Wallaroo SDK Essentials Guide: Pipeline Deployment Configuration

Details on pipeline configurations and settings

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Pipeline deployments configurations allow tailoring of a pipeline’s resources to match an organization’s and model’s requirements. Pipelines may require more memory, CPU cores, or GPUs to run to run all its steps efficiently. Pipeline deployment configurations also allow for multiple replicas of a model in a pipeline to provide scalability.

Create Pipeline Configuration

Setting a pipeline deployment configuration follows this process:

  1. Pipeline deployment configurations are created through the wallaroo ‘deployment_config.DeploymentConfigBuilder()](https://docs.wallaroo.ai/20230201/wallaroo-developer-guides/wallaroo-sdk-guides/wallaroo-sdk-reference-guide/deployment_config/#DeploymentConfigBuilder) class.
  2. Once the configuration options are set the pipeline deployment configuration is set with the deployment_config.build() method.
  3. The pipeline deployment configuration is then applied when the pipeline is deployed.

The following example shows a pipeline deployment configuration with 1 replica, 1 cpu, and 2Gi of memory set to be allocated to the pipeline.

deployment_config = wallaroo.DeploymentConfigBuilder()

pipeline.deploy(deployment_config = deployment_config)

Pipeline resources can be configured with autoscaling. Autoscaling allows the user to define how many engines a pipeline starts with, the minimum amount of engines a pipeline uses, and the maximum amount of engines a pipeline can scale to. The pipeline scales up and down based on the average CPU utilization across the engines in a given pipeline as the user’s workload increases and decreases.

Pipeline Resource Configurations

Pipeline deployment configurations deal with two major components:

  • Native Runtimes: Models that are deployed “as is” with the Wallaroo engine (Onnx, etc).
  • Containerized Runtimes: Models that are packaged into a container then deployed as a container with the Wallaroo engine (MLFlow, etc).

These configurations can be mixed - both native runtimes and containerized runtimes deployed to the same pipeline, with resources allocated to each runtimes in different configurations.

The following resources configurations are available through the wallaroo.deployment_config object.

GPU and CPU Allocation

CPUs are allocated in fractions of total CPU power similar to the Kubernetes CPU definitions. cpus(0.25), cpus(1.0), etc are valid values.

GPUs can only be allocated by entire integer units from the GPU enabled nodepools. gpus(1), gpus(2), etc are valid values, while gpus(0.25) are not.

Organizations should be aware of how many GPUs are allocated to the cluster. If all GPUs are already allocated to other pipelines, or if there are not enough GPUs to fulfill the request, the pipeline deployment will fail and return an error message.

GPU Support

Wallaroo 2023.2.1 and above supports Kubernetes nodepools with Nvidia Cuda GPUs.

See the Create GPU Nodepools for Kubernetes Clusters guide for instructions on adding GPU enabled nodepools to a Kubernetes cluster.

Native Runtime Configuration Methods

MethodParametersDescriptionEnterprise Only Feature
replica_count(count: int)The number of replicas of the pipeline to deploy. This allows for multiple deployments of the same models to be deployed to increase inferences through parallelization.
replica_autoscale_min_max(maximum: int, minimum: int = 0)Provides replicas to be scaled from 0 to some maximum number of replicas. This allows pipelines to spin up additional replicas as more resources are required, then spin them back down to save on resources and costs.
autoscale_cpu_utilization(cpu_utilization_percentage: int)Sets the average CPU percentage metric for when to load or unload another replica.
disable_autoscaleDisables autoscaling in the deployment configuration. 
cpus(core_count: float)Sets the number or fraction of CPUs to use for the pipeline, for example: 0.25, 1, 1.5, etc. The units are similar to the Kubernetes CPU definitions. 
gpus(core_count: int)Sets the number of GPUs to allocate for native runtimes. GPUs are only allocated in whole units, not as fractions. Organizations should be aware of the total number of GPUs available to the cluster, and monitor which pipeline deployment configurations have gpus allocated to ensure they do not run out. If there are not enough gpus to allocate to a pipeline deployment configuration, and error message will be deployed when the pipeline is deployed. If gpus is called, then the deployment_label must be called and match the GPU Nodepool for the Wallaroo Cluster hosting the Wallaroo instance.
memorymemory_spec: strSets the amount of RAM to allocate the pipeline. The memory_spec string is in the format “{size as number}{unit value}”. The accepted unit values are:
  • KiB (for KiloBytes)
  • MiB (for MegaBytes)
  • GiB (for GigaBytes)
  • TiB (for TeraBytes)
The values are similar to the Kubernetes memory resource units format.
lb_cpus(core_count: float)Sets the number or fraction of CPUs to use for the pipeline’s load balancer, for example: 0.25, 1, 1.5, etc. The units, similar to the Kubernetes CPU definitions. 
lb_memorymemory_spec: strSets the amount of RAM to allocate the pipeline’s load balancer. The memory_spec string is in the format “{size as number}{unit value}”. The accepted unit values are:
  • KiB (for KiloBytes)
  • MiB (for MegaBytes)
  • GiB (for GigaBytes)
  • TiB (for TeraBytes)
The values are similar to the Kubernetes memory resource units format.
deployment_label Label used for Kubernetes labels. Required if gpus are set and must match the GPU nodepool label.

Containerized Runtime Configuration Methods

MethodParametersDescriptionEnterprise Only Feature
sidekick_cpus(model: wallaroo.model.Model, core_count: float)Sets the number of CPUs to be used for the model’s sidekick container. Only affects image-based models (e.g. MLFlow models) in a deployment. The parameters are as follows:
  • Model model: The sidekick model to configure.
  • float core_count: Number of CPU cores to use in this sidekick.
sidekick_memory(model: wallaroo.model.Model, memory_spec: str)Sets the memory available to for the model’s sidekick container. Only affects image-based models (e.g. MLFlow models) in a deployment. The parameters are as follows:
  • Model model: The sidekick model to configure.
  • memory_spec: The amount of memory to allocated as memory unit values. The accepted unit values are:
    • KiB (for KiloBytes)
    • MiB (for MegaBytes)
    • GiB (for GigaBytes)
    • TiB (for TeraBytes)
    The values are similar to the Kubernetes memory resource units format.
sidekick_env(model: wallaroo.model.Model, environment: Dict[str, str])Environment variables submitted to the model’s sidekick container. Only affects image-based models (e.g. MLFlow models) in a deployment. These are used specifically for containerized models that have environment variables that effect their performance. 
sidekick_gpus(model: wallaroo.model.Model, core_count: int)Sets the number of GPUs to allocate for containerized runtimes. GPUs are only allocated in whole units, not as fractions. Organizations should be aware of the total number of GPUs available to the cluster, and monitor which pipeline deployment configurations have gpus allocated to ensure they do not run out. If there are not enough gpus to allocate to a pipeline deployment configuration, and error message will be deployed when the pipeline is deployed. If called, then the deployment_label must be called and match the GPU Nodepool for the Wallaroo Cluster hosting the Wallaroo instance.


Native Runtime Deployment

The following will set native runtime deployment to one quarter of a CPU with 1 Gi of Ram:

deployment_config = DeploymentConfigBuilder() \
    .cpus(0.25).memory('1Gi') \

This example sets the replica count to 1, then sets the auto-scale to vary between 2 to 5 replicas depending on need, with 1 CPU and 1 GI RAM allocated per replica.

deploy_config = (wallaroo.DeploymentConfigBuilder()
                        .replica_autoscale_min_max(minimum=2, maximum=5)

The following configuration allocates 1 GPU to the pipeline for native runtimes.

deployment_config = DeploymentConfigBuilder()

Containerized Runtime Deployment

The following configuration allocates 0.25 CPU and 1Gi RAM to the containerized runtime sm_model, and passes that runtime environmental variables used for timeout settings.

deployment_config = DeploymentConfigBuilder()
                    .sidekick_cpus(sm_model, 0.25)
                    .sidekick_memory(sm_model, '1Gi')
                        "__timeout=188 --workers=1"}

This example shows allocating 1 GPU to the containerized runtime model sm_model.

deployment_config = DeploymentConfigBuilder()
                    .sidekick_gpus(sm_model, 1)
                    .sidekick_memory(sm_model, '1Gi')

Mixed Environments

The following configuration allocates 1 gpu to the pipeline for native runtimes, then another gpu to the containerized runtime sm_model for a total of 2 gpus allocated to the pipeline: one gpu for native runtimes, another gpu for the containerized runtime model sm_model.

deployment_config = DeploymentConfigBuilder()
                    .sidekick_gpus(sm_model, 1)