wallaroo backup and restores with the following command. Replace the variable $BUCKET_NAME
based on your organization’s requirements.
gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_NAME/
Create Google Service Account for Velero
Create the Google Service Account for the Velero service using the following commands:
Retrieve your organization’s GCP Project ID and store it in the
variable. Note that this will retrieve the default project ID for thegcloud
configuration. Replace with the actual GCP Project ID as required.PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
Create the service account. Update the
variable based on the organization’s requirements.GSA_NAME=velero gcloud iam service-accounts create $GSA_NAME \ --display-name "Velero service account"
gcloud iam service-accounts list
to list out the services.gcloud iam service-accounts list DISPLAY NAME EMAIL DISABLED Velero service account False
Select the email address for the new Velero service account and set the variable
equal to the accounts email
Create a Custom Role with the following minimum positions, and bind it to the new Velero service account. The
needs to be unique and DNS compliant.ROLE="velero.server" TITLE="Velero Server" ROLE_PERMISSIONS=( compute.disks.get compute.disks.create compute.disks.createSnapshot compute.snapshots.get compute.snapshots.create compute.snapshots.useReadOnly compute.snapshots.delete compute.zones.get storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete storage.objects.get storage.objects.list iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob ) gcloud iam roles create $ROLE \ --project $PROJECT_ID \ --title $TITLE \ --permissions "$(IFS=","; echo "${ROLE_PERMISSIONS[*]}")" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \ --role projects/$PROJECT_ID/roles/$ROLE
Bind the bucket to the new Service Account:
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL:objectAdmin gs://${BUCKET_NAME}
Grant Velero Service GCP Access
There are multiple methods of granting the Velero service GCP access as detailed in the Plugins for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Grant access to Velero steps. The following examples will use the Service Account Key method.
Create the Google Service Account Key, and store it in a secure location. In this example, it is stored in ~/.credentials-velero-gcp
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.credentials-velero-gcp \
Install Velero In the Wallaroo GCP Kubernetes Cluster
The following steps assume that the Google Service Account Key method was used in the Grant Velero Service GCP Access. See the Plugins for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Grant access to Velero for other methods.
To install the Velero service into the Kubernetes cluster hosting the Wallaroo service:
Verify the connection to the GCP Kubernetes cluster hosting the Wallaroo instance.
kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION gke-wallaroodocs-ce-default-pool-5dd3c344-fxs3 Ready <none> 31s v1.23.14-gke.1800 gke-wallaroodocs-ce-default-pool-5dd3c344-q95a Ready <none> 25d v1.23.14-gke.1800 gke-wallaroodocs-ce-default-pool-5dd3c344-scmc Ready <none> 31s v1.23.14-gke.1800 gke-wallaroodocs-ce-default-pool-5dd3c344-wnkn Ready <none> 31s v1.23.14-gke.1800
Install Velero into the GCP Kubernetes cluster. This assumes the $BUCKET_NAME variable from earlier, and the Google Service Account Key are stored in
velero install \ --provider gcp \ --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.6.0 \ --bucket $BUCKET_NAME \ --secret-file ~/.credentials-velero-gcp \ --use-volume-snapshots=false \ --use-node-agent --wait
Once complete, verify the installation is complete by checking for the
namespace in the Kubernetes cluster:kubectl get namespaces NAME STATUS AGE default Active 222d kube-node-lease Active 222d kube-public Active 222d kube-system Active 222d velero Active 5m32s wallaroo Active 7d23h
If using Kubernetes taints and tolerations for the Wallaroo installation, update the
namespace to accept all pods:kubectl -n velero patch ds node-agent -p='{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"tolerations":[{"operator": "Exists"}]}}}}'