Wallaroo MLOps API Essentials Guide: Workspace Management

How to use the Wallaroo API for Workspace Management

Workspace Naming Requirements

Workspace names map onto Kubernetes objects, and must be DNS compliant. Workspace names must be ASCII alpha-numeric characters or dash (-) only. . and _ are not allowed.


List Workspaces

List the workspaces for a specific user.

  • Parameters
    • user_id - (OPTIONAL string): The Keycloak ID.

Example: In this example, the workspaces for all users will be displayed.

# List workspaces

# Retrieve the token 
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/workspaces/list"

data = {

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()
{'workspaces': [{'id': 1,
   'name': 'john.hummel@wallaroo.ai - Default Workspace',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:36:36.312003+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [],
   'pipelines': []},
  {'id': 5,
   'name': 'housepricedrift',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:41:50.351766+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [1],
   'pipelines': [1]},
  {'id': 6,
   'name': 'sdkquickworkspace',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:43:36.727099+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [2, 3],
   'pipelines': [3]}]}

Create Workspace

A new workspace will be created in the Wallaroo instance. Upon creating, the workspace owner will be assigned as the user making the MLOps API request.

  • Parameters:
    • workspace_name - (REQUIRED string): The name of the new workspace with the following requirements:
      • Must be unique.
      • DNS compliant with only lowercase characters.
  • Returns:
    • workspace_id - (int): The ID of the new workspace.

Example: In this example, a workspace with the name testapiworkspace will be created, and the newly created workspace’s workspace_id saved as the variable example_workspace_id for use in other code examples. After the request is complete, the List Workspaces command will be issued to demonstrate the new workspace has been created.

# Create workspace
# Retrieve the token 
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/workspaces/create"

data = {
  "workspace_name": example_workspace_name

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()
# Stored for future examples
example_workspace_id = response['workspace_id']
{'workspace_id': 7}
## List workspaces

# Retrieve the token 
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/workspaces/list"

data = {

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()
{'workspaces': [{'id': 1,
   'name': 'john.hummel@wallaroo.ai - Default Workspace',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:36:36.312003+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [],
   'pipelines': []},
  {'id': 5,
   'name': 'housepricedrift',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:41:50.351766+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [1],
   'pipelines': [1]},
  {'id': 6,
   'name': 'sdkquickworkspace',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:43:36.727099+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [2, 3],
   'pipelines': [3]},
  {'id': 7,
   'name': 'apiworkspaces',
   'created_at': '2023-05-17T20:50:36.298217+00:00',
   'created_by': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'archived': False,
   'models': [],
   'pipelines': []}]}

Add User to Workspace

Existing users of the Wallaroo instance can be added to an existing workspace.

  • Parameters
    • email - (REQUIRED string): The email address of the user to add to the workspace. This user must already exist in the Wallaroo instance.
    • workspace_id - (REQUIRED int): The id of the workspace.

Example: The following example adds the user created in Invite Users request to the workspace created in the Create Workspace request.

# Add existing user to existing workspace

# Retrieve the token 
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/workspaces/add_user"

data = {
  "workspace_id": example_workspace_id

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()

List Users in a Workspace

Lists the users who are either owners or collaborators of a workspace.

  • Parameters
    • workspace_id - (REQUIRED int): The id of the workspace.
  • Returns
    • user_id: The user’s Keycloak identification.
    • user_type: The user’s workspace type (owner, co-owner, etc).

Example: The following example will list all users part of the workspace created in the Create Workspace request.

# List users in a workspace

# Retrieve the token 

headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/workspaces/list_users"

data = {
  "workspace_id": example_workspace_id

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()
{'users': [{'user_id': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'user_type': 'OWNER'},
  {'user_id': 'c64d26bc-5d30-4d0d-9ae9-9c0089bc4b80',
   'user_type': 'COLLABORATOR'}]}

Remove User from a Workspace

Removes the user from the given workspace. In this request, either the user’s Keycloak ID is required OR the user’s email address is required.

  • Parameters
    • workspace_id - (REQUIRED int): The id of the workspace.
    • user_id - (string): The Keycloak ID of the user. If email is not provided, then this parameter is REQUIRED.
    • email - (string): The user’s email address. If user_id is not provided, then this parameter is REQUIRED.
  • Returns
    • user_id: The user’s identification.
    • user_type: The user’s workspace type (owner, co-owner, etc).

Example: The following example will remove the newUser from workspace created in the Create Workspace request. Then the users for that workspace will be listed to verify newUser has been removed.

# Remove existing user from an existing workspace

# Retrieve the token 
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/workspaces/remove_user"

data = {
  "workspace_id": example_workspace_id

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()
{'affected_rows': 1}
## List users in a workspace

# Retrieve the token 
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

api_request = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/users/query"

data = {
  "workspace_id": example_workspace_id

response = requests.post(api_request, json=data, headers=headers, verify=True).json()
{'users': {'de777519-2963-423a-92d2-e6e26d687527': {'access': {'mapRoles': True,
    'view': True,
    'manageGroupMembership': True,
    'impersonate': False,
    'manage': True},
   'createdTimestamp': 1684355337295,
   'disableableCredentialTypes': [],
   'emailVerified': False,
   'enabled': True,
   'id': 'de777519-2963-423a-92d2-e6e26d687527',
   'notBefore': 0,
   'requiredActions': [],
   'username': 'admin'},
  'c64d26bc-5d30-4d0d-9ae9-9c0089bc4b80': {'access': {'manage': True,
    'mapRoles': True,
    'manageGroupMembership': True,
    'impersonate': False,
    'view': True},
   'createdTimestamp': 1684356685177,
   'disableableCredentialTypes': [],
   'email': 'john.hansarick@wallaroo.ai',
   'emailVerified': True,
   'enabled': True,
   'firstName': 'John',
   'id': 'c64d26bc-5d30-4d0d-9ae9-9c0089bc4b80',
   'lastName': 'Hansarick',
   'notBefore': 0,
   'requiredActions': [],
   'username': 'john.hansarick@wallaroo.ai'},
  '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da': {'access': {'mapRoles': True,
    'view': True,
    'impersonate': False,
    'manage': True,
    'manageGroupMembership': True},
   'createdTimestamp': 1684355671859,
   'disableableCredentialTypes': [],
   'email': 'john.hummel@wallaroo.ai',
   'emailVerified': False,
   'enabled': True,
   'firstName': 'John',
   'id': '028c8b48-c39b-4578-9110-0b5bdd3824da',
   'lastName': 'Hansarick',
   'notBefore': 0,
   'requiredActions': [],
   'username': 'john.hummel@wallaroo.ai'}}}