Wallaroo MLOps API Essentials Guide: ML Workload Orchestration Management

How to use the Wallaroo API for ML Workload Orchestration Management

Table of Contents

Wallaroo provides ML Workload Orchestrations and Tasks to automate processes in a Wallaroo instance. For example:

  • Deploy a pipeline, retrieve data through a data connector, submit the data for inferences, undeploy the pipeline
  • Replace a model with a new version
  • Retrieve shadow deployed inference results and submit them to a database

Orchestration Flow

ML Workload Orchestration flow works within 3 tiers:

ML Workload OrchestrationUser created custom instructions that provide automated processes that follow the same steps every time without error. Orchestrations contain the instructions to be performed, uploaded as a .ZIP file with the instructions, requirements, and artifacts.
TaskInstructions on when to run an Orchestration as a scheduled Task. Tasks can be Run Once, where is creates a single Task Run, or Run Scheduled, where a Task Run is created on a regular schedule based on the Kubernetes cronjob specifications. If a Task is Run Scheduled, it will create a new Task Run every time the schedule parameters are met until the Task is killed.
Task RunThe execution of an task. These validate business operations are successful identify any unsuccessful task runs. If the Task is Run Once, then only one Task Run is generated. If the Task is a Run Scheduled task, then a new Task Run will be created each time the schedule parameters are met, with each Task Run having its own results and logs.
Wallaroo Components

One example may be of making donuts.

  • The ML Workload Orchestration is the recipe.
  • The Task is the order to make the donuts. It might be Run Once, so only one set of donuts are made, or Run Scheduled, so donuts are made every 2nd Sunday at 6 AM. If Run Scheduled, the donuts are made every time the schedule hits until the order is cancelled (aka killed).
  • The Task Run are the donuts with their own receipt of creation (logs, etc).

Orchestration Requirements

Orchestrations are uploaded to the Wallaroo instance as a ZIP file with the following requirements:

User Code(Required) Python script as .py filesIf main.py exists, then that will be used as the task entrypoint. Otherwise, the first main.py found in any subdirectory will be used as the entrypoint. If no main.py is found, the orchestration will not be accepted.
Python Library Requirements(Optional) requirements.txt file in the requirements file format.A standard Python requirements.txt for any dependencies to be provided in the task environment. The Wallaroo SDK will already be present and should not be included in the requirements.txt. Multiple requirements.txt files are not allowed.
Other artifacts Other artifacts such as files, data, or code to support the orchestration.

Zip Instructions

In a terminal with the zip command, assemble artifacts as above and then create the archive. The zip command is included by default with the Wallaroo JupyterHub service.

zip commands take the following format, with {zipfilename}.zip as the zip file to save the artifacts to, and each file thereafter as the files to add to the archive.

zip {zipfilename}.zip file1, file2, file3....

For example, the following command will add the files main.py and requirements.txt into the file hello.zip.

$ zip hello.zip main.py requirements.txt 
  adding: main.py (deflated 47%)
  adding: requirements.txt (deflated 52%)

Example requirements.txt file


Orchestration Recommendations

The following recommendations will make using Wallaroo orchestrations.

  • The version of Python used should match the same version as in the Wallaroo JupyterHub service.
  • The same version of the Wallaroo SDK should match the server. For a 2023.2.1 Wallaroo instance, use the Wallaroo SDK version 2023.2.1.
  • Specify the version of pip dependencies.
  • The wallaroo.Client constructor auth_type argument is ignored. Using wallaroo.Client() is sufficient.
  • The following methods will assist with orchestrations:
    • wallaroo.in_task() : Returns True if the code is running within an orchestration task.
    • wallaroo.task_args(): Returns a Dict of invocation-specific arguments passed to the run_ calls.
  • Orchestrations will be run in the same way as running within the Wallaroo JupyterHub service, from the version of Python libraries (unless specifically overridden by the requirements.txt setting, which is not recommended), and running in the virtualized directory /home/jovyan/.

Orchestration Code Samples

The following demonstres using the wallaroo.in_task() and wallaroo.task_args() methods within an Orchestration. This sample code uses wallaroo.in_task() to verify whether or not the script is running as a Wallaroo Task. If true, it will gather the wallaroo.task_args() and use them to set the workspace and pipeline. If False, then it sets the pipeline and workspace manually.

# get the arguments
wl = wallaroo.Client()

# if true, get the arguments passed to the task
if wl.in_task():
  arguments = wl.task_args()
  # arguments is a key/value pair, set the workspace and pipeline name
  workspace_name = arguments['workspace_name']
  pipeline_name = arguments['pipeline_name']
# False:  We're not in a Task, so set the pipeline manually

ML Workload Orchestration Methods

Upload Orchestration

Uploads an orchestration to the Wallaroo workspace.

    • POST multipart/form-data /v1/api/orchestration/upload
    • file: The file data as Content-Type application/octet-stream.
    • metadata: The metadata including the workspace_id as Content-Type application/json.
    • id (String): The id of the orchestration in UUID format.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

url = f"{APIURL}/v1/api/orchestration/upload"

fp = open("./api_inference_orchestration.zip", "rb")

metadata = {
    "workspace_id": workspace_id

response = requests.post(
    files=[("file", ("api_inference_orchestration.zip", fp, "application/octet-stream")), 
         ("metadata", ("metadata", '{"workspace_id": 5}', "application/json"))],

orchestration_id = response['id']

{'id': 'fd823818-91cf-4d78-9ec2-f74faa1a05f3'}

List Orchestrations by Workspace

Uploads an orchestration to the Wallaroo workspace.

    • POST /v1/api/orchestration/list
    • workspace_id (Integer Required): The numerical id of the workspace.
    • List[orchestrations]: A list of the orchestrations in the workspace.
      • id (String): The The id of the orchestration in UUID format.
      • sha: The sha hash of the orchestration.
      • name (String): The name of the orchestration.
      • file_name (String): The name of the file uploaded for the orchestration.
      • task_id (String): The task id managing unpacking and installing the orchestration.
      • owner_id (String): The Keycloak ID of the user that created the orchestration.
      • created_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was created.
      • updated_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was updated.


Tasks are the implementation of an orchestration. Think of the orchestration as the instructions to follow, and the Task is the unit actually doing it.

Tasks are created at the workspace level.

Create Tasks

Tasks are created from an orchestration through the following methods.

Task TypeDescription
/v1/api/task/run_onceRun the task once based.
/v1/api/task/run_scheduledRun on a schedule, repeat every time the schedule fits the task until it is killed.

Run Task Once

Run Once aka Temporary Run tasks are created from an Orchestration with the request:

    • POST /v1/api/task/run_once.
    • name (String Required): The name of the task to create.
    • orch_id (String Required): The id of the orchestration to create the task from.
    • timeout (Integer Optional): The timeout period to run the task before cancelling it in seconds.
    • workspace_id (Integer Required): The numerical id of the workspace to create the task within.
    • List[tasks]: A list of the tasks in the workspace.
      • id (String): The The id of the orchestration in UUID format.
      • sha: The sha hash of the orchestration.
      • name (String): The name of the orchestration.
      • file_name (String): The name of the file uploaded for the orchestration.
      • task_id (String): The task id managing unpacking and installing the orchestration.
      • owner_id (String): The Keycloak ID of the user that created the orchestration.
      • created_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was created.
      • updated_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was updated.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

data = {
    "workspace_id": workspace_id,
    "orch_id": orchestration_id,
    "json": {}


response=requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()

{'id': '1cb1b550-384f-4476-8619-03e0aca71409'}

Run Task Scheduled

Run Once aka Temporary Run tasks are created from an Orchestration with the request:

    • POST /v1/api/task/run_once.
    • name (String Optional): The name of the task to create.
    • orch_id (String Required): The id of the orchestration to create the task from.
    • schedule (String Required): Schedule in the cron format of: hour, minute, day_of_week, day_of_month, month.
    • timeout (Integer Optional): The timeout period to run the task before cancelling it in seconds.
    • workspace_id (Integer Required): The numerical id of the workspace to create the task within.
    • id: The task id in UUID format.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()

data = {
    "workspace_id": workspace_id,
    "orch_id": orchestration_id,
    "schedule": "*/1 * * * *",
    "json": {}


response=requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()

{'id': 'd81c6e65-3b1f-42d7-8d2f-3cfc0eb51599'}

Get Task by ID

Retrieve the task by its id.

    • POST /v1/api/task/get_by_id.
    • id (String Required): The id of the task to retrieve.
  • RETURNS (partial list)
    • name (String|None): The name of the task.
    • id (String): The The id of the task in UUID format.
    • image (String): The Docker image used to run the task.
    • image_tag (String): The Docker tag for the image used to run the task.
    • bind_secrets (List[String]): The service secrets used to run the task.
    • extra_env_vars (Dict): The additional variables used to run the task.
    • auth_init (Bool Default: True): Whether the authorization to run this task is automatically enabled. This allows the task to use Wallaroo resources.
    • status (String): The status of the task. Status are: pending, started, and failed.
    • workspace_id: The workspace the task is connected to.
    • killed: Whether the task has been issued the kill request.
    • created_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was created.
    • updated_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was updated.
    • last_runs (List[runs]): List of previous runs that display the run_id, status, and created_at.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()


data = {
    "id": task_id

response=requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()

{'name': None,
 'id': '1cb1b550-384f-4476-8619-03e0aca71409',
 'image': 'proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs/arbex-orch-deploy',
 'image_tag': 'v2023.2.0-main-3228',
 'bind_secrets': ['minio'],
 'extra_env_vars': {'MINIO_URL': 'http://minio.wallaroo.svc.cluster.local:9000',
  'ORCH_OWNER_ID': '3aac9f67-3050-4502-915f-fc2f871ee350',
  'ORCH_SHA': 'd3b93c9f280734106376e684792aa8b4285d527092fe87d89c74ec804f8e169e',
  'TASK_ID': '1cb1b550-384f-4476-8619-03e0aca71409'},
 'auth_init': True,
 'workspace_id': 5,
 'flavor': 'exec_orch_oneshot',
 'reap_threshold_secs': 900,
 'exec_type': 'job',
 'status': 'pending',
 'input_data': {},
 'killed': False,
 'created_at': '2023-05-16T15:59:57.496421+00:00',
 'updated_at': '2023-05-16T15:59:57.496421+00:00',
 'last_runs': []}

Get Tasks by Orchestration SHA

Tasks tied to the same orchestration are retrieved through the following request.

    • POST /v1/api/task/get_tasks_by_orch_sha
    • sha: The orchestrations SHA hash.
    • ids: List[string] List of tasks by UUID.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()


data = {
    "sha": orchestration_sha

response=requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()
{'ids': ['2424a9a7-2331-42f6-bd84-90643386b130',

List Tasks in Workspace

Retrieve all tasks in a workspace.

    • POST /v1/api/task/list.
    • workspace_id (String Required): The numerical id of the workspace.
  • RETURNS (partial list)
    • List[tasks]: A list of the tasks with the following attributes.
      • name (String|None): The name of the task.
      • id (String): The The id of the task in UUID format.
      • image (String): The Docker image used to run the task.
      • image_tag (String): The Docker tag for the image used to run the task.
      • bind_secrets (List[String]): The service secrets used to run the task.
      • extra_env_vars (Dict): The additional variables used to run the task.
      • auth_init (Bool Default: True): Whether the authorization to run this task is automatically enabled. This allows the task to use Wallaroo resources.
      • status (String): The status of the task. Status are: pending, started, and failed.
      • workspace_id: The workspace the task is connected to.
      • killed: Whether the task has been issued the kill request.
      • created_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was created.
      • updated_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was updated.
      • last_runs (List[runs]): List of previous runs that display the run_id, status, and created_at.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()


data = {
    "workspace_id": workspace_id

response=requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()

[{'name': None,
  'id': '33a2b093-b34f-46f1-9c59-7c4d7c0f3188',
  'image': 'proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs/arbex-orch-deploy',
  'image_tag': 'v2023.2.0-main-3228',
  'bind_secrets': ['minio'],
  'extra_env_vars': {'MINIO_URL': 'http://minio.wallaroo.svc.cluster.local:9000',
   'ORCH_OWNER_ID': '3aac9f67-3050-4502-915f-fc2f871ee350',
   'ORCH_SHA': 'd3b93c9f280734106376e684792aa8b4285d527092fe87d89c74ec804f8e169e',
   'TASK_ID': '33a2b093-b34f-46f1-9c59-7c4d7c0f3188'},
  'auth_init': True,
  'workspace_id': 5,
  'flavor': 'exec_orch_oneshot',
  'reap_threshold_secs': 900,
  'exec_type': 'job',
  'status': 'started',
  'input_data': {},
  'killed': False,
  'created_at': '2023-05-16T14:23:56.062627+00:00',
  'updated_at': '2023-05-16T14:24:06.556855+00:00',
  'last_runs': [{'run_id': 'da1ffa75-e3c4-40bc-9bac-001f430c61d2',
    'status': 'success',
    'created_at': '2023-05-16T14:24:02.364998+00:00'}]

Kill Task

Kills the task so it will not generate a new Task Run. Note that a Task set to Run Scheduled will generate a new Task Run each time the schedule parameters are met until the Task is killed. A Task set to Run Once will generate only one Task Run, so does not need to be killed.

    • POST /v1/api/task/kill.
    • id (String Required): The id of th task.
  • RETURNS (partial list)
    • name (String|None): The name of the task.
    • id (String): The The id of the task in UUID format.
    • image (String): The Docker image used to run the task.
    • image_tag (String): The Docker tag for the image used to run the task.
    • bind_secrets (List[String]): The service secrets used to run the task.
    • extra_env_vars (Dict): The additional variables used to run the task.
    • auth_init (Bool Default: True): Whether the authorization to run this task is automatically enabled. This allows the task to use Wallaroo resources.
    • status (String): The status of the task. Status are: pending, started, and failed.
    • workspace_id: The workspace the task is connected to.
    • killed: Whether the task has been issued the kill request.
    • created_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was created.
    • updated_at (String): The timestamp of when the orchestration was updated.
    • last_runs (List[runs]): List of previous runs that display the run_id, status, and created_at.
# retrieve the authorization token
headers = wl.auth.auth_header()


data = {
    "id": scheduled_task_id

response=requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()

{'name': None,
 'id': 'd81c6e65-3b1f-42d7-8d2f-3cfc0eb51599',
 'image': 'proxy.replicated.com/proxy/wallaroo/ghcr.io/wallaroolabs/arbex-orch-deploy',
 'image_tag': 'v2023.2.0-main-3228',
 'bind_secrets': ['minio'],
 'extra_env_vars': {'MINIO_URL': 'http://minio.wallaroo.svc.cluster.local:9000',
  'ORCH_OWNER_ID': '3aac9f67-3050-4502-915f-fc2f871ee350',
  'ORCH_SHA': 'd3b93c9f280734106376e684792aa8b4285d527092fe87d89c74ec804f8e169e',
  'TASK_ID': 'd81c6e65-3b1f-42d7-8d2f-3cfc0eb51599'},
 'auth_init': True,
 'workspace_id': 5,
 'schedule': '*/1 * * * *',
 'reap_threshold_secs': 900,
 'status': 'pending_kill',
 'input_data': {},
 'killed': False,
 'created_at': '2023-05-16T16:01:15.947982+00:00',
 'updated_at': '2023-05-16T16:01:16.456502+00:00',
 'last_runs': [{'run_id': '3ff90356-b7b3-4909-b5c0-963acd19f3f5',